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Chapter VIII

How to Treat Infertility With Traditional Chinese Perspective

A. Diagnosis of Infertility in Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)

Unlike conventional treatment, traditional Chinese medicine treat each patient as a unique entity and believe a tiny microscopical change in the endocrine system can disrupt the entire mind-body complex, thereby, the treatment is focus in the underline causes of the diseases, including hormone imbalance and immunity causes of infertility. In this article we will discuss diagnosis of infertility in traditional Chinese perspective

A. In Women

I. Definition

Traditional Chinese medicine besides views female infertility through diagnosis of 5 element theory, it also checks the function of kidney yin and yang as well as blood flow.

III. Diagnosis

1. Deficiency kidney yin

Women with abnormal menstruation including light discharge such as red and without clots, emaciation, dizziness, red tongue with little fur, insomnia and rapid pulse are considered as deficiency of kidney yin.

2. Deficiency kidney yang

Women with prolong menstrual cycle, no menstrual discharge, lower back pain, lack of sexual desire and slow pulse are considered as deficiency of kidney yang.

3. Blood deficiency

According to traditional Chinese medicine, blood stagnation is caused by weakened spleen organ, thereby, reducing the spleen function in blood formation causing not enough blood to be distributed to the body leading to no blood for menstruation. Women with symptoms of late menstruation with pale and scanty or absence of menstruation, dizziness, dry skin, pale tongue, pain in abdomen after menstruation and weak pulse.

4. Blood stagnation

Blood stagnation is normally caused by qi stagnation or qi deficiency in the liver leading to abdominal pain, clotted and dark menstrual flow, nervous tension, premenstrual breast tenderness, a slight purple-tongue and wiry pulse.

B. In Men

I. Definition

Traditional Chinese medicine beside views male infertility as if caused by imbalance of 5 elements in the theory, it also checks the function of kidney yin and yang, liver qi, stagnation of qi and blood as well as heat and dampness accumulation in the lower burner.

II. Diagnosis

1. Liver qi stagnation

Liver meridian blockage in the local area (genital) interferes with normal testicle functions, leading impotence, low libido and ejaculation.

2. Kidney deficiency

a) Kidney Yang deficiency

Men are considered kidney yang deficiency if they have symptom of low sexual desire, weak ejaculation, impotence, seminal emission, low sperm count, slow sperm mobility.

b) Kidney yin deficiency

According to TCM kidney is vital to maintain a healthy reproduction system in men and women alike. In men, infertility caused by kidney yin deficiency includes symptoms seminal emission, slow sperm mobility, low sperm count.

3. Stagnation of qi and blood

Stagnation of qi and blood is normally caused by weakened liver in fat and protein metabolism and spleen in blood formation leading nervous symptoms including worrisomeness, over-thinking, stress, chronic illness and impotence, low sperm count, short sperm life, slow sperm mobility.

4. Heat and dampness accumulation in the lower burner

Male suffered from heat and damp diseases is normally caused by over alcohol drinking and unhealthy diet including high in saturated and trans fat and spicy food leading to generally overweight, sperm count is low and sometimes sperm deformities.

B. Food Classification in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Perspective

1. Cold

Cold foods in traditional Chinese medicine are considered as a type of food which may stimulate the colding effects in your body and deplete the yang qi as resulting of our body needs to counter the colding effect with yang qi in the body. Prolong period of taking these kinds of food without balancing them with other warm or hot foods may cause yang qi and kidney yang deficiency resulting in interfering with normal function of the reproductive organ and lessoning the chance of fertility in men and women alike. For women who try to conceive should avoid to eat these type of food all together or counter with at least same amount of hot foods.

a) Bamboo

b) Banana

c) Grape fruit

d) Clams

e) Seaweed

f) Watermelon

g) Bitter melon

h) Etc.

2. Cool

Same as cold food, but they are not as strong. It also depletes the yang qi but moderately, therefore eating these types of foods should counter with some warm food to avoid yang qi and kidney yang deficiency. Women who try to get pregnancy is advised to eat only moderate amounts and for nutrients only. Otherwise, they may dampen the chance of fertility.

a) Apple

b) Lectuce

c) Cucunber

d) Pear

e) Spinach

f) Strawberry

g) Tomato

h) Etc.

3. Neutral

Although neutral foods are types of food which have no effects in ying and yang qi in the body, but it may have other side effect such as rice, gain and potato which may interfere with insulin production of the spleen as well as liver function in carbohydrate metabolism. If these types of foods have any effects with the chance of fertility, your herbalist will let you know in the process.

a) Apricot

b) Beet

c) All kinds of red meat

d) Celery

e) Honey f) Rice

g) Bread h) Etc.

4. Warm

Warm foods are considered as food with warming effects in the body. It is most important foods which are used most often for pregnant women as they can help to maintain the healthy pregnancy as well as protection against miscarriage. Warm foods increase your body temperature and yang qi slightly that helps to increase

the chance of fertility in women and men alike.

a) Black tea

b) Cherry

c) Chive

d) Leek

e) Peach

f) Raspberry

g) Chicken

h) Etc.

5. Hot

Foods with hot nature are normally good for improving immune system in fighting against forming of free radicals, bacteria and virus as well as increasing the blood flow to the body including the reproductive organs, but over eating these types of food may cause yin qi and kidney yin deficiency leading to hormone imbalance and interfering with fertility process.

a) Garlic

b) Ginger

c) Pepper

d) Onion

e) Green onion

f) Cinnamon powder

g) Etc.

Finally, we would like you to know that most foods with bitter, sour and salty are classified as yin and hot and sweet are classified as yang.

This article is only provided you with information how food interacts directly to your chance of fertility. For more information, please consult with your herbalist.

D. How to Treat Infertility With Chinese Herbs

I. In Female

1. Bupleurum

Although bupleurum is not a tonic medicine, it is proven effective when used together with peony in balancing the levels of estrogen and progesterone in the women during menstrual cycle resulting in lessening the risk of irregular menstrual cycle and increasing the chance of fertility.

2. White Peony root

White pony root is a Chinese herb used to strengthen the spleen and diminish the liver qi, thereby, increasing the body in blood sugar regulation and essential fatty acids metabolism resulting in lessening the risk of qi and blood stagnation in the abdominal region leading to irregular menstrual cycle and cramps.

3. Engelica roots( Dong Quai)

Engelica roots id a reproductive organ tonic herbs, it not only helps to increase blood flow to the abdominal region but also helps to balance the levels of estrogen and progesterone hormone during menstrual cycle resulting in increasing the normal process of fertilization.

4. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is classified a hot herb in traditional Chinese medicine, it not helps to strengthen the immune system, but also increase the kidney function in regulating the production of sperm, if the cause of infertility is found to be kidney yang deficiency.

5. Poria

Poria has been used in traditional Chinese medicine in treating blockage of channels and blood, resulting in lessening the risk of blood and q stagnation in the reproductive region, thus increasing the normal menstrual cycle and increasing the chance of fertility.

6. Schizandra

It is said that schizandra not only helps to increase immune system in fighting against irregular cell growth, but also stimulate the production of testosterone, leading to increase sexual desire and the chance of fertility.

7. Lycium

Lycium is considered as a quintessential tonic herb. It not only has the power to restore the harmony of 5 elements in Chinese medicine, but also increases the production of quality sperm in men and regulating the menstrual cycle in women.

8. Cordyceps

It is considered as a liver tonic herb. It helps to increase liver function in carbohydrate metabolism and regulate spleen in insulin production resulting in lessening the risk of blood stagnation in the abdominal region, thereby increasing the chance of normal process of menstrual cycle.

9. Gynostemma

Gynostemma is considered as immortal herb in traditional Chinese medicine, it supports the harmony of glands and organs in the body, resulting in increasing over all health, including the reproductive organs.

II. In Male

1. Polygonum multiflorum,

Polygonum multiflorum besides has been used widely in China as the body rejuvenate herb, it helps to restore the kidney function as resulting of kidney yin and yang imbalance, thus, increasing the production of sperm count and sperm quality.

2. Deer Antler

Deer anther besides is a male hormone enhancer herb, it also has a unique function in assisting the production of blood and blood movement, resulting in increasing the blood flow to the reproductive organs thus, increasing sexual desire and sperm production.

3. Astragalus

Astragalus is a male sexual enhancer herb, it helps to increase the levels of testosterone in the body, resulting in increasing the sexual desire and production of quality of sperm and count.

4. Epimedium

Epimedium is said to have a aphrodisiac characteristics. Chinese herbalists believe, if epimedium can increase the sexual activity and off springs in goats, it must have the same effect in men.

5. Cistanches

Cisanches is kidney tonic herb, it helps to improve the kidney function in regulating the effectiveness of men reproductive organs, resulting in lessening the risk of sexual dysfunction and increasing the sexual desire.

6. Imperial Garden

Imperial garden is also known as dragon herb and considered as a over all health tonic herb, thereby, it helps to restore the body to it's harmony state, resulting in increasing the function of reproductive organs to response to it's natural process.

7. Male Silk Moth

Male silk moth contains high levels of protein, cephalin and male hormones, it helps not only to reduce the nervous tension, but also increase the production of testosterone, resulting in increasing sexual desire and production of sperm quality and count.

E. In Women EA. Bupleurum I. Definition

Bupleurum also known as Bei Chai Hu, is a very large genus of plants and belongs to the family Apiaceae (Umbelliferae). It has used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years in treating infections with fever and liver problems.

II. How bupleurum effects female fertility

1. Liver qi stagnation

The herb is said to have a liver tonic effect that helps to release liver qi stagnation as resulting of accumulating toxins over whelming the body, leading to abnormal function of liver in regulating the spleen function in insulin production resulting in hormone imbalance and irregular menstrual cycle. Also sluggish liver reduce it's function in essential fatty acids metabolism, leading to over production of certain hormone in the prostaglandins family resulting in menstrual cramps and pain and iver active uterus that effects the chance of fertility.

2. Kidney

It not also helps to improve kidney function in urinary extraction but also restores it's function in regulating the steroid growth hormone, leading to hormone balancing and decreasing the risk of irregular menstrual cycle.

3. Kidney yin deficiency

It is considered as a cool to cold herb, thereby, it helps to release over abundant yang qi that obstructs the normal process of egg production and increases the risk of irregular menstrual cycle.

4. Immune system

Bupleurum is also a immune function tonic with the "cool to Cold side. beside helping immune system in fighting against bacteria and virus invasion, it also increase the immune system to recognize sperm are part of the body's tissue and not to attack them. It works well if the infection is caused by immune abnormal function in yin qi deficiency

5. Spleen function

It also has an effect in spleen function in production of insulin that helps to reduce the risk of insulin fluctuation, leading to production of certain hormone ( serotonin) and interrupting the hormone production ( progesterone), thereby, increasing the chance of fertility.

6. Blood flow

It is said that bupleurum helps to reduce the levels of cholesterol and triglyceride, therefore it not helps to improve the function of the heart, but also increases blood flow to the reproductive organs, resulting in lessening the risk of infertility

III. Side effects

It may cause

1. Nausea

3. Reflux

4. Increase bowel movement

If over dose.

EB. White Peony

I. Definition

White peony is the bark of the root of Paeonia suffruticosa and also also known as "moutan" or "mu dan" in China. It has been used in traditional Chinese medicine in treating liver cirrhosis.

II. How white peony effects female fertility

1. Liver

White peony has been listed in traditional Chinese medicine medical book for over thousand of year in treating liver qi and fire blood caused by yin deficiency, leading to the qi and blood stagnation in the liver, thereby lessening it's function in carbohydrate metabolism and increasing the risk of hormone imbalance causes of infertility.

2. Uterus tonic

It is said that white peony also helps the liver in regulating the production of certain hormones in the prostaglandins family resulting in lessening the risk of abdominal pain and cramps caused by over active uterus.

3. Kidney

White peony not only helps to increase the function of kidney in urinary extraction, but also improve kidney function in regulating the production of steroid hormones, leading to production of testosterone that helps to improve sexual desire and reducing the risk of water retention.

4. Blood stagnation

Since it helps to release the blood stagnation in the liver, it also improves the blood flow to the abdominal region, resulting in lessening the risk of irregular menstrual cycle and increasing the chance of fertility.

5. Yin qi and blood deficiency

Since it is the herb in the cold side, it helps to restore the harmony in the body, if the infertility is caused by liver blood stagnation and liver yang abundance.

III. Side effects

No Side effect as known

EC. Angelica Root (Dang Qui)

I. Definition

Angelica is a biennial plant belongs to the family Apiaceae. It's root ( angilica root) also known as dang qui or gong quai has been used in traditional Chinese medicine as a reproductive tonic medicine combined with other herbs such as astragalus to treat exhaustion from blood loss.

II. How angelica root (dang Qui) effects women fertility

1. Reproductive organs tonic

Traditional Chinese medicine views angelica roots as queen herb which has been used to enhance the productive system and promote menstrual health. It is said that angelica roots has the power to restore any deficiency caused by hormone imbalance.

2. Blood tonic

It also is a reproductive blood tonic herb that not only help to increase blood production to replace blood loss for women with heavy menstruation, but also increases the blood flow to abdominal region, leading to enhancing the chance of fertility.

3. Digestive system

Beside helping to cure diarrhea, it also increases the digestive system in absorbing essential vitamins and minerals, thereby reducing the risks of infertility caused by nutrients deficiency.

4. Blood and qi deficiency

Blood and qi deficiency in the reproductive region may be caused by blood and qi stagnation in the liver, kidney or some where else in the body, leading to irregular menstrual cycle, absence of period or painful period. Angelica roots helps to increase blood and qi flow, resulting in normalizing the function of reproductive organs.

5. Kidney tonic

It is said that angelica root also helps to improve kidney function not only in regulating water and fluid through urinary extraction, but also improving kidney normal function in regulating the natural menstrual process of the reproductive organs, resulting in increasing the chance of fertility.

6. Immune system

It is said that angelica root containing variety chemicals that help to strengthen the immune system in fighting against infection and inflammation, thereby decreasing the risk of yeast infection during menstruation as well as forming of irregular cell growth in the reproductive organs.

III. Side effects

1. it may cause skin inflammation and rashes, if it is taken in high dose

2. Since angelica root causes uterus constraction, a pregnant woman should not take it, unless with the approval of her herbalist.

ED. Cinnamon

I. Definition

Cinnamon also known as Cinnamomum verum), it is a small evergreen tree belongs to the family Lauraceae and has been used in traditional Chinese medicine in treating kidney yang deficiency.

II. How cinnamon effects women fertility

1. Kidney yang

Since it is a hot herbs, it helps to improve the yang qi in the kidney and increase the chance of fertility, if the infertility cause is diagnosis as yang qi deficiency. By increasing the kidney yang, it also help to enhance the chance of fertility as resulting of improving of sexual desire.

2. Digestive system

It is also helps to improve appetite and digestive system in vitamins and minerals absorption that are essential to maintain the healthy menstrual cycle and enhance the normal process of conception.

3. Blood flow

Cinnamon also contain certain chemical agents which help to stimulate the blood flow to the reproductive region, leading to lessening the risks of menstrual disorder and infertility caused blood deficiency of the reproductive organ. It also helps the spleen in regulating the production of insulin, resulting lessening the risks of blood sugar in the blood stream, causing diabetic like symptoms of infertility.

4. Immune system

As an antioxidant, it helps to improve the function of immune system in guarding our body against the invasion of bacteria and virus that decreases the risks of over active immune disorder, causing production of certain proteins binding to sperm and asking other immune cells to attach it.

5. Dysmenorrhea

It has some chemical properties which help to calm the reproductive organs during menstruation, resulting in lessening the menstrual pain caused by qi and blood stagnation in the region and increasing the chance of fertility.

III. Side effects

Since it is considered as one the hot food in traditional Chinese medicine, over dose may cause yin qi deficiency ( or toxic effect because of presenting of coumarin in western medicine term)

EE. Poria

I. Definition

Poria also known as fu ling in traditional Chinese medicine and it has been used in traditional medicine in harmonizing the fale reproductive system.

II. How poria effect women fertility

A. Midle Jiao harmonizing

Midle jiao is defined as the organs in midsection of the body including the spleen, stomach, gall bladder and liver organs. Since it helps to improve the inter relationship of those organs in the midsection, it improves

1. Kidney function in regulating the water retention in the body tissues and normalizing the function of kidney in assisting the natural process of fertility.

2. Spleen function in secreting the amount of insulin in energy processing, resulting in lessening some menstrual cycle symptoms, thereby increasing the chance of fertility.

3. Stomach in food digestion, leading to intestine in absorbing vitamins and minerals that is necessary for women who want to get pregnant.

4. Gall bladder in storing bile in the liver and digestive system in nutrients oabsorption

5. Liver function in regulating the processing of estrogen and essential acid production, thereby, lessening the risk of hormone imbalance and menstrual cramps and pain caused by over production of some remembers in the prostaglandins family.

B.. Blood tonic and hormone imbalance

Poria also contains some chemicals which help to improve blood flow resulting in lessening the risk of over working heart in providing oxygen to the body, resulting in increasing the inter information transmitting that reduces the risk of over production in certain hormone which interfere with process of fertility.

C. Respiratory tonic

It is also a lung tonic herb which helps the lung function in asorbing oxygen, resulting in increasing the blood stream in providing nutrients to the cell in our body and reducing the symptoms of dizziness, lack of energy, etc.

III. Side effects

There are no known side effect. Since it is a diuretic herb,women take antidiuretic medications should consult with their doctor before taking peria.

EF. Maca Root

I. Definition

Maca also known as lepidium meyenii, it is a herbaceous biennial plant native to the high Andes of Bolivia and Peru. It' root has been used in traditional medicine in treating men sexual dysfunction.

II. How maca root effects fertility

1. Blood tonic

It is said that maca root contains certain chemicals which help to increase blood flow the penis as the blood vessel dilate, thereby reducing the symptoms of sexual dysfunction for some men.

2. Prostate gland

It is said that maca root helps to treat enlarge prostate gland resulting in improving the blow flow to penis as well as increasing the function of penis in sperm ejaculation into women vagina, leading to better chance in egg fertilization.

3. Thyroid hormone

Maca root contains iodine, a chemical which is vital for the function of thyroid gland. Deficiency of iodine causes abnormal function of thyroid gland( hypothyriodism) in secreting certain hormone, leading to hormone imbalance resulting in disrupting the normal process of natural conception.

4. Adaptogen

It is said maca root is adptogenic herb, that helps to reduce the nervous tension by enhancing the power of resistance and adapt to external condition in the brain, resulting in lessening the risks of emotional and physical stress and anxiety.

5. Immune system

Maca root also helps to improve over all health in the body by rebuilding weak immune systems, re-mineralizing poorly nourished bodies, and increasing energy and endurance, resulting in increasing the chance of fertility.

III. Side effects

There is no known major side effect, but occasionally, some people taking maca root may experience goiters, caused by the glucosinolate chemical in it and abnormal allergic immune reaction such as hives, fatigue and flushed skin.

EG. Evening Pirmrose Oil

I. Definition

Evening primrose also known as oenothea biennisis, is one of the biennial and perennial herbaceous flowering plant and native to North and South America. It has been used in traditional medicine in treating breast pain and premenstrual syndrome.

II. How evening primrose effects fertility

1. Linoleic acid

Evening prirose contains high amount of linoleic acid which is one of essential fatty acid. It not only helps the liver in regulating the production of good prostaglandins hormone, resulting in lessening the risks of menstrual cramps and pain in women, but also increases the blood flow to the reproductive organ, leading to increasing the quality of sperm production in men and normalizing the menstrual cycle in women.

2. Gamolenic acid (GLA)

Evening primrose also contains high amount of gamolenic acid (GLA)

a) It can convert to PE1 the good prostaglandins hormone which helps to release the symptom of uterus contraction during menstrual cycle, resulting in lessening the risk of menstrual cramps and pain and increasing the chance to conceive.

b) Immune system

It is said that gamolenic acid also strengthens the immune system in fighting against invasion of bacteria and virus that causes infection and inflammation in the body, including the reproductive organs and decreasing the risk of abnormal immune function that attacks the body tissues, leading to symptom of antibody antigen.

3. Cervical mucus

It is said that evening primrose also contains chemicals which help to improve the production of sperm friendly mucus, resulting in increasing the chance for sperm in the process of egg fertilization.

4. Digestive system

It also helps to treat gastro-intestinal disorders, resulting in increasing the digestive system in absorbing vital vitamins and minerals resulting in lessening the risk of infertility caused by nutrients deficiency.

5. Lung

It also improves the lung function in absorbing oxygen by reducing the effect of respiratory problem such as asthma, thereby increasing the transportation of oxygen and nutrients to the brain cell needs of which decreasing the risks of emotional and physical stress, dizziness, lack of energy and anxiety.

III. Side effects

There are no known side effect