Low Carb Living Clarified by David G. - HTML preview

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Well, we’ve made it to the end of our introductory guide to the Low Carb Diet and clarified the major things when thinking of starting it. Hope you’ve enjoyed it!

Living in a world where junk food is literally at our fingertips everywhere we go, it can be hard sometimes to stay on track amidst temptation in every direction we turn.

Now, looking forward. Parties, holidays and other festive occasions seem to be constant temptations and can really test your willpower. While slip ups will happen, as we’re human after all, you don’t have to let one slip up derail your efforts completely. Learning and becoming familiar with different tips and tricks to incorporating a low-carb diet into your lifestyle can be a big lifesaver.

Play with Carb Timing- It’s important to figure out what time/times of day your body needs carbs most and to eat them accordingly. For example, you may notice a lack in energy at first when starting a low-carb diet. If you need energy most first thing in the morning, eat carbs then. If you’re more of a night person, eat carbs around that time. Play with different times of day to find what suits you and your body the best.

Pay Close Attention- Let’s face it, not every diet is for everybody. If you notice a big change in sleep, mood, etc. while on a low-carb diet, be cautious. If you made a sudden change from an eat-anything-you-want diet to a low-carb diet, your body may be taking a hard hit. Make gradual changes and stop the low-carb diet if you notice anything major start to change (for the worse) with regard to your health.

Pack and Prepare- Dodging that party invite is going to become unavoidable. Killing your social life over fear of a table full of chips and crackers is silly. Eat a healthy meal before going to social events where foods will tempt you (read: never go hungry!). Pack a healthy low-carb diet friendly snack to bring with you. Eat that instead of diving face first into a plate of Cheetos.

Dine Smart- Humans eat out at restaurants sometimes. You’re human, therefore you will find yourself out with a group of friends, on a date, or with the kids at a restaurant at some point. Just because you’re on a low-carb diet doesn’t mean you have to shun the menu and sip water all night. Skip the bread basket, opt for a lean protein (boiled or grilled, not fried or breaded), have a salad with oil and vinegar instead of dressing, and order lots of non-starch vegetables.

In the quest to be healthier and live happier and longer lives, it’s important to find something(s) that work well for you and are worth it.

While low-carb first was introduced as a diet, for some it has become a way of life. For others, it’s a on again, off again, when the time is right based diet. Whatever it may be that works best for you is what you should stick to. Remember that the end goal is to be happy and healthy, not feeling deprived and miserable. Find what makes your body happiest and you will be happy in return.

Well I hope our introductory guide has shown you everything you need to start the wonderful practice of Low Carb Living. Good luck for the journey and begin today!

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