Natural Medicine by Dr. Jerry Lee Hoover N.D. - HTML preview

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Stress today is one of the major causes of disease and death in our modern society. Worry and fear are burning out the life forces. As many as 32 mil ion people, 15% of all Americans, require some form of mental health services. In addition, approximately 25% of the American population suffers severe emotional stress; this means that a total of 40% of the American population have severe emotional problems.




The condition of the mind affects the health to a far greater degree than many realize. People who always frown, worry, lose their tempers very quickly, hold grudges, or are always tense, are causing toxic poisons to circulate through their body. As the adrenal glands secrete their adrenaline (which is very toxic if not used up) into the bloodstream, it causes many adverse side effects, such as headaches, ulcers, high blood pressure, etc. For example, if you are attacked by a dog, your adrenal glands immediately pour adrenaline into your system to give you supernatural strength to run or fight. However, when you get mad or unhappy, this adrenaline again pumps into your system and if you do not use up this adrenaline, it becomes toxic and affects the internal organs of the body. It is very important then, that you learn to take your problems to God and He will help you smile your worries away, and help you control your temper so that the adrenal glands won't dump adrenaline into your system. But if you do get upset, go out for a brisk walk, chop wood, etc. to help burn up some of the excess toxic adrenaline.






You've been invited to a friend's house for a dinner party. You are there with all your friends eating and having a great time. You especially are enjoying the good food. You hear the phone ring and the hostess says it's for you. As you pick up the receiver your mother on the other end says your brother was just killed in a car accident two hours ago. Suddenly you feel weak and dizzy, you can't think straight; your appetite is now gone, your whole body just shuts down, and you are in a daze. What changed your whole physical well -being? Just 5 words ('your brother was just killed'). I am thankful that this is not a true story; but I believe it shows us that the relation that exists between the mind and the body is very intimate. When one is affected, the other sympathizes.


Another class of thoughts produces hormones that have a beneficial effect on circulation, digestion, movement of the intestines, and even the production of blood and antibodies. These thoughts are patience, love, joy, peace, kindness, sympathy, etc. Nothing tends more to promote health of body and soul than does a loving, forgivable spirit.


I believe we were put on this earth to be a blessing to others; our lives should be a life of service for humanity. Did you know that the average American dies just three years after he begins receiving Social Security? Studies have shown that early deaths are partly due to the fact that, when retirement is suddenly thrust upon a person they find that they have lost their purpose in life. The best preparation for retirement is to begin working for God by helping others now. This will give you a purpose for living and then you will have something very worthwhile to do when your retirement years come. Deeds of kindness and unselfish service are twice a blessing, benefiting both the giver and the receiver of the kindness. The consciousness of right doing is one of the best medicines for diseased bodies and minds. When the mind is free and happy from a sense of duty well done and the satisfaction of giving happiness to others, the cheering, uplifting influence brings new life to the whole being.




In the human mind we have the greatest potential force for good or evil depending upon how we choose to use that great intellect God gave us. There are only two powers in this world of ours, the power for good and the power for evil. Each one of us has a choice to make - a choice to serve God and follow Him, or to serve self and follow the devil.




The secret of happiness is to go beyond the call of duty in all things - to render more and better service than is expected of you no matter what your task may be. The surest way to doom yourself is to perform only work for which you are paid. Think not that you are being cheated if you deliver more than what you receive. There is a pendulum to all life: if not rewarded to day it will swing back tomorrow ten-fold.


The Power of Choice is a Great Gift


Choose to love rather than hate

Choose to laugh rather than cry

Choose to create rather than destroy

Choose to go ahead rather than quit

Choose to praise rather than gossip

Choose to heal rather than destroy

Choose to give rather than steal

Choose to pray rather than curse


