Plyometrics Fitness Adrenaline by PLR - HTML preview

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Chapter 2:

Adrenaline and Its Impact on Health



Adrenaline, also known as “epinephrine” is a hormonal stress from adrenal glands on the kidneys. It performs a vital function in helping the body to have a reaction caused by the hostile environment. Adrenalin rush is an abrupt increase of the adrenaline secretion from adrenal glands. It occurs if the brain connects to the glands telling that a fight-or-flight reaction is needed. Adrenaline rush is not necessarily a physical risk but also a possible imaginary threat, failure of the heart, anxiety, brain disorder, or vigorous exercise.


Adrenaline Rush

When a person observes something exciting or intimidating, the brain communicates to the adrenal glands that adrenaline should be produced together with other hormones related to stress. Adrenal glands are responsible for creating adrenaline by transforming amino acid into dopamine. Giving oxygen to dopamine yields noradrenaline and later on becomes adrenaline. This adrenaline joins the receptors of the arteries, heart, liver, fatty tissue, and pancreas. Afterwards, adrenaline will increase the respiration and heartbeats. By  connecting to the receptors of the liver, pancreas, fatty tissue, and muscles, it prevents the formation of insulin. It promotes the synthesis of fats and sugar by which the body uses it to kindle the fight-or-flight circumstances.

Health Effects

Adrenaline rush can produce bad effects to the health. Those people suffering from heart disease can cause their hearts to become weak. Heart muscle is made weak and there is heart attack, or heart failure to happen next. The brain can also be affected in unhealthy manner. On-going high levels of stress will lead the brains central memory to shrink. Stress hormones promote the formation of signaling molecules responsible for the swelling of hippocampus. The stressful condition also stops the development of the new neurons.

Memory and Stress Hormones

Although adrenaline glands create a big area for the adrenaline synthesis, neurons of the brain will also form adrenaline. Very stressful situations speed up the activity of the neurons. The result can be a negative effect on the brain’s memory. Stress can affect the memory storage by stimulating the main part of the brain which has the influence in storing negative feelings. Usually, people learn faster if things are played again and again in their memory. However, a single event can be enough for neurons to produce continuing networks.


Irregular occurrences of adrenaline rush in a natural way does not need any medication. If recurring stress, panic, anxiety, or disorder triggers the extreme adrenaline, special medication will alleviate the signs. Beta-blockers that will bind to the heart’s receptors will  prevent the occurrence of heart failure caused by too much secretion of the stress hormones.


Adrenaline rushes occur when you are confronted with an abrupt threat. The potential danger can perhaps range from a barking dog, family or job stress, or from a person trying to fight against you. As a result, the blood pressure and heart rate become elevated which is not good when not properly controlled. Manage your own adrenaline by rightly handling your moments of stress and your response to nerve- racking circumstances. Control your thoughts and your words to put limitations to your emerging adrenaline.