Overall Health by A. Louis Blackwell - HTML preview

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Chapter 7:

The Basics On Mental Health


Generally, one needs to have a healthy mind to be able to do things right. Our mental power helps us become effective in what we do. Further, it plays an important role in our lives to help keep things in order. Mental health is a general term. However, it relates to the overall condition of our mind where our level of psychological health is high and at the same time free of any mental disorders.

Happy Mind, Happy Life

A person’s ability of staying happy and enjoying life can also be measured by their mental health. The reason for this is that our mental capacity can greatly affect our emotions, thus our expressions and reactions are also affected.

When your mental health is poor your judgment on things is also poor because your mind cannot function rationally. Being mentally ill will change the way you look at life and react on it. Most of the time you are emotionally unstable, which is why a lot of people who are not having a healthy state of mind becomes an easy target of depression and other forms of mental disorders.

Our mental health can be affected by a lot of things including our physical make up, environment, work, relationships and genetics. Today, a lot of studies have been made purposely to give high priority and importance on how a person achieves mental wellness for the reason that people nowadays need to cope with the world that requires healthy people, both physically and mentally to be able to live a bountiful and creative life.

In general, the areas of our life that can be deeply affected by our mental condition are our spirituality, work, relationships, emotions, relaxation and self-direction. Moreover, we have to understand that even if we are mentally and emotionally healthy, it does not always mean that we will never experience hassles from the uncontrollable and unforeseen issues. However, a healthy mind and spirit will help us cope with any challenges with a better outlook which can help us to stay focused, flexible and result driven.

To be able to maintain good mental health, we need to prevent any risk factors that can trigger mental and emotional instability. Also, when facing a difficult situation, stay focused and identify the root cause of the problem so that you will know how exactly to deal with it.

Finally, since all of us want to have a beautiful and peaceful life, let us all allow ourselves to relax and fill our lives with positive people and always choose to have constructive relationships rather than the opposite.