Natural Anti-Aging Tips by Lambert Klein - HTML preview

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Alternative Therapies


Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese process that uses fine needles. These are placed in strategic points throughout your body. Based on meridian points, the theory is that the process will unblock energy points letting it flow freely in the correct direction.

Acupuncture has help people overcome pain, high blood pressure, emotional stress and many other problems.

If you don't like needles then look into acupressure. This follows the same principles but involves applying pressure to the points with the hands and fingers instead of using needles. It also produces great results for many.

Acupuncture Article



EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Technique. It involves a system of tapping on the meridian points while saying certain phrases. Think of it as a emotional acupuncture without needles. You can easily perform EFT on yourself once you learn how.

Some amazing results have been seen with EFT. You can download the manual free at Gary Craig's web site. EFT Manual



Look into my eyes! Well it may sound silly, but hypnotism can make a big different in your life. Especially if you incorporate other techniques with it like Energy therapy, and EFT.

Your brain controls every cell in your body. The subconscious mind is busy working 24/7 doing everything necessary to keep you alive. It keeps your heart pumping, your lungs breathing, the digestive tract working and so many other little jobs.

It does this without you having to think about it.


Hypnosis can help you harness this part of the mind and provide the power to bring you happiness, and health.


Other benefits include self improvement and eliminating bad habits.

We have all been hypnotized at some point. You may have noticed this while driving or reading a book. All of a sudden you wonder how you got from point A to Point B or wonder what you just read.

Your conscious mind is bypassed with hypnosis This way you can make changes without it saying “ Oh, I can't do that” Your sub conscious will not think that way.


Chinese Energetics is often used to unblock energy and release old habits that don't benefit you. Your brain is like a computer running programs. Some of these that we installed over the years could be causing us problems now.

Energetics can help you resolve issues by having your energy support you in the ways that benefit you physically, emotionally, spiritually and mentally. Usually muscle testing is used to find the problems which can be many layers deep. These are discovered one at a time and then resolved. It is believed that once the aspect is remedied that it's permanent. If you can find someone in your area that can improve your life using these techniques then consider yourself lucky.




Yoga has many health benefits both physical and physiological. Here are a few of many:

• Improve Blood Pressure & Heart Rate
• Improve Breathing
• Endurance
• Balance
• Improve Mood
• Improve Memory
• Concentration

Guided Imagery


Guided Imagery can often provide considerable healing benefits by using the mind to affect the body.


The brain uses images and other senses such as smell and hearing to communicate with other organs.


What can Guided Imagery do for you?

• Heal Yourself & Gain Better Health
• Reduce Stress & Anxiety
• Sports Enhancement
• Leadership and Self Confidence
• Reduce High Blood Pressure
• Lower Cholesterol
• Boost Immunity
• Weight Loss
• Reduce Pain

Just imagine what else is possible with Guided Imagery.

Guided Imagery can help you heal, ease pain and even speed recovery. It's quite remarkable how you can use the power of your mind to heal yourself. Guided Imagery works by the mind visualizing images, sounds, smells, pain or whatever.

By using images you are using the minds language. The brain understands these images and uses them to communicate with your body.

You could say "Cut, I want you to heal", but you should imagine your wound actually healing by visualizing it. Watch it starting to shrink, as it heals until it's completely gone in your mind. This is what the brain can understand.
You may want to become aware of other images you have at times that aren't in your best interest. When you have realized this, be sure to replace these with positive images.

Your thoughts have an influence on how you feel and heal. Try your best to eliminate negative thoughts. Staying positive brings on even more meaning when you understand how your mind works.

Imagery has been use in ancient civilizations and has been understood for ages by many. Now you too can benefit from this knowledge.

Athletes today use Guided Imagery to enhance their performance, stamina and accuracy. In billiards, before you actually shoot a ball, visualize it going where you want it to. Your brain will genuinely believe it, and your shot will improve.

See it, feel it and experience it before you do it. That's the power of Guided Imagery or visualization.

So if you want better health, less stress and anxiety or the desire to improve your quality of life then you owe it to yourself to learn more about Guided Imagery.

Besides the health benefits you can vastly improve your leadership ability, job performance and mental attitude, all of which will let you enjoy a better lifestyle.

Hopefully I perked your curiosity enough for you to explore this further. For starters, search the World Wide Web for information on Guided Imagery.