Natural Medicine by Dr. Jerry Lee Hoover N.D. - HTML preview

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Meat is an incomplete source of nutrition; consequently, reliance on a meat based diet actual y becomes a liability to human health. But meat is not only a liability for what it does not contain; it is a liability for what it does contain - excess protein, fat, cholesterol, and blood, besides worms, microbes, and cancer viruses(1).




Meat is dead flesh; and something that is dead should be buried and not put into our stomachs. Flavor in meat is due to the presence of uric acid that is in the meat. What is uric acid? It is one of the waste or excretory products of the body; or, .simply said, it is the animal's urine. Uric acid is not the only thing about meat that is bad. One very bad thing is the putrefactive bacteria found in meat. This bacteria in meats are identical in character with those found in manure, and are more numerous in some meats than in fresh manure. A microscopic count has been made of bacteria found in meats of various kinds, so that people might know what they are getting when they eat meat(2). (SEE





In 1985, three out of every four people in this country died of cardiovascular disease (heart attacks and strokes) or cancer. We haven't always died so massively of heart attacks, strokes, and cancer until after World War I, when we could afford high fat diets of meat, fish, poultry, eggs, and processed foods. Back in 1960, sufficient research evidence was available to prompt an editorial statement in the Journal of American Medical Association which said that a vegetarian diet can prevent 90% of our thrombo-embolic disease (blood clotting diseases of the head, heart, and legs), and 97% of our coronary occlusions(3).


Nearly everyone knows that Americans today eat too much fat. Around 40-45% of the calories eaten in the average American diet come from fat. Meat, especially red meat, is the single, largest source of fat in the U.S. diet. For percentages of fat in certain animal products, see accompanying chart.




The Dietary Guideline Advisory Committee had proposed to limit fat intake to 10%

of the calorie intake in 1990. The American Heart Association was totally in support of these new guidelines. If the American people would reduce their fat intake to 10%, we would see a large decrease in heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, and cancer.




Chickens? - Don't Eat Them! Today chickens are raised on many commercial drugs. They are cramped into very small cages, never touch the ground or exercise, and are full of diseases, especially cancer. Chickens bought by consumers are heavily contaminated by intestinal microorganisms from the animals, chiefly E. Coli. If the chickens have been fed antibiotics, those germs are usually resistant to antibiotics(4). In addition, to antibiotics and contagious infections, sometimes, chickens are subjected to contaminated feed. Chickens and eggs were contaminated by polychlorinated biphenyls in Idaho and Montana in 1979.


Fish - Good for the Fish Bowl - But Not for You! Many fish are full of toxic chemicals that have been dumped into our lakes and oceans. Human viruses present in contaminated water are now found in fish, and can be carried to man without infecting the fish in the transaction. These organisms have been found in unprecedented numbers, and include human polio viruses, cox sackie viruses, and rheo viruses(5). Also, in several areas in America, the fish tapeworm (Diphyllobothrium latum) has been identified in man.

Infection occurs when undercooked fish is eaten(6).

In conclusion, I want to encourage our readers to take God at His word. Start following the original diet given to mankind in the beginning, and you will begin to enjoy abundant health.


(1) Scharffenberg, John A., Problems with Meat, Woodbridge Press Pub. Co., Santa Barbara, CA., 1979, pg. 101.

(2) Hoffman, J.M., Ph.D., The Missing Link, pg. 134, 1984.

(3) Editorial, J.A.M.A., June 3, 1961, pg.134.

(4) One Man's Meat...The Sciences, 19:2-3, Nov. 197

(5) Frequency of Fish Tumors Found in a Polluted Watershed as Compared to Non-Polluted Canadian Waters. Cancer Research 3:189-198, Feb. 1973

(6) Diphyllobothriasis, American Family Physician 20(3) 127-128,Feb., 1973.