Natural Medicine by Dr. Jerry Lee Hoover N.D. - HTML preview

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"Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food"



What are natural foods? They are foods that are natural, such as apples, potatoes, corn, almonds, etc. They have no added artificial flavorings, colors, or preservatives; and they are foods that are not refined, such as white flour or corn oil.



In 1980, the Los Angeles Times and Weekly World News carried articles about Wu Yunging, a man who lived in China. Mr. Yunging was an extraordinary person, for he was 142 years old. What do you suppose his diet consisted of? He said that he eats corn, rice, sweet potatoes, fruits and vegetables. In other words, he eats no meat, milk, eggs, refined oils, sugars, etc. He had reached the age of 142 because he ate the kind of foods that God original y gave to mankind to eat in the Garden of Eden. These foods were fruits, nuts, grains and vegetables or herb bearing seeds.



A 712 page report, issued by the U.S. Surgeon General in 1979, which cites more than 2,000 scientific studies from around the world and was compiled with the advice of more than 200 doctors, nutritionists and biochemists, came to the conclusion that the normal American diet is dangerous. Of the 2.1 mil ion Americans who died the report said that 1.5 mil ion died from diseases associated with diet. The report brought out that most people should reduce the consumption of fat, especially saturated fats, such as from eggs, butter or untrimmed red meat. It suggests more vegetables and fruits, more whole grain foods, and cereal products. The report recommends that dried beans and peas be used as a source of protein to replace some animal products. Dietary fat, the report said increases risks for obesity, some types of cancer, gal bladder and heart disease. The report also said excess cholesterol levels, strongly associated with heart attacks, should  be reduced by limiting consumption of foods of animal origin, such as eggs, dairy products, meat, poultry and fish. Our refined food is now killing us on the installment plan. More than 4,000 heart attacks occur every day in the United States. Every 50 seconds a new diabetic is discovered. Half of all Americans over 40 have high blood pressure. These diseases are not found in 75% of the world's population. Why? Because Americans like to eat; they eat too much; and they eat the wrong kinds of foods such as meat, milk, eggs, sugar, oil, refined and processed foods.




What should Americans be eating in order to stay healthy? Simply this "the more natural the food, the better", whole wheat flour instead of bleached white flour; brown rice, instead of white rice; fresh peaches, instead of canned peaches; beans and nuts instead of meat; dried figs instead of a candy bar, etc.



There is such a large variety of good natural foods that it would be very time consuming to try and mention them all . But there are such a limited amount of unnatural foods that I shall list the majority of them that most Americans use and then proceed to explain why they are harmful to the body and should not be Used.


Group I - All kinds of meats, this includes chicken and fish.

Group II - All animal products: cheese, ice cream and eggs. (milk covered in another chapter )

Group III - Alcohol, coffee, tea, colas, chocolate, baking powder, and soda (covered in another Chapter)

Group IV - All spices such as pepper, nutmeg, cinnamon, etc.

Group V - All refined oils.

Group VI - All refined sugars, such as corn syrup, date sugar, etc. (covered in another chapter).

Group VII All refined grains, such as white flour, white rice, etc.

Group VIII All vitamin and mineral Supplements (covered in another chapter).


After covering these harmful foods and how they hurt the body the last section of this chapter will be on simple rules for eating natural foods.




digestion of animal protein. Man's saliva is alkaline for the digestion of starch. A carnivore's intestines are three times the length of its trunk, designed for rapid expulsion of food stuff, which would otherwise quickly rot. Man's intestines are twelve times the length of his trunk and designed to keep food in them until all nutrients are extracted. The liver and kidneys of a carnivore are capable of eliminating large amounts of uric acid whereas man's liver and kidneys have the capacity to eliminate only a small amount of uric acid. A carnivore's urine is acid. Man's is alkaline.





The presence of at least some pesticide residues in food is an inescapable fact of life. Plant foods are much lower in pesticide residues than meat and other animal products. Dairy products generally contain two-fifths the pesticide residues found in meat; leafy vegetables contain only one twenty-fourth the pesticides found in meat. Nathaniel Altman's - Total Vegetarian Cooking, p. 21, 1981.




