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Chapter X

How to Treat Infertility With Vitamins

1.Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 besides is a vital vitamin for the development of the fetus during pregnant, it also helps to treat hypothyroidism, thereby decreasing the risk of hormone imbalance caused by low thyroid gland, resulting in normalizing the women menstrual cycle, thus increasing the chance of fertility.

2. Folic Acid

Folic adcid besides plays a vital in increasing the production of iron, it also helps to strengthen and restore cervical tissues, resulting in decreasing the risk caused by damaging cervix.

3. Vitamin C

Beside helping to boost the immune system as an antioxidant fighting against forming of free radicals, it also helps to strengthen the small veins in the body, including the veins in the reproductive organs, thereby increasing blood flow to the penis and uterus.

4. Vitamin D

vitamin D besides is important for calcium absorption, it also increases the immune function in fighting immune abnormal reaction caused by allergies, thereby decreasing the immune protein binding to sperm or producing sperm hostile mucus.

5. Vitamin E

Vitamin E is another antioxidant, besides boosting the immune system, it also helps our body in regulating cells growth, resulting in lessening the risk of tumor, fibroids and cancer, caused by abnormal cell duplication.

A. Vitamin B12

1. Reproductive organ enhancer

Researchers found that vitamin B12 not only is vital for the development of healthy fetus and embryo but also improves the fertility rate. Deficiency of B12 may interfere with division of cells and cells growth, leading to miscarriage and making conception more difficult.

2. Blood flow

Vitamin B12 also helps to dicrease the risk of heart disease and increases the blood flow to the body in transportation of oxygen to the body including the reproductive organ, thereby decreasing the risk of blood stagnation in the abdomen.

3. Nervous system

It is also important to boost the nervous in regulating the production of certain hormone in the body, resulting in lessening the risk of over production of certain hormone that normalizes the menstrual cycle for women.

4. Endometrium

It is said that vitamin B12 helps to boost the endometrium lining in egg fertilization, resulting in decreasing the risk of miscarriage and increasing the chance of egg implantation in artificial insemination.

5. Ovulation assisting

It is considered one of the vitamin necessary for normal ovulation. Study founds that deficiency of vitamin B12 may causes irregular ovulation or not ovulation at all, making conception difficulty for some women.

B. Vitamin C

1. Reproductive organs

Vitamin C helps to strengthen the capillaries, thereby decreasing the risk of internal blood leaking, leading to increasing blood flow to the reproductive organ including the penis and uterus, thereby, decreasing the chance of erectile dysfunction in men and decreasing the risk of egg fertilization failure.

2. Antioxidant

It is also one of the powerful antioxidant that helps the immune system in guarding our body against any invasion of bacteria and virus, thereby decreasing the risks of infection and inflammation to the reproductive organs.

3. Nutrients

By assisting the digestive system in absorbing vital vitamins and minerals, vitamin C helps to increase nutrients to our body cell, resulting in decreasing the risk of infertility caused by nutrients deficiency.

4. Testicle cancer

A new Danish study reported at Johns Hopkins InteliHealth on February 26, 1999 found that deficiency of vitamin C not only increases the risk of testicle cancer but also decreases the chance of fertility

5. Antibody antigen

Since vitamin C plays an important role in assisting immune system fighting against formingof free radicals, it also helps to reduce the risk of abnormal function of a certain class of protein of immune system which binds to the sperm and allows other immune cells to attack them.

C. Vitamin D

1. Calcium absorption

Vitamin D helps to improve the maximum absorption of calcium by our digestive system. Deficiency of Vitamin D normally also causes calcium deficiency, leading to nervous tension and decreasing the function of uterus in supporting the embryo to growth, resulting in miscarriage.

2. Irregular cell growth

Vitamin D plays an important role in strengthening the immune system in regulating cell growth. Deficiency of vitamin D causes increase risk of cancer.

3. Liver and spleen function

Liver requires vitamin D to stimulate and regulate the spleen function in production of insulin. Deficiency of vitamin D causes insulin fluctuation, leading to type II diabetes that not only effects the heart in pumping blood through out the body, but also decreases blood flow to the reproductive organs.

4. Nervous tension

It is also important for adrenal gland in regulating the production of tyrosine hydroxylase. Deficiency of vitamin D causes imbalance of hormones, leading to nervous tension such as stress, anxiety, fatigue, lack of energy, and depression.

5. Leptin secretion

Vitamin D also slow down the production of leptin from the fat cells, thereby, increasing the brain in controlling the weight gain or loss, resulting in increasing the chance of fertility.

6. Antibody antigen

It alsp helps to increase the immune function in fighting bacteria and virus invasion, thereby, decreasing the abnormal function in production of a certain class of protein which bind to sperm cells and allow other immune cell to attack them.

D. Vitamin E

1. Antioxidant

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant, it helps to improve the immune system in regulating the cell duplication and minimize the risk of cell oxidation. Deficiency of vitamin E may increase the risk of irregular cell growth, leading to fibroids, endometrial adhesion and implants as well as tumor in the reproductive organ in women and increasing the risk of oxidative sperm in men.

2. Hormone production

It also plays an vital role in balancing the production of sex hormones by regulating the function of glands. Deficiency of vitamin E causes decreasing of testosterone, leading to lower sperm count that interferes with fertility.

3. Egg quality

Researcher found that deficiency of vitamin E causes poor egg quality, resulting in increasing the risk of birth defect and miscarriage.

4. Sexual lubrication

It is said that vitamin E helps to increase the production of lubrication in the vagina, thereby decreasing the pain caused by penis penetration during sexual intercourse, resulting in increasing the chance of fertility for some women.

5. Blood flow

It is said that vitamin E also helps to improve the heart function in providing nutrients and oxygen for our body cells and regulating the blood flow to the body, resulting in lessening the risk of blood stagnation in the abdomen, thus increasing the chance of fertility.

F. Folic Acid Effects Fertility

1. Red blood cell

Folic acid is vital for red blood cell production. Deficiency of folic acid decreases the function of blood in transporting nutrients and oxygen to the body cells, resulting in increasing the risk of abnormal brain cells in transmitting information between themselves and glands, leading to over and under production of certain hormone that interferes with normal menstrual cycle and fertility.

2. Norepinephrine

it plays a dual role as a hormone and a neurotransmitter, it affects the brain in response to actions and control. Deficiency of folic acid causes imbalance of levels of norepinephrine hormone, leading to interrupting the information transmitting resulting in depression and emotional and physical stress.

3. Serotonin

Serotonin is a hormone secreted when our body under stress. Folic acid deficiency causes over production of serotonin hormone, leading to imbalance of hormone progesterone that interferes with normal menstrual cycle and disrupts ovulation.

4. Nervous system

It is said that folic acid helps to synthesize genetic material in every cell of the body. Deficiency causes abnormal cell growth and DNA duplication abnormality that disrupts the sperm in egg fertilization and increases the chance of birth defects.

5. Neural tube defects

Researcher found that deficiency of folic acid before and during pregnancy causes neural tube defects as resulting of abnormal genetic synthesizing.

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