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Note: My program for aids and cancer are exactly the same so I have combined these two so not to have to duplicate it twice. Of course there are some sections that are not applicable to Aids such as the facts about chemotherapy. The greatest Doctor of all is your body with the power of God. For example: when you get cut, no doctor heals the cut, your body does the healing. When a person has aids or cancer they need to help their body to heal itself and this program listed below for Aids and Cancer does just that.


Cancer is a uniquely western problem. People in China, Japan, and Southeast Asia seldom have cancer. Most people in Africa and South and Central America have little fear of the dread disease, yet in North America, Australia, New Zealand and affluent countries in Europe, cancer is epidemic. In 2006 cancer will claim the lives of more than 600,000 persons. More Americans will die of cancer in the next 14 months then have perished in every war the nation has ever fought in.




Chemotherapy is thirteen drugs are used in chemotherapy and their consequent side effects (as listed in the drugs package inserts for physicians), which include: destruction of the immune system, leukopenia, hemorrhage, gonadal suppression, bone marrow depression, phlebosclerosis  (hardening of the veins), severe cellulite, vesication (blistering), tissue necrosis (death), fever, chills, nausea, prolonged vomiting, partial or total hair loss, lethargy, disorientation, ataxis(inability to coordinate muscle movements), dysarthria( impaired speech), anorexia, entertitis, stomatitis, erythema, (morbid redness of the skin), anemia, liver failure, kidney failure, cancer, and death


For decades there has been a great deal of controversy within the medical community over what kind of medical treatment is most efficacious in treating cancer. Latest findings reveal all conventional medical treatment for cancer is not helpful. The late Dr. Hardin B. Jones, Professor of Medical Physics and Physiology at Berkeley, California, made a study lasting 25 years of the lifespan of cancer patients, and concluded that untreated patients do not die sooner than patients receiving orthodox treatment, (surgery, radiation and chemotherapy), and in many cases they lived longer. After almost 40 years as a cancer researcher, Dr. Jones found for example that survival in breast cancer is four times longer without conventional treatment. He stated, “People who refused treatment lived for an average of 12 and a half years. Those who accepted other kinds of treatment lived on an average of only 3 years.” It is important to note that no refutations of Dr. Jones work have appeared, while on the other hand, his studies have been supported by other researchers, as a search of the Science Citation Index reveals.


Even the Journal of the American Medical Association took note of the phenomenon when, in its diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer by Dr. Maurice Fox, a biologist from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. On the basis of studies carried out at the Harvard School of Public health, Dr. Fox found, among other things, that: Those who refused medical procedures had a lower mortality rate than those who submitted.





In 1979 a special report was issued by the U.S. Surgeon General, citing more than 2,000 scientific studies from around the world, and compiled with the advice of more than 2,000 doctors, nutritionists and biochemists, who concluded that the normal American diet is dangerous. Of the 2.1 mil ion Americans who died that year, the report said that 1.5 mil ion died from diseases associated with diet. The report stressed that most people should reduce the consumption of fat, especially saturated fats, such as from eggs, butter, or untrimmed red meats.(1)


Researchers at the University of Victoria in British Columbia did a careful follow up on 200 persons who underwent a "spontaneous remission of cancer". They found that 87% of those persons had switched diets, usually to a vegetarian diet. Note: A vegetarian diet will also put aids into remission.


Recently a link between excessive meat eating and cancer has been explained by Dr. Williard J. Visek a research scientist at Cornell University. The problem, according to Dr. Visek, is ammonia the carcinogenic by-product of meat digestion.


Although aids and cancer are increasing at an alarming rate and they can be prevented, by keeping our body’s immune system up. Much poisoning of the body has been caused by the use of improper foods, such as meat, dairy products, white sugar, white flour, white rice, along with the use of liquor, tobacco, coffee, soda and all other denatured foods. Good wholesome food builds good blood, where as unwholesome food builds a poor quality of blood. Cancer will not develop where there is a pure blood stream and the body’s immune system is functioning at its optimum.


For years the National Cancer Institute held fast to the principal that diet had nothing to do with cancer. Recent overwhelming evidence has forced them to change their mind. They now even recommend that one consume certain fruits and vegetables in order to prevent cancer. “Fruits, such as oranges and bananas, and leafy green and yellow vegetables, including carrots and broccoli, all contain cancer preventing vitamins and fiber, and should be a part of everyone’s daily diet”, says the National Cancer Institute.


To prevent and cure aids or cancer we must keep our body’s immune system high. This is done by following eight simple rules that I will briefly cover here. Lots of fresh air, using lots of pure water, eating lots of wholesome natural foods, getting sufficient rest, moderate daily exercise, getting outside in the sun everyday, being temperate in all we eat and do and having faith in God.


 Every one of us has cancer cells within us. Cancer has to be treated by building the body’s immune system then the body’s white blood cells, etc. will attack and destroy the cancer from within. Cancer cells are weaker than normal cells and will not get out of control if our immune system is high.