Getting Started
How to Get Started with Keto
Consistency is the key to success, so is planning and knowing what lies ahead. Follow the steps below to help you get started with your keto journey:
1. Familiarity
Before you officially start with keto, become familiar with the diet and your own goals so you can align your expectations and plan. Become familiar with which foods to avoid, which foods you can have in abundance and those in moderation, the side effects, and benefits. If you have any medical conditions, talk with your doctor and let him help you manage your health and diet.
Also, get some lab work done before you start; test your cholesterol panel, blood sugar, liver enzymes, C-reactive protein, and an a1c level so you have a starting point. Test these again in 3-6 months to see how your body is reacting to the ketogenic diet.
Take measurements – waist circumference, chest, arms, and legs – so you have a baseline from which to work; weight loss doesn’t always reflect as a number on the scale – you can be losing centimetres or inches, which is just as great as smaller scale numbers. Together with this, note your weight and body fat percentage and update these every week or few weeks.
2. Choose your start date
Consider things like upcoming holidays and special social gatherings. Ensure you have enough time to prepare before you start.
Activities you need to tick off before you start (including #1 above) are:
3. Start your journey!
Once you’ve planned and gotten everything ready, start day 1 of your keto journey. You may still encounter challenges along the way, but use your support network.
If you cheat or accidentally consume something that isn’t keto friendly, move on. Don’t wallow in your mistake. Continue with your keto diet the next meal. There is bound to be ups and downs; consistency is the key to your success!