Natural Medicine by Dr. Jerry Lee Hoover N.D. - HTML preview

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This is a subject that everyone talks about and usually suffer bad experiences about sooner or later in life. Over 80 mil ion Americans suffer from bowel problems. Cancer is the second major cause of death in the United States and of all cancer deaths, cancer of the colon ranks second only to lung cancer.


Toxic bowel waste matter within our body is a big factor in diseases of all types. A person who eats 3 meals a day should have three bowel movements a day. If a person eats two meals a day, then they should have two bowel movements a day. One should eliminate the residue of each meal 15 to 18 hours after eating. When a person goes two or more days without an elimination, all that waste is putrefying in the body and being reabsorbed through the colon walls. The body is thus being poisoned from within. It would be the same as keeping some food in a covered garbage can for two days in a temperature slightly above 98.6 degrees,




The major causes of constipation are poor diet, inadequate intake of water, lack of physical exercise, emotional or mental distress, and the use of medications. Low Fiber Diet - Most foods that are eaten today are highly refined and lacking in fiber and bulk. Good health and regular eliminations depend on a lot of fiber. Unrefined grains, nuts, legumes, fruits and vegetables are high in fiber.


 All types of cheeses are the most constipating foods one can eat.


Fiber should be called the staff of life. When people change from a soft diet (which are foods lacking in fiber and bulk), to wholesome natural unrefined foods that take time to chew, it is amazing how much better they feel in a short period of time. They themselves are amazed at how much more stamina and strength they have. Fewer people would experience constipation, if they would eat more foods containing fiber. Processed, devitalized foods are lacking in fiber and bulk. They tend to be dry, sticky and pasty. They have a tendency to stick to the insides of the colon like glue and are difficult to eliminate. Dr. J. N. Morris states that a lack of fiber in the diet may be one of the major causes of coronary thrombosis (blockage of the coronary arteries). (1)


Both British and South African medical scientists strongly insist that insufficient numbers of bowel movements and too little fiber and bulk in the feces may often explain the existence of gal bladder disorder, heart problems, varicose veins, appendicitis, clotting in deep veins, hiatal hernia, diverticulosis, arthritis and cancer of the colon. This complete turnaround in medical orientation comes from professional and respected surgeons and biochemists.(2)


After a tremendous amount of research work done by the Senate Select Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs, the following conclusion was reported. They recommended a 25 percent reduction in the consumption of fat, and a 25 percent increase in carbohydrates (particularly in the form of whole grains, fruits and vegetables). the committee cited the relationship between the current fat rich, fiber deficient American diet, and the high risk of cancer as well as heart ailments and other diseases.


Water - One should drink a minimum of two quarts of distilled water daily. If you are overweight or doing hard physical work then you need more than 2 quarts. When we do not drink enough water our body will absorb water from the fecal matter that is in our colon. This in turn makes the fecal matter hard, which causes constipation. Our bodies use much more water than we realize. Each day we lose one and one half glasses of water, through breathing alone. Over a quart a day is lost in urine; and every time we blink our eyes, our body loses some water. Of course, our body loses large amounts of water through perspiration.


Exercise - Exercise will help one to have regular eliminations. You have six hundred thirty three muscles, every one of which needs to be used. If we do not use our muscles, they lose their tone, strength and flexibility. Exercise doesn't have to be painful. There are hundreds of ways to exercise the human body. The exercise having the most benefit is walking and no special equipment is required, except a good pair of shoes.


Stress - Do you remember a time when you were enjoying a good meal with friends and you received a phone call giving you terrible news? You suddenly lost your appetite and you even felt light headed and sick. The relation that exists between the mind, and the body is very intimate. When one is affected the other sympathizes. Stress today is one of the causes of poor digestion, ulcers and constipation. Grief, anxiety, discontent, remorse, guilt, distrust, or other emotions, all tend to break down the life forces. Isaiah 26:3 gives us the answer to this problem.


Medications - Medications can cause many problems with the bowel. The side effects of many medications cause constipation for many physiological reasons. Antibiotics, such as penicillin and sulfa can completely eliminate the favorable intestinal flora, leaving the opportunity for reinfestation by harmful bacteria and viruses.


Laxatives - Laxatives are irritating to the bowel and are dangerous. Today there are more than 45,000 laxative and cathartic medications being manufactured and used in America. These substances, in order to evacuate the colon, are essential y poisons and irritants. The poisoned intestinal tract tries to evacuate the offending substance as quickly as possible and pushes everything out. Often times, these harsh poisonous substances are absorbed through the lymph and blood vessels and find their way to all parts of the body affecting the liver, kidneys, and other vital areas. Many of these medications can become addicting, and can destroy the ability of the bowel to eliminate natural y.



Herbs can be used successfully and safely for constipation. One of the best herbs for constipation is Cascara Sagrada. Mix four teaspoonfuls in a quart of distilled water (that was boiling and just taken off the stove). Let it steep for one hour, then drink one or two cupfuls one hour before meals or on an empty stomach.


To get well and stay well , our bodies have to be clean on the inside as well as the outside. If you will eat natural unrefined foods, drink plenty of pure water, gets proper exercise, stay away from medications, and allow God to handle the stress in your life, you should not have any problems with proper elimination.


(1) British Medical Journal, Nov. 9, 1977.

(2) Jensen, Bernard; Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management, 1981, pg. 27.