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Chapter 7 5 Common Mistakes On The Low Carb Diet To Avoid

One does not have to be a scientist to understand the common mistakes on a low Carb diet. But it does help to know the basic roadblocks to success with the Low carb diet and how you can skilfully avoid them. Now let’s get started.

Getting the wrong information With the advancements in technology and the ability to project your point of view to the world in an instant on social media, we must be careful on the advice we listen to in regards to Low Carb dieting. Just because they have a six pack does not always mean what they are saying is truthful.

Surrendering in the middle of the process - There are a variety of approaches to low carb dieting and there are bound to be teething problems at the beginning. It is important to figure out which approach is good for you to avoid giving up in the middle of the process before results have a chance of happening.

Lack of sufficient fat - This could be mistaken for a low carb diet as a result of thinking that low carb means low fat. As the body needs something to use as fuel and it cannot find carbohydrates it then turns to burning fat, but it cannot do that without good fats being present in the diet. Therefore it is important to add good fats in to your body while on low carb diet.

Lack of enough vegetables in the diet - While dieting on low Carb diet some people tend to forget including vegetables and fruits in their diet. This will be disastrous in the end because vegetables and fruits should be eaten in large quantities by one dieting on low carb especially fibrous carbs (to keep you regular).

Poor planning - Sticking to a new eating programme sometimes might be a problem and one might find himself or herself doing what they used to do before. Therefore one is advised to plan before hand to facilitate free adoption of the new eating habit which means you will know what to eat and when to eat it without going through the dreaded “What should I eat?”.

Use of low carb packaged foods - When buying low carb foods that are packaged it is of great importance to understand the ingredients. Most of them contain maltitol which is bad sugar that is not required by a lot of bodies. Therefore this packaged low carb foods need to undergo careful experiments.

Insufficient fibre in the diet Mentioned briefly before, Eating of vegetables and fruits help in ensuring that one eats enough quantities of fibre. But forgetting or skipping vegetables and fruits reduces the level of fibre intake in the body and this can be disastrous in the long run.

Now that you have learnt how to avoid 7 of the biggest roadblocks to success with the Low Carb diet we will discover whether or not exercise is important while Low Carb dieting and how to go about it.