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Chapter XIII

Fertility Diet

We will finish the E-book with a brief look of the fertility diet and hope to come back with another E book - fertility diet with more indepth discussion

A. Fruit and Vegetables

I. Definition

While fruit is defined as any fleshy material covering a seed or seeds and vegetable is defined as a herbaceous (green and leaf like in appearance or texture) plant cultivated for an edible part, as roots, stems, leaves or flowers, but in in daily language, the words "fruit" and "vegetable" are interchangeable.

II. How fruit and vegetables effects fertility

1. Load of vitamins and minerals

As we mentioned in some other articles, fruit and vegetable contain high amount of vitamins and minerals that is vital for over all health, including the reproductive organs. People eat less of above may cause nutrients deficiency, distorting the normal process of conception.

2. Low GI index

Most fruit and vegetable are low GI foods that helps to release glucose slowly into the blood stream, thereby decreasing the risks of blood sugars fluctuation, causing low sperm quality in men and distorting the menstrual cycle process in women.

3. Anti inflammation

Some food such as garlic, ginger and pepper contains high amount of antioxidants, that not only help to improve immune function in fighting against forming of irregular cells growth, but also prevent the inflammation of the pelvic region.

4. Blood flow

Garlic, ginger, onion, etc also help to improve the blood flow to the reproductive organs. By making the blood thinner, they increase the blood in transportation of nutrients and oxygen for our body cell need, including the reproductive organ, leading to decreasngthe risk of low quality sperm in men and poor quality eggs in women.

5. Nervous symptoms

Some fruit and vegetable help to increase the body in fat and protein metabolism, thereby increasing the nervous cells in transmitting information between themselves and glands, thus decreasing the risk of nervous symptoms such as fatigue, stress, depression, anxiety, etc.

There are many other benefits of fruit and vegetable that we can not mention them all, but if you believe in transitional Chinese medicine, then you must choose your foods carefully without distorting the yin and yang qi in your body.

B. Seeds and Nuts

I. Definition

Nut are both the seed and the fruit and is a general term for the large, dry, oily seeds or fruit of some plants. But in fact, under viewpoint of biologists only a certain number of them are considered by biologists to be true nut.

II. How seeds and nuts effect fertility

1. Low GI index

Nuts and seeds are ranged very low in GI index. They release the glucose very slowly into the blood stream, thereby increasing the pancreas function in regulating the production of insulin, resulting in increasing the conversion of carbohydrate into energy that are vital for our daily activity needs.

2. High amount of essential fatty acids

They also contain high amount of essential Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids that help to improve our body in fat and protein metabolism, thereby increasing the levels of E1 and E3 EFAs resulting in lessening the risk of hormone imbalance and quality of sperm in men and egg in women.

3. Vitamins and minerals

Vitamins and minerals not only help to maintain normal function of our body's daily activity, but also increase the body function in normalizing the production of certain hormones. Deficiency of them increase the risk of hormone imbalance, leading to infertility.

4. Antioxidants

Beside preventing the forming of free article, damaging our body's cells nut and seed are powerful antioxidant that increase the immune awareness inprotecting the body tissues, thereby, decreasing the risk of abnormal function of immune system in attacking sperm or viewing sperm as foreign invasion.

5. Blood flow

Nuts and seeds also increase the heart function in pumping blood to nourish our body organs as resulting of reducing the levels of bad cholesterols in the blood vessels, thereby enhancing the chance good quality egg in women and sperm in men.

6. Nervous system

They also help to improve the nervous system in regulating the secretion of hormones of the body glands, thus decreasing the risk of hormone imbalance that effects the natural process of conception.

7. Digestive system

Since they contain high amount of fiber, they help to move the stool in the large intestine by attaching to other waste, thereby cleaning the large intestine and decreasing the risk of colon cancer and constipation.

C. Carbohydrate

I. Definition

Carbohydrate is one of major nutrients, besides fat and protein, It is vital to maintain normal function in our body by continuing to supply energy (calories) for our body daily activities.

II. How carbohydrate effects fertility

1. Energy

Carbohydrate is main sources of energy that requires to nourish and maintain normal function of our body daily activity as resulting of our body carbohydrate synthesis. Deficiency of carbohydrate intake increases the risk of nervous tension, leading to fatigue, tiredness, depression and stress.

2. Nervous system

Our nervous system is required carbohydrate in maintaining its function in transmitting information and regulating the hormones secretion of glands, because the brain and neurons generally cannot burn fat and need glucose for energy. Deficiency of carbohydrate increases the risk of hormone imbalance leading to distorting the normal process of conception.

3. Taking only low GI carbohydrate food

High GI food release glucose into blood steam quickly, causing fluctuation of insulin production of pancreas, leading to high blood sugar in the body that effects quality of egg in women and lowering sperm count in men.

4. Hormone imbalance

High levels of insulin caused by inability of pancreas in regulating the levels of sugar after intake of carbohydrate increase the levels of androgen produced by the ovaries, causing hormone imbalance and increasing the risk of abnormal ovulation infertility.

5. Blood flow

Long term intake of simple carbohydrate may effect the pancreas in secreting insulin, leading to insulin resistance and causing high levels of bad cholesterol and triglyceride in the blood stream, as the blood get thicker, resulting in diabetes and heart diseases, thus effecting the blood flow to the pelvic region and increasing the risk of sexual dysfunction and low quality sperm in men and obstructing the normal ovulation in women.

By selecting the food with low GI index complex carbohydrate, it not only helps to maintain the right levels of glucose in the bloodstream, but also increases the blood flow and energy in our body that are vital for a natural process of a couple to conceive.

D. Legumes

I. Definition

Legume is a plant or a fruit, belongs to the family Fabaceae (or Leguminosae), it has been cultivated in Asia, America and Europe for over thousand of year for foods.

II. How legumes effects fertility.

1. Antioxidants

Most legumes contain high level of antioxidant that not only helps to increase the immune function in protecting our body against bacteria and virus invasion, but also decrease the abnormal allergic reaction of immune system in viewing sperm as a foreigner and attacking them.

2, Lignans

Legume contain high level of lignan which is one form of weak estrogen that can help to occupy the estrogen receptor sites in the women body, leading to low levels of bad estrogen, resulting in increasing the hormone balancing and enhancing fertility.

3. Complex carbohydrate

It also has a low GI index number, thereby helping to maintain the normal blood sugar in the blood stream thus decreasing the symptoms of high blood sugar in clotting the arteries and small vein in the pelvic region, leading to sexual dysfunction and abnormal ovulation.

4. Vitamins and nutrients

Legume contains most needed vitamins and minerals that are essential in helping our body in maintaining the secretion of hormones. Deficiency may cause over production of certain hormones, effecting the nervous system in regulating the normal function of glands.

5. Alkaline

Today we eat more acid forming foods such as sugars, saturated fats, and white breads. At the same time our consumption of fresh vegetables and essential fatty acids have decreased dramatically, making this generation life expectancy lower to the last generation in the first time in American history. Most legumes are considered alkaline, they not only help to neutralize the levels of acid in the body, but also prevent symptoms and diseases caused by over consumption of above.

E. Pure Water

I. Definition

Pure water is defined as water which has all impurities removed such as harmful bacteria, metals, etc. Distilled water and deionized water have been the most common forms of pure water.

II. How pure water effects fertility

Since our body is made up with over 70% of water, maintaining our body fluid is depended on how much water intake in order for our body to function properly.

1. Hormone secretion

Pure water contains no harmful substances and bacteria, it not only helps to prevent diseases but also cleanses our liver and kidney in hormone secretion. Deficiency causes toxins accumulation in the body leading to hormone imbalance, effecting fertility.

2. Blood flow

Deficiency of water in the body causes the blood becoming thicker, leading to lower blood flow to the pelvis region as well as decreasing transportation of oxygen to our body cells, leading to nervous tension and sexual dysfunction in men and obstructing natural process of ovulation.

3. Dryness

Low water in the body is considered as " dryness " sickness in traditional Chinese medicine obstructing energy flow to the pelvic region, effecting fertility.

4. Yin and Yang

We like to drink cold water rather than normal room temperature water. According to transitional Chinese medicine, cold water has a colding effect in our body ecosystem, it not only depletes the yang qi in the body, but also obstruction the energy flow in the body, leading to qi stagnation in the pelvic region, thus decreasing the chance of fertility.

5. Kidney and liver

1. Kidney is vital in maintaining it's function in regulating the secretion of growth hormones and a healthy kidney jing. Deficiency of water causes fluid deficiency in the test, leading to low sperm count and quality.

2. Liver is essential to maintain blood flow and regulate spleen in insulin production. Deficiency of water causes blood stagnation in the pelvic region and obstructs the liver in protein and fat metabolism, leading to nervous tension and infertility.

The End Of The Fastest Way To Get Pregnant Naturally E Book By Kyle J. Norton

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All articles By Kyle J. Norton Are For Information and Education Only, Please Consult With Your Doctor or Related Field Specialist Before Applying.

All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.

Author Biography

"Let You Be With Your Health, Let Your Health Be With You" Kyle J.


I have been studying natural remedies for disease prevention for over 20 years and working as a financial consultant since 1990. Master degree in Mathematics and BA in world literature, teaching and tutoring math at colleges and universities before joining insurance industries. Part time Health, Insurance and Entertainment Article Writer.

Recommended Reading

The Getting Pregnant Plan

I Created A Plan That Help Fertility

And Got Pregnant! You Can Too

Pregnancy Without Pounds

Avoid Gaining Extra Pregnancy Weight

Learn What Foods You & Your Baby Need For Optimal Health

For the best fertility self help program review click here

I hope this information will help you understanding more of the causes of infertility in women and men, if you need more information, please visit http://fertility-infertility.blogspot.com/

For other health article, please visit http://medicaladvisorjournals.blogspot.com

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