Natural Medicine by Dr. Jerry Lee Hoover N.D. - HTML preview

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For every extra pound of weight, you shorten your lifespan by one month; so someone who is 24 pounds overweight would die 2 years sooner. If you are obese, you have a three times greater chance of having heart disease, are five times more likely to develop diabetes, and are more likely to develop osteoarthritis and low back pain. You are also more likely to develop cancer of the colon, breast, prostrate, cervix, uterus, and ovaries. As the statistics plainly show, being twenty percent or more overweight, will not produce good health.


The reason that 62% of the people in this country are overweight is because of our traditional eating habits. Americans eat a hearty breakfast, a hearty lunch, a hearty dinner, and snack the rest of the time. Far more time is spent appropriating than eliminating, so we carry around much excess fat.


Mankind believes that he can put large amounts of natural or unnatural foods into his body and not have to take the blame for the sickness he brings upon himself by his own improper choices.


If we eat three meals a day, we should have three eliminations a day. When natural elimination is made difficult, then a special method for cleansing the body of these toxic wastes is put into action, through sneezing, colds, discharges from the nose & eyes, sores, and skin diseases of many kinds, such as pimples, boils, abscesses and ulcers.


Poor eating habits, and the taking of drugs, prevent or hinder our body from keeping our system clean. Many of these toxins end up being stored in our bodies as fat, or in our organs such as our kidneys as kidney stones, or in our gal bladder as gal stones; or our arteries become plugged with arterial plaques which can cause a heart attack or stroke. Al of these diseases, and many more, are the result of improper eating which causes a high toxic build-up in the body.


It is important to realize that the body fluids, which contribute to the life processes, are all alkaline except for the gastric juice;, and that the waste fluids are all acid, such as the urine, perspiration, etc.. These acid products must be eliminated because the healthy state of the body is one of alkalinity. If the tissues of the body become acid, illness occurs. This toxic acid build up in the body is the result of eating too many concentrated foods. Ideally, we should be eating a diet that consists of 80% alkaline forming foods, 20% acid forming foods, as well as a limited amount of high concentration foods (i.e. those containing low water content).


First, let's look at some foods that are acid forming: meat, eggs, all grains (except millet and buckwheat), and all nuts (except almonds and brazil nuts). These foods should make up 20% of our diet, except for the meat and eggs, which we should not use. The other 80% of our diet should be made up of all alkaline-forming foods, which are fresh fruits and vegetables. Concentrated foods (those with low or no water content) should be eaten in limited amounts, whereas fresh fruits and vegetables have a high water content and can be eaten in large amounts. Since our bodies are composed of a high percentage of water, then we need to eat large amounts of fruits and vegetables which are also a high percentage of water. This water in the food we eat transports the nutrients in the food to all the body's cells, and in turn removes toxic wastes.


So we see then that for optimum health we need to be eating meals that consist largely (80%) of fruits and vegetables, and 20% of acid forming foods such as grains and nuts; and that the concentrated foods (foods low in water) should be eaten in limited amounts. As you eat more natural fresh foods, your caloric intake will become less, but yet you will feel full . For example, one apple has 80 calories, is 83% water, and is alkaline, as opposed to 1/6th of an apple pie, which has 405 calories, is quite low in water content, and is both alkaline (apples) and acid (the crust). If we follow these guidelines, our eliminations, in time, will become normal, our body will be able to get rid of the large amounts of excess weight and toxins, and we will start feeling great and losing weight.


So far, we have looked only at the physical disadvantages of being overweight; but what about the mental disadvantages. Overweight or obese persons, as a general rule, are insecure; they don't feel accepted because of their weight. They are not happy inwardly, even though many try to put on an outward show. They are not as ambitious when it involves physical activities. They are not happy with themselves because of their weight problems; and consequently they usually are not happy with others. They also tend to be highly emotional; and most are unable to control their tempers.


These are just a few of the mental disadvantages associated with being overweight or obese. I personally believe that through the power of prayer, and following God, a person can get the victory and will become temperate in their appetite; and this will change them spiritually, mentally, and physical y. Then they can be the happy, healthy person God has always wanted them to be.


It takes will power and determination with God's help, to overcome appetite. Just like any other habit you want to overcome, you must plan your strategy so you will not fal again and again and again. What can I do when those hunger pangs strike and I am tempted to be intemperate? Drinking a glass of water can displace cravings for food. Since dehydration encourages cravings for food, it is vital to consume adequate water every day. You will find that if you drink your water quota between meals (a minimum of eight (8) glasses daily, you will feel satisfied and be less likely to crave food between meals.


Because exercise helps to curb hunger, taking a brisk walk outside in the fresh air is an excellent aid. During working hours or whenever time is limited, even a few minutes spent deeply breathing fresh air can rejuvenate you and take your mind off food. Diversion tactics are also helpful, such as going to visit a friend, working in the garden, or shopping.


First of all , exercising in the morning increases the body's metabolism, causing the body to burn calories at nearly twice the rate for the next six hours. Exercise gears up the body's metabolism, and increases its ability to "burn" calories. Exercise should be a main component in any weight-loss program.