Natural Medicine by Dr. Jerry Lee Hoover N.D. - HTML preview

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To close this chapter out, I want to share a typical story with you that happens many times every day here in the United States. Most American people with their poor dietary habits, are killing themselves off by the thousands every day. You don't have to be one of them.


On the morning of his 45th birthday, John Doe awoke to a peal of thunder. Glancing out the window, he saw written fiery letters across the sky "Someone is trying to kill you, John Doe." He didn't question the message. His only questions was "Who?"


At breakfast as he salted his fried eggs he told his wife, Mary, "Someone's trying to kill me."


"Who?" she asked in horror.


John slowly stirred the cream and sugar into his coffee and shook his head.


"I don't know," he said.


On the way to the office John tried to think of a way to outwit his would-be murderer. But the frustration of making time by beating traffic lights and switching lanes occupied him wholly.


Nor, once behind his desk, could he find a moment to resolve the mystery, what with jangling phones, urgent memos and the problems and decisions piling up as they did every day.


It wasn't until his second martini at lunch that the full terror of his position struck him. It was all he could do to finish his steak. "I can't panic," he said to himself while Lighting his cigar. "I simply must live my life as usual."


So he worked till seven as usual. Drove home as fast as usual. Ate a hearty dinner as usual. Had his two Cocktails as usual. He took his usual two sleeping capsules in order to get his usual six hours sleep.


As the days passed he manfully stuck to his routine. His pride grew as he managed to go on living for years. But, as it must to all men, death came at last to John Doe. It came at his desk on a particularly busy day. He was 54.


His grief-stricken widow demanded a full autopsy, but it showed only emphysema, arteriosclerosis, duodenal ulcers, cirrhosis of the liver, cardiac neurosis, a cerebrovascular aneurysm, pulmonary edema, obesity, circulatory insufficiency and a touch of cancer.


"How glad Bill would have been," said Bill's widow, smiling proudly through her tears, "to know that he died of natural causes."



Natural foods encourage life, promote strength and endurance and help restore lost health. Unnatural foods cause sickness and decay. You will find the natural foods close to nature, in the gardens and orchards. You will find unnatural foods on the grocery shelf, preserved and packaged in a bag, box or can.


It isn’t any sacrifice at all to eat natural foods, It's just another step toward an unblemished skin, a new spring in your step, a new light in the eye. It's a step toward a strong heart and untainted breath. It's just another step toward untroubled sleep and new vigor each morning. It's another step toward an unclouded mind and clear decisions. It's just another step toward the abundant health you've always wanted.


(1) Hofman, J. M. Ph.D., The Missing Link, pg. 134, 1984.

(2) Scharffenberg, John A., Problems With Meat, Woodbridge Press Pub. Co., Santa Barbara, California, 1979, pg. 101.

(3) Editorial, J.A.M.A., June 3, 1961, pg. 134.

(3) Time, Feb. 2, 1976, pg. 43.

(5) Hirayama T. Paper presented at Conference on Breast Cancer and Diet, U.S. - Japan Cooperative 70  Cancer Research Program, Fred Hutchison Cancer Center, Seattle, Washington, March 14-15, 1977.

(6) Time, August 2, 1971, pg. 46.

(7) One Man's Meat . . . The Sciences, 19:2-3, Nov. 1979.

(8) Frequency of Fish Tumors Found in a Pol uted Watershed as Compared to Non-polluted Canadian Waters. Cancer Research 33:189-198, Feb. 1973.

(9) Diphyllobothriasis, American Family Physician 20(3) 127-128, Feb. 1973.

(10) Cheddar Cheese äs a Vehicle for Viruses, Journal of Dairy Science 56 (10) 1329 - 1331.

(11) Thrash, Agatha & Calvin, M.D.'s, The Animal Connection, pg. 7, 1983.

(12) Transient Cerebral Ischemia Attacks Related to Egg Consumption. Postgraduate Medical Journal 57:642-644, Oct. 1981.

(13) Murphy, K. J., Sauce, Spices, and the Kidney., British Medical Journal 3:770, Sept. 25, 1971.

(14) Broitman, S. (1977), Polyunsaturated Fat, Cholesterol and Tumorigenesis Cancer 40:2455-24-59.