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Inside Secrets the Fat Loss Industry Don’t Want You to Know

00001.jpgThe Dangerously Fit Workout and Nutrition Manual

Dan Clay
Dangerously Fit Personal Training
Tel: 0422 936 963

00002.jpgLimits of Liability / Disclaimer of Warranty:

This manual is designed to provide information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is provided with the understanding that the publisher and author and advisors are not rendering medical advice or other medical/health services.

The author, advisors and publisher shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the information contained in this book.

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This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2006 by Dan Clay. Any unauthorized, reproduction, sale, or distribution of these materials by any means, electronic, mechanical, or otherwise is prohibited. No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form whatsoever, without the express written consent of the publisher.

Published under Copyright Laws of Australia, by:

Dan Clay
Dangerously Fit Personal Training Sydney
0422 936 963

Table of Contents


Fat Loss Secrets You Can Use today!


Expert tips on how to eat your way to your goals…...…………….6


How to Lose Fat with Strength Training


Crank up your metabolism and burn loads of calories!.................12


The Biggest Lie The Fitness Industry Fed You on Fat Burning! Cardiovascular training – Fat burning done the right way………15



If you’re like the majority of people that are trying to lose weight, tone up and get fit, you’ve probably read countless weight loss books and tried all the fad diets. As you probably know by now those fad diets don’t work, do they? And if you are one of the lucky ones to lose some weight while on the diet, how long do you manage to keep it off? As long as you stay on the diet right? As soon as you come off the diet you’ll put it all back on, and then some.

And then there’s the fat loss supplement industry, how many miracle pills have you popped? How many weight loss shakes have you already drank? When you fail on these as most people do you feel it’s your fault, right? In reality it’s not your fault. The weight loss industry is making a fortune at your expense by feeding you rubbish and misleading you, they know how much you want to change the way you look and feel.

The truth is the majority of people just don’t know how to eat properly. We all know we should eat 5-9 servings of fruit and vegetables everyday but how many people do? 95% of Australians are undernourished and you are probably one of them. When you think of someone being undernourished you immediately see images of people starving in Africa, but in reality if your overweight you’re actually undernourished. Because you keep putting the wrong foods into your body, you’re body keeps sending you signal’s that you’re still hungry. If you ate foods that are high in nutritional content your body will stop craving the vital nutrients it needs, and you’ll be closer to your perfect weight! This report is normally worth $29.99 because the information contained inside is truly powerful if applied correctly and consistently. As a gift I’m giving it to you for free. It’s the accumulation of years of Personal Training experience, reading all the latest information the fitness industry has to offer, testing out and applying what really does work!

Now, you may be asking yourself why I am giving away all of these fat loss secrets for free. It’s because I’m a firm believer of you reap what you sow and hopefully this will go towards helping you reach some of your fitness and weight loss goals.

Below I have listed some guidelines that will help kick start your weight loss regimen and put you on the road to living a healthier life. Obviously these are just are a few of the many things that you can do to help you lose weight, but if you apply and make these changes to your daily lifestyle, you can be free from the hype and propaganda and on your way to a new you.

Fat Loss Secrets You Can Use Today!

Fat loss tip # 1 – Eat low GI foods .
Eat foods that are low on the GI index. Put Simply, The Glycemic Impact Index (GI) of a food tells you whether the carbohydrate in the food is fast or slow releasing. Eating foods that have a high GI rating causes your insulin levels to rise, it’s a known scientific fact that your body has trouble burning fat when your insulin levels are elevated. Foods that are low GI will give you longer lasting energy whereas high GI foods will give you a short burst of energy, leaving you feeling hungry shortly afterwards. Avoid simple sugars which are found in sweets, soft drinks, cakes, bread, bagels, white pasta/rice and juices. Limit alcohol consumption. Instead get the majority of your carbohydrates from fruits, vegetables, beans and brown rice.

Fat loss tip # 2 – Healthy Fats .
Not all fats are bad for you, the right kind of fats are essential for optimal health and help reduce the risk cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer’s and a host of other illnesses. Foods that are high in saturated fat, which are found in animal based foods and Trans fats which are in processed foods should be kept to minimum. Totally eliminate fatty meats from your diet (bacon, sausages etc). If you do eat meat, make sure it’s a lean cut. Make sure you eat plenty of seeds, nuts, avocado’s and fish and be sure to take an omega 3 supplement.

Fat loss tip # 3 Drink plenty of water.
Two thirds of the human body consists of water, which makes it our most vital nutrient. Water is necessary for the transportation of essential vitamins and minerals as well as carbohydrates. If your water intake is low you lose the ability to transport nutrients through your body and substances such as urea, uric acid, ammonia and other nasty matter begin to accumulate, leaving you feeling lethargic.
If you don’t drink enough water your body will actually store more water because it’s not sure how long it will have to wait for you to drink again. So by drinking more water it’s actually possible to lose 1-2 kg of bodyweight of stored fluid. Drinking a glass of water before your meal can also help control your appetite and stop you from overeating.

Fat loss tip # 4 - Eat 5-6 meals times a day.
Eating at regular intervals will keep your metabolism burning strong throughout the day. You’re also less likely to binge eat, will have stable energy levels and will burn more calories through increased meal consumption (digestion burns calories). If you have trouble eating 5-6 meals a day, try adding a meal replacement to your diet, make sure its ‘whole food based’ so it has genuine nutritional value.

Fat loss tip # 5 - Eat more fiber.
A diet that is high in fiber will aid in fat loss whether you’re eating less calories or not. Fiber assists weight loss by releasing sugar into the bloodstream slowly. High levels of sugar in the bloodstream cause an insulin spike which will slow fat burning. Good sources of fiber are found in whole grains, lentils, beans, nuts, seeds, fresh fruit and vegetables. Avoid refined and overcooked foods.

Fat loss tip # 6 - Calorie deficit.
Through proper diet and regular exercise create a calorie deficit. This simply means burning more calories than you’re consuming. Keep a journal and get a calorie counter, you can record your diet for free at How are you supposed to know how many calories you’re putting into your body if you’re not keeping track of what you’re eating and drinking? By creating a calorie deficit you’ll be using energy from your energy stores (body fat). The trick is not to create a calorie deficit that’s too high or your body will think its starving and will begin too slow your metabolism down, your focus should be on losing fat, not necessarily weight. A too high calorie deficit can also cause a reduction in lean muscle mass making it harder for you to lose weight.

Fat loss tip # 7 – Weight training .
Muscle is the only tissue that is metabolically expensive. Therefore increasing muscle mass will elevate your metabolism at rest, you’ll burn more calories sitting behind your desk and whilst you’re asleep, you will also burn a considerable more amount of energy whilst you’re exercising through greater energy demand from the increase in lean muscle.
Perform exercises that will give you the biggest return, compound exercises such as deadlifts, squats, pushing and pulling exercises and use a variety of combination lifts and circuits. Use drop sets and superset’s and keep the rest period in between exercises to a minimum.

Fat loss tip # 8 - Consume more protein.
Eating protein will keep you fuller for longer, meaning you’ll consume less overall calories in a day. Eating protein also makes your digestive system work twice as hard as eating carbohydrates and fat, so by eating more protein you’ll be burning more calories through digestion (this is known as the thermic effect). One of the biggest mistakes people make when dieting is that they lose muscle as well as fat, which will in turn slow down their metabolism. By eating plenty of protein and following a suitable weights program this will ensure you maintain your muscle tissue. If you have trouble consuming adequate amounts of protein, try supplementing with a ‘whole food based’ protein drink.

Fat loss tip # 9 - Interval Training .
Interval training is the #1 cardiovascular exercise for weight loss. It includes high intensity exercise (for10-60 seconds) broken up with periods of low intensity exercise. The good thing with interval training is that you burn more calories in a shorter amount of time. So there’s no need to spend hrs pounding away on a treadmill, you can be done in 20-25 mins and that's including your warm up and cool down! This form of training will keep your metabolism elevated for up to 24 hrs after you’ve finished training, through E.P.O.C (excess post-exercise oxygen consumption), so you’ll be burning calories even while you’re sleeping.

Fat loss tip # 10 - Include a cheat day once a week! Keep your body guessing and have a cheat day once a week. This will stop your body from hitting a plateau and stop your metabolism from slowing down. A cheat day is a good time to eat the foods you’ve been craving throughout the week. No-one can eat perfectly 100% of the time without cracking, so hold off any foods that aren’t in your nutrition plan until this day. Having a cheat day will allow you to be good for the other 6 day’s of the week, (just don’t go too mad)!

Fat loss tip # 11 - Eat whole foods.
Whole foods have formed the basis of the human diet for millions of years. In the last hundred or so years we have been subjected to countless foods that are totally foreign to us. Much of what we call food today (McDonalds, potato chips, sugar coated cereals, French fries) are highly processed and have no nutritional value, these foods will be stored as fat by your body. You are what you eat, if you eat wholesome foods that are full of nutrients, your body has all the raw materials it needs to keep you nourished and maintain a weight that is ideal for you. Whole foods are foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, beans and whole grains all of which are full of vitality. It is also a good idea to take a ‘whole food based’ supplement everyday. See

Fat loss tip # 12 - Write your goals down .
On a piece of paper write down your goals, set yourself a timeframe and look at it everyday. Make sure their realistic enough for you to achieve but tough enough to make you work hard for them. Every time you reach your goals, set new goals and timeframes, this will help you stay motivated and maintain your results. Having goals gives you a path to follow and something to strive for.

Fat loss tip # 13 – Be around like-minded people.
Be around people that are going to give you the support you need. Research shows that people who have the support from friends and family stuck to their goals and those without support failed time and again. If you’re around overweight people that are not dieting what do you thinks going to happen?
That may seem a bit tough but how many millionaires do you see hanging around with people who are penniless. Surround yourself with what you want to become!

Fat loss tip # 14 – Be prepared.
The majority of us are so busy with everyday life that we don’t have time to cook nutritious rich foods everyday. Preparing your meals a week in advance is the key to good food choice. Take time out to write a weekly shopping list, shop, and cook up a stack of nutrient dense food on the Sunday night or whenever you have the most time, put them in the freezer so that you don’t get caught short later in the week.

Fat loss tip # 15 – Eat slower, smaller portions.
Research shows that if you eat slowly you’ll eat less. There is a signal that goes off in the brain after about 20 minutes of eating that tells you you’re full. Be sure to chew your food completely and take breaks in between bites.
Reduce the size of your portions, even if your eating quality food, too much of a good thing can make you put on weight, remember weight loss tip # 6, you need to create a calorie deficit. Eating more than you need will cause you to store fat.

Fat loss tip # 16 – Positive mindset.
You are what you think you are, visualize yourself walking round looking and feeling exactly how you would like to and then take the necessary action. Every time you look in the mirror visualize what you want to look like and ask yourself what you’re going to do today to become that person. Things may not always go your way, losing weight can be tough, if you think it’s too hard you’ve already lost the battle, stay positive and focused and you’ll succeed.

How to Lose Fat with Strength Training

Fat Loss Tip #17 - Total Body Workouts
If fat loss is your goal you need to train the whole body every workout. The more exposure each muscle has to exercise the bigger the adaptation it makes, so don’t just train each muscle once a week. If you do train the whole body every workout just remember to give yourself 48hrs rest between sessions to let you body recover. Why train each muscle only once a week? Would you do cardio once a week and expect results?

Fat Loss Tip #18 – Supersets
Superset means performing two different exercises in sequence rather than doing all the sets of a particular exercise one after another, e.g. squats then chin up’s. The good thing about using supersets is that you are using different muscles in succession. Each muscle gets a chance to recover while you work another muscle, therefore you can decrease the rest periods which will keep your heart rate high and supercharge your metabolism. Another benefit of supersets is that your recovery rate will increase and you can perform the same workout in a shorter amount of time.

Fat Loss Tip #19 – Big Bang for Buck Exercises
Use large compound exercises which use more than one muscle group. These include squats, deadlifts, pushing and pulling exercises, rotational movements and combination lifts. These Big Bang exercises recruit a great deal more muscle than machine weights and isolation exercises, which will in turn ignite your metabolism. Isolation exercises such as bicep curls and leg extensions only use one muscle group at a time.

Fat Loss Tip #20 – Use Free Weights and Cables
Every minute you spend in the gym needs to be time efficient so don’t waist your time, stay away from machine weights. Machine weights create muscle imbalances, do little to create a metabolic response and require you to use few motor skills. Free weights and cables will allow your muscles to move through a greater range of motion and activate the stabilizing muscles. More muscles trained equals more calories burned through increased lean muscle mass.

Fat loss Tip #21 – Strength Train First
Always do your strength training before you do your cardio workout. If you perform your weights program first you will be able to lift heavier for longer, meaning you’ll increase your lean muscle tissue. As an added bonus your energy levels are low from the weight training, therefore you’ll begin burning fat a lot quicker when you do your cardio, maximizing on the afterburn effect.

Fat Loss Tip #22– Post Workout Shake
Consume protein and carbs within thirty minutes of putting your last weight down, it’s not just what you do in the gym it’s how well you can recover. Protein is the building block for muscle, carbs help to transport it to where it needs to go, this alone can make a huge difference.

Fat Loss Tip #23 – Rep ranges Between 8-12
Scientific studies show that training between 8-12 reps produces the most significant gains in lean muscle tissue. This is extremely beneficial since muscle is the only tissue that’s metabolically expensive. Training with lightweights and large reps for fat loss is a myth! The bottom line is the more lean muscle mass you develop, the more calories you burn, the leaner you become and the easier it becomes to stay lean.

Fat Loss Tip #24 – Short Rest Periods
It’s been scientifically proven that short rest periods between 30-60 seconds produce the most amounts of testosterone and growth hormone. Growth hormone will help your muscles grow and helps your body use fat for energy.
Ladies don’t worry about getting to “bulky” from weight training, this is a myth you will become lean and toned. Women only have about 1/10th the amount of testosterone men have the hormone responsible for building muscle In addition men’s weight routines and nutritional programs are usually designed specifically for gaining muscle.

The Biggest Lie The Fitness Industry Fed You on Fat Burning!

Fat loss tip #25 –Cardio Training done the right way There has been a great deal of miss-understanding for sometime as to what type of cardiovascular training is best for losing body fat.

This is largely due to the fact that the obesity epidemic is a relatively new phenomenon. It has only been in recent times that we’ve really had to specialise in fat loss.

For years the fitness industry has been trying to copy other sports like long distance running and bodybuilding, with the idea that because these athletes are super lean this is how we must train.

This is a big mistake, it is not the same for the average person trying to lose fat to copy the training of an athlete. Although weight training and cardiovascular training are both essential for fat loss, neither bodybuilding nor steady state cardio training are the best form of exercise for fat loss!

To give you a better understanding of the basic principles of fat loss, I am going to get a bit technical and have a crack at explaining some common terms so frequently used in the fitness industry.

Cardiovascular Training

Referring to the heart (cardio), blood, and blood vessels (vascular). Also known as cardio, many people confuse aerobic training with cardio training, although aerobic training is cardio, cardio training can be either aerobic or anaerobic.

Aerobic Training

Oxygen-requiring. When you hear people talking about aerobic training they are generally referring to low intensity endurance activities such as jogging, swimming and cycling.

Anaerobic Training

Not requiring oxygen. An anaerobic environment lacks oxygen. This usually refers to high intensity training such as sprinting and weight training.


The whole range of biochemical processes that occur within us. The term is commonly used to refer specifically to the breakdown of food and its transformation into energy. Metabolism is largely to do with the amount of muscle you carry, the more muscle you carry the higher your metabolism. Creating a high metabolism is the key to fat loss!

The Truth about Cardiovascular Training For Fat Loss

For the past few years there has been a lot of confusion as to how to effectively train for fat loss. The main reason for this is largely to do with past scientific research that had been conducted on the effects of exercise on fat burning.

Research shows that when performing low intensity exercise (aerobic) the body will take its energy from burning stored body fat, whereas when performing high intensity exercise (anaerobic) the body will take its energy from stored carbohydrates.

So based on this research people have focused all their training around steady state aerobic training, believing this is the #1 training method for fat loss. This was a miss-interpretation of the research.

What the research didn’t take into account was the total number of calories burnt during the course of the entire workout. Although when exercising at low intensities the primary fuel source is stored body fat, the actual total number of calories burnt in the workout isn’t very much at all. Whereas when training at high intensities you’ll burn significantly more calories in total, meaning you’ll burn more stored body fat.

“The Fat Burning Zone”… Fact or Fiction?

“The Fat Burning Zone”… Fact or Fiction?

70% of its estimated maximum rate.

The TRUTH is there is no “fat burning zone”, the body’s preferred source of energy is ALWAYS stored body fat unless you’re exercising, so in theory your ALWAYS in the “fat burning zone”.

So if you’re always in the “fat burning zone” why go to the gym and spend an hour walking on a treadmill with the misconception that you’re training in the "fat burning zone"? You could save yourself the bother and lay in bed and burn calories!

What has happened is that people have been exercising at an intensity which is far too low for them, believing that they’re training within the “fat burning zone” and not really burning many calories or elevating the metabolism.

In addition, when performing low intensity exercises you’re only burning calories whilst you’re performing the exercise, as soon as you finish your workout you stop burning calories.

Aerobic training causes the body to reduce its release of the fat burning hormones and enzymes, this is not good if you’re trying to lose fat!

Another problem with aerobic training is that it encourages the body to adapt by becoming more energy efficient, so the more you do, the better your body adapts to it. This means that it takes less energy to perform the same workout.
Although this sounds like a good thing, if you’re trying to lose body fat, it’s not. A body that is energy efficient will make it harder for you to lose fat, because for you to get the same training response you’ll need to keep increasing the distance, you can only increase the speed so much because you’ll get to a point where your aerobic system will no longer be able to keep up, so your body will switch to the anaerobic system, therefore you’ll be doing anaerobic training anyway!

Why not just start off training in the anaerobic system if you’re going to end up there anyway?

So what is high intensity training?...........

HIIT – (High Intensity Interval Training) . Interval training is short bouts(10-60 seconds) of high intensity exercise broken up with periods of low intense exercise. The good thing with this is that you can burn more calories in a shorter amount of time, so there’s no need to spend 45-60 mins pounding away on a treadmill, you can be done in 20-25 mins and that's including your warm up and cool down.

When performing high intensity exercise you’re not only burning considerably more calories whilst exercising, but you’ll also burn heaps of calories after. Interval training will keep your metabolism elevated for up to 24 hours after your workout has finished, through what is known as EPOC (excess post-exercise oxygen consumption). So the total number of calories burnt from that workout will be much higher.
Also as you become better at this form of training you can just keep increasing the speed/time of the work interval or decrease the amount of time of the rest interval.
Here is the original interval training and weight loss study from the mid-90's. This study included a group of people doing 15 weeks of interval training and another group doing 20 weeks of aerobic training.

The study showed the energy expended from the aerobic group was 28661 calories. The total calories burned for the interval training was less than half at 13614.

Although the interval training group burnt fewer calories they had three times greater fat loss. This demonstrates that interval training is the best way to increase the metabolism. That creating a high metabolism is the most important factor when training for fat loss.

Tremblay A, Simoneau JA, Bouchard C.
Impact of exercise intensity on body fatness and skeletal muscle metabolism.
Metabolism. 1994 Jul;43(7):814-8.

This type of training can be done anywhere, running/cycling in the park, swimming in the pool, on any type of cardio equipment, on a boxing bag or even roller blading if that’s your thing. Personally I prefer to run. If you want to make things interesting, try accelerating/decelerating and cutting and turning in different directions, this will really crank the intensity up and hit your legs hard. Interval training will only aid in fat loss though if it is accompanied by a suitable weight training program and a well balanced diet.
Reading this report will mean nothing to you if you don’t take action and begin to implement some changes into your everyday life, without taking action you’ll be stuck in a vicious circle of fad diets and magic pills only to find yourself back where you started, frustrated and confused. It’s up to you to make things happen and to take control of your own health, don’t you think you’re worth it? Take action TODAY! What are you going to do today to become who you want to be?

Please forward this report to anyone you know trying to change their body. If you have any questions regarding this report, any other health related questions, or you would like to book your free consultation, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Wishing you the best of health


Dan Clay

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Dan Clay
Dangerously Fit Personal Training

Don’t just go through the motions, get results "!!


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