Overcome Infertility - How to get Pregnant Naturally by Kyle Norton - HTML preview

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Chapter V

Fertility Self Diagnosis Methods

1. Calender method

This is one of the oldest method which has been used over thousand years in human history. Today, it still the most popular method in the many country side in our world and the third world. By closely record the frequent and length of menstruation over several months and considering ovulation

occurs between nine and seventeen after last period, a woman can pinpoint the best days for her to get conceive. In fact, if a woman already knows the length of her menstrual cycle, then she knows the first day of ovulation by subtracting 14 days from it. 3 days before and after is the best chance for conception. This method can work efficiently only for women with regular menstrual cycle.

2. Basal body temperature (BBT) methhod

The most common technique and self ovulation diagnosis used by most women in our world. As a woman knows that her reproductive ovulation occurs a day or two when her body has lowest basal body temperature and the body basal temperature are at the highest one or two days after ovulation. By record the morning temperature over a few menstrual cycles, a woman can pinpoint the best time for her to get pregnant.

3. Cervical mucus method

Under normal circumstance, the cervical mucus is sticky and unstretchable and always hostile to sperm and in penetration as it's function is to protect the reproductive system against any invasion of bacteria and virus, but in the few days before and after ovulation, the cervical mucus becomes watery and stretchable and friendly for sperm invasion. By taking a cervical mucus daily and test them, if the mucus becomes clear, slippery, thicken, increases in amount and the size can it be stretched, then the ovulation may occurs within 1 to 2 days.

Although each of methods is considered safe and easily to used, but the best result is to combine all 3 of them for accurate predicting.