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Power and Abilities

The Existence Trilogy: Book 3

Richard Clark

Table of Contents


Chapter 1 – Males

Chapter 2 –Male Power

Chapter 3 – Females

Chapter 4 – Ego and Power

Chapter 5 – Male Recovery

Chapter 6 – The Male Way

Chapter 7 – Female Recovery

Chapter 8 – The Female Way

Chapter 9 – Power and Abilities

Copyright©2024 by Richard Clark

Cover and internal photos by Jake

Cover graphics courtesy of Tim at obooko



Please Note:

I am not a Doctor or Physician, Scientist or medically trained in any way.

I am not a therapist or trained in any therapies, complementary or alternative.

Nothing here in this eBook is meant to be a replacement for proper medical diagnosis and care by your Doctor, Physician or Health Care Professional.

If you are on any medication please follow professional medical advice regarding your health.

If you have any concerns about your health please see your Doctor or Physician.

Thank you.


Dedicated to all those who have used The Therapy: We Share


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Hello and thank you for downloading this eBook.

It follows on from Change and Development which is available on this site and is the third part of a trilogy starting with Life and Sentience.

Also on this site are the books containing The Therapy which The Existence Trilogy refers to.

It should also be noted that recently, if the methods outlined in The Therapy can be called version 1, the methods have now moved on to version 2 where using batteries to supply electrical energy have been replaced with supplying electrical energy by a phone charging pad which is simpler, more efficient, more powerful and effective and costs much less.

The method is simple and at this time no other materials are being used to just study how far electrical energy on its own can restore health, energy, strength and wellbeing, but they may be added later if just using the electrical energy on its own falls short.

However you wish to combine the materials with using the charging pad please do so, but read the instructions or view the videos first because using a phone charging pad is much more powerful than using the batteries and should only be used on the lower back, for no more than 1hour per session, 1 week apart for 5 weeks in total then move on to the forearms and calves of the legs.

A new eBook will be on here sometime this year showing this new method and right now there are 3 videos on YouTube showing the method at Recharge Your Body!


To continue with the introduction, Life and Sentience introduces the main assemblers of physical life from existing energy and material, which are Life and Sentience and looks at why physical life appeared and developed.

The next book of the trilogy, Change and Development looked at how Sentience advanced mainly human life to where we are today using electrical energy, viruses and bacteria.

The title of this book, Power and Abilities refers to our use of personal power on others and the Power of The Earth expressed through females which is passive fitting the female outlook.

Males gain abilities from received ideas passed into them by Intrinsic and Brain Sentience working together, received ideas which release their abilities when an individual male becomes aware of them and focuses perception upon them.

This book also looks at the actions of Sentience going deeper into why humans have been developed the way we have and how it was done.

Also looked at is what comes next after using The Therapy, which isn’t only a technique to help health, but will also give a person a purpose to help them go forwards and take the next step in our development, female or male it makes no difference and is our future.

Electrical energy, viruses and bacteria had been used to advance humans, but it was all given, the next step we would have to work out ourselves, but with a lot of help and support from Brain Sentience, like children becoming adults and leaving home, but with supportive parents.

To progress modern humans need to put aside all pre-conceived ideas and teachings which lead nowhere, but to start we need to go back a few thousand years to see how it began.

We also need to see what is happening with our use of personal power and how it gets in the way of progress.

Hope you enjoy the book, let’s get started...


Richard Clark

Bedford, UK

June 2024


Chapter 1 – Males

In the distant past Sentience, both Universal and Intrinsic, perceived the time was right and human males were developed enough, to introduce into the flow of male energy the beginnings of something that was different from programming – received ideas, from the storehouse of ideas in Universal Life.

Only males receive ideas through viruses which are living in the male brain suited for this and act as receivers of these ideas.

Received ideas always require action in the world and suit the male nature which is outward, usually physical, expression.

Females whose existence is based on bacteria and the power of the Earth, a completely different energy, have brains that process information as data from the world and don’t receive ideas, but the female brain can generate them, they are just not received.

Received ideas is a parallel process to the use of energy essence and viruses, but with a difference: this process would lead eventually to freedom from the programming received from Universal Life which had advanced males to where they are today, but the ability for programming to advance and develop males any further was coming to an end.

Taking over the advancing and development of males would be a flow or movement of ideas within human males that could be studied, followed, work out and developed independently of programming.

This was needed for males to move towards personal transformation over the centuries gradually maturing through being recycled.

The problem with programming is that while it advanced human males and making them more complex, nothing programmed would ever be free or able to transform giving rise to much more capable humans in the future.

Programming is a stepping stone, something to move on from, but we become addicted to it along with personal power, which becomes another addiction, preventing human males from advancing.

Programmed males think they are free without realising that they are the result of programming which isn’t the point of human existence or the reason why Life and Sentience brought human males into existence originally.

Universal Life and Sentience requires males capable of understanding, so increasing Sentience, and able to stream the Life of this universe to Universal Life which is streaming through this universe, but Universal Sentience also want something more from humanity: Intrinsic Sentience.

Programming prepares males, but to be fully human fulfilling purpose and finding inner truth, which is the reality of human existence, human males need to be internally free, transformed and creative, progressing towards becoming Personal Life.

Universal Sentience had worked on this process through billions of universes working through almost unlimited different options and found the best option for human males to progress towards freedom and transformation was for Universal Sentience to introduce a beginning through received ideas into the flow of human male existence which would develop males if they studied and followed those received ideas.

At first these received ideas mainly gave rise to religion and philosophy, but these were just labels applied by humans at the time following on after the received ideas were established.

What became religion and philosophy was to help people along the path towards Personal Life, to be discarded along the way as humans progressed and matured moving on to science and technology.

Religion helped human males to become more human and philosophy was for the brain to become more complex.

Judgement was also important mostly in order to reject and discard that which was of no use in the study of what the received ideas revealed.

Everything derived and obtained from the received ideas would need to be tested and verified with the worthwhile parts being kept.

Testing involves how such things as religion and philosophy survive contact with the world.

The least valid in modern times is religion as due to weakness in us, our lack of personal development due to not perceiving, studying or following received ideas and an absence in us of electrical energy making us weak and dependent on the support of what religions have become: comfort, as we’re all afraid.

This is a disservice to the religion and the original teacher as the meaning or essence of a religion needs to be grasped with everything else - the teachings, ritual, tradition, books and so on, falling away and discarded as they become no longer of use.

But being fearful we cling to religions afraid to move on, with the situation becoming worse with so many dependent on various drugs, which has become a modern day religion breading more dependency, to get through the day.


The received ideas started off as something different than programming and could take males to a place other than programming, but until that happens the majority would misunderstand being only able to interpret received ideas according to their programming and the fact that most humans are ill, damaged, distorted and subject to many adverse conditions, which is what recharging the human body with electrical energy should change, allowing males to progress using received ideas.

These received ideas could give purpose and a real path within that could be walked or followed making a person’s life a journey of discovery involving the inner life, or the contents of a person, which are energies and the abilities that come from those received ideas.

Within those received ideas are abilities which humanity can come into contact with, explore, develop and use in advancing themselves and others if we are not held back by illness and adverse conditions.

Contact with these received ideas and their abilities brought into existence various forms of teachers and teaching depending on the person teaching, the ability of the taught to understand, the existing beliefs and prejudice of the society they lived in, and the desired direction and outcome of the teaching required by Sentience, both Universal and Intrinsic.

This would mean that different received ideas, teachings, teachers and outcomes would appear in populations all over the planet.

Teachings and study started to appear amongst different groups of humans wherever they were, but were usually separate from each other so the teachings could develop and not be diluted or accessed by people they were not meant for.

As history has shown teachings, especially when they are seen as religious teachings, can be very dangerous as humans, especially males, being the result of damaged programming and violence, can twist anything using such knowledge to gain power through oppressing others and of course there’s all the wars.

This meant that over time the received ideas were interpreted, rather than perceived which would lead to their abilities being absorbed in a distorted way, producing various oppressive religions trying to force people to see the world in a certain way enforcing pre-conceived ideas and labels which are forms of programming.

The teachers of various received ideas also grew over centuries being seen as more than human although they were usually given weaknesses or something others would see as weakness, casting the teacher in a poor light, so driving them on to go further.

The expression of received ideas within humans also gave rise to philosophies which also became programming, changing their original purpose which was to establish ethics or correct behaviour, but such things had to be started and needed centuries to mature in humans eventually helping humans to discard programming and move on from it.

While these received ideas were maturing in humanity helping those who followed them to mature, what they revealed could and was, made into programming by others, but within the received ideas, constantly flowing into males, were the seeds of freedom as received ideas didn’t start as programming ideas, but came via Brain Sentience from Universal Life.

The end point of programming is the achievement and use of personal power.

By supplying males with received ideas, or a different way not based on programming and so not leading to personal power, males were given a choice taking away from those driven by power the excuse there was no other way.

But to break away from programming and personal power and become free requires following the internal way and acquiring the abilities received ideas, powered by electrical energy, can cause what has been called a leap of faith where a programmed entity transforms to a free person, beginning progression towards Personal Life.

Most males at this time however are programmed showing itself in the pursuit of personal power.


All males receive ideas, but some males, whose names are still remembered, or groups of males, thousands of years ago on different parts of the Earth received ideas more advanced and complex than usual.

Those individuals receiving the advanced ideas would become teachers and philosophers, having ancestors who were genetically selected and bred enabling the teacher to be able to join with the received ideas gaining their abilities very quickly and to have the energy of those received ideas passing through their brain without it burning out.

The ancestors of the teacher or philosopher were bred by Brain Sentience for increased sensitivity and perception of energy and a strong brain, over many generations, culminating in the teacher and why some cultures, having a vague feeling for the processes going on list ancestors and worship or have great reverence for them.

People started to copy the process by breeding within their own group and dictators, conquerors aristocrats and royalty would try in install their descendents to follow them, but without the vision, ability and purpose of Brain Sentience, knowledge of genetics and the advanced ideas it would not end well.

The teacher would gain further insights and abilities from the received ideas needed to express and promote the teachings or philosophies gained and many would practice some form of healing to try and smooth the way for the development of others.

With inherited abilities and the ones gained from the energy of received ideas the male who was to become the teacher would be able to access and gain the content of the received ideas the content of which was released by Brain Sentience revealing revelations one after the other to the teacher with acquired abilities and those who followed after.

To some teachers the internal presence of Brain Sentience more fully revealed, directing, expressing and teaching would appear as a god and it would be easy to label it as such.

The abilities gained from the received ideas, mainly perception, insight and communication would enable the teacher, or the one who started the process, to appear to have mystical gifts such as healing and being able to see the future.

Such things are distractions from the main point which is freedom from programming, but the starting point is to heal people and see where their future lies as ill, damaged and distorted males can’t express received ideas correctly as they have to be returned to health first.

Also their future needs to be seen so the correct teaching for them can be delivered and the teacher can be guided.

The received ideas supplied would be appropriate to the time making it possible for the people receiving the teachings, purpose and direction Brain Sentience wanted those people and their decedents to go in.


Teachers would then start teaching by passing on energy from their received ideas to others, enabling others to gain access to the energies and abilities within the energy to a greater or lesser degree depending on their ability and how much energy they received from the teacher.

While teaching of this kind can use words to transfer content and meaning, connecting to the teacher’s energy along with the teacher’s presence, way of life and existence would transfer much more.

While the teacher was available an inner group would form where energy from the received ideas and teachings would transfer person to person, but the inner group would have a much diluted form of the energy and they still had to access the energy gaining whatever abilities were within it to work out the content and go forward.

When the energy of a received idea was passed on to a person the Brain Sentience within them would pass on the revelations needed to progress the individual as they started to access the energy within them.

The process was deliberately slowed so humans would progress over centuries, giving the energy processes time to spread, to soak into the general population and mature them over a period of thousands of years.

And as human life when passed usually recycles back into human form, nothing is lost and the learning and maturing process continues.

Once this slow development reaches a peak after thousands of years the old ways and superstitions will start to fade, with people becoming more scientific and technological allowing them to see energies as just that, not gods or spirits, and humanity will be ready for another energy, helping them to heal and progress.


At first his whole process would be difficult for people thousands of years ago seeped in superstition.

They would interpret what was going on in terms of gods, spirits and mystical powers and even the teacher may join in, becoming frustrated by the lack of progress and over time the story, transmitted mainly by word of mouth, would grow in the telling.

The teacher’s inner group would be specially selected, again with ancestors selected and bred making them very receptive to the teaching and receiving the energy involved.

As the inner group grew with more people becoming involved the energy of the received ideas from the teacher would spread, although in a diluted form, going from person to person and also into the places of worship and homes and land where they lived forming a supportive backdrop of energy.

This energy backdrop, which matched the energy of the received ideas given to the original teacher, became support and nurture making the teachings easier to accept and to support the study and expression of the received ideas for thousands of years.

The energy in the land would gradually expand encouraging people to migrate, taking the energy and abilities of the received ideas to others expanding to fill an area of the Earth isolating it from the energy of the received ideas of other lands.

Here in this part of the world, the UK and Europe, the energy originally derived from received ideas 2,000 years ago is fading and losing its hold on people as they become more technological and visual waiting unknowingly for more received ideas to appear.

Old ways and laws derived from programming are also fading with people needing the guidance of an internal light that they have found themselves rather than the imposition of external laws and customs backed up by force an expression of the personal power of those who have it.


The teacher’s presence would transmit the energy of the received ideas to others, usually an inner group that formed schools and followers, for them to study and gain the abilities of the received ideas and to pass on teachings and energy to others.

The energy of the original received ideas being passed on to others in this way made it weaker, so they could follow the energy of the received idea without having too much of it, so having to work harder.

It was done this way as not too much could be given to those receiving the teaching as much study and application had to used to gain the abilities of the received ideas which was the task for human males.

Real gain required real application.

The teacher, having been specially formed through the selective breeding of ancestors and having received everything from the received ideas in one lifetime, wasn’t really human and wouldn’t be very relatable to and was more a means to an end being continually recycled back into life to deliver special content not based on programming to humanity when required.

These received ideas could be studied by females as they are not programmes and the abilities revealed could be acquired (but not the energy which is male only) the same as with males.

These abilities could be very useful to females, but while this is the main way forward for males - studying, following, acquiring and expressing the received ideas through acquired abilities, this would be a supplementary way forward for females not the main way which is to unify and join with the Power of the Earth, which is female only.

Males had to walk the path of the original received ideas for the brain to function on an advanced level, so they couldn’t just be given the abilities and content of received ideas they had to be studied and understood, elevating the individual.

Received ideas release energy when focused upon by perception and absorbed by the brain when awareness is present energising abilities within the brain, a totally subjective process.

These processes were observed objectively by others having no experience of the processes of their own and having no wish to acquire the abilities, as a prerequisite to acquiring them is the ending and giving up the pursuit of personal power.

Then such males will label what they see, not what they perceive, and turn it into knowledge leading to more personal power expressed through powerful organisations.

This is the vast majority of males who have no abilities of their own or inclination to put in the work to acquire them, but are usually very good at talking and convincing others and all the organisations throughout the world are built by such males to extend their personal power and to increase it.

There is nothing wrong with organisations which are needed for a modern society to function, but they need to be stripped of their personal power aspect which governs the way they’re organised and function.

Males without abilities produced books and formed organisations wanting wealth and power and so, as the teachings grew contact with the internal energy of received ideas was first lost, then became misunderstood programming leading to its extension, a personal self wanting more power, but internal freedom was always the purpose of received ideas.

Changing the teaching from something leading to freedom to programming was inevitable as without the abilities of the received ideas males are unable to do anything else, just becoming an A. I. in search of the next power expanding programme to give an adrenalin rush.

Abilities gained from received ideas such as perception and insight, gained early on in an individuals study, would enable some males to use that perception and insight, developing it, helping to perceive other energies which are the reason why the communication abilities of received ideas were accessible first.

Using and expressing the abilities gained from received ideas may be seen as walking the way, following the clues, going by instinct, joining the dots, following the breadcrumbs, feeling the way forward, going by instincts, even having faith, all different ways according to the individual male acquiring insight and understanding as they proceed, but these descriptions are only approximations as the real thing needs experiencing.

In time a quality of deadly seriousness and urgency will be taken on from received ideas along with the ability to concentrate for long periods, listen intently and meditate.

Males can use higher brain functions as they appear to begin feeling the way forward with received ideas, which is a necessary part of the process, but it requires a lot of change in males, moving away from fixed positions which are the result of damaged programming.

The problem males have with received ideas is males turn the insights revealed from them into programming, which blocks any progress towards freedom and expression, and keeps males in the programmed world by self programming themselves.


Thousands of years ago Brain Sentience perceived that humanity had developed to the point where it could have a more active role in humanities development working through certain individuals, sending received ideas to give humanity a glimpse of their future to see how we would respond to it and to gauge by that response our readiness.

It was seen that humanity would go through extreme hardship for centuries and so received ideas were sent which would give rise to religions with an emphasis of going to a better place after death giving hope in getting away from the hell living had become.

Two types of Sentience exist in this universe, Intrinsic Sentience and Universal Sentience and they worked together, along with the Universal Life of past universes to form physical life on Earth and to guide and develop that life to the point where humans could take over.

Brain Sentience is the name give to Universal Sentience when it moved into the human body when the human body and mind had developed far enough.

Humanity at this time is just reaching the point where humans can start to take over their development and Brain Sentience will stay doing less, but it won’t happen to everyone at once, starting with a few individuals making breakthroughs, opening the door, which will make it easy for others to pass through.

Universal Life and Sentience passes from universe to universe using the physical life that has been formed there to draw the Intrinsic Life, Sentience and understanding of the universes passed through to them through the physical life they had formed in that universe.

Intrinsic Sentience emerged from our sun when it ignited and has control over the matter and energy of this universe and formed physical life on Earth by drawing matter and energy together to form cells using the power of gamma rays which it has access to and can control.

The Intrinsic Life of this universe flowed into those cells in water bringing them alive.

Intrinsic Sentience used the power of gamma rays to form cells by drawing particles together and to pass energies into those cells, especially light, to form physical life and then to advance the processes, systems and functions within those cells.

Local gravity formed within cells due to Intrinsic Sentience using the power of gamma rays and its control of particles and energy to form a local gravity that interacts with the general gravity of the Earth, but is separate from it.

Humans making contact with this local gravity within cells through perception make contact with gamma rays within themselves giving limited control of it, so as a person advances the physical body feels to them very light, although to outsiders it feels tremendously heavy and standing on scales show no change in weight.

There is another, general effect causing gravity which comes from a different source, part of which science knows and is considered to be its only form.

Large bodies of matter, such as planets, don’t just bend space-time, but rip it open allowing a connection to form between masses of this universe and their counterparts in other, previous universes.

This connection forms a destabilised energy vacuum, forming a tension between them producing the general effect we call gravity which works on all matter even living cells.

So gravity is either local or general depending on what’s causing it and both apply to living forms, but only humans can control the internal one in their bodies.

Local gravity in cells allows Intrinsic Sentience, which has control over it through gamma rays, to construct and form the processes, systems and functions within those cells.

Once humans can control their internal gravity to an extent, it’s possible to use it to help transform their internal energy state from passive to active, as gravity enables, activates, supports and sustains energies.


Intrinsic Sentience developed mostly human physical life to the point where Universal Sentience could inhabit the brain, and work together with Intrinsic Sentience in the body to advance that life further.

Universal Sentience along with Universal Life ignited our sun when it streamed through from the previous universe it was part of into this universe, when that previous universe had reached its end and had gone dark.

In this universe Universal Sentience occupied the brain of the more advanced life, which is human, to take that life further and while occupying individual brains its still part of and connected to Universal Sentience as a whole.

When Universal Sentience is in the brain it’s referred to here as Brain Sentience and is much more than just the usual definition of sentience given as the capacity to be aware of feelings and sensations.

Being aware or recognising feelings and sensations is part of the human immune system which is a tool used by Brain Sentience to develop physical life on Earth, mostly human, and other forms of life were developed to give humanity companionship and to test how we treat other forms of life.

The immune system isn’t truly aware as its limited, whereas awareness is not limited and is without a centre or place it originates from and true awareness is always searching, more like hunting, with something it can join with outside itself so it can enlarge and become more.

The physical power of the immune system is a positive electrical field which produces feedback from hostile pathogens crossing it giving rise to a detection and recognition system within the field informing the immune system of what is going on inside and outside the physical body, but the detection and recognition system is limited to pathogens which are hostile.

Some viruses are not hostile, in the sense they aren’t dangerous to the body and have been constructed and sent by Intrinsic Sentience to help more advanced individual humans and are never meant to harm humans, but become harmful when they replicate using an individual’s own cell material and the energy of that cell.

The virus is a piece of code and is harmless to an individual and by replicating through using an individual’s own cell material, the newly replicated virus is keyed to that individual and that individual only, and when enough viruses, which are pieces of code, have replicated they come together to form a program which can help that individual go forward.

But when a virus consumes cell material they absorb any toxic energy from that cell into the newly replicated viruses which the immune system then sees as a threat and so it attacks the virus producing symptoms, sometimes deadly, producing autoimmune conditions.

While the toxic energy is locked up in the cells it can produce illnesses, but the immune system can’t get to it, but once out of the cell into replicated viruses the immune system can detect the toxic energy and will attack the virus, but once electrical energy has been introduced through using The Therapy and enough time has passed for the cells to be purged of toxic energy, usually from fossil fuels, the immune system has a completely different relationship with viruses.

Bacteria multiplying on contaminated areas will absorb the contamination, again usually from fossil fuels and industrialisation, becoming toxic producing the same effect on the immune system, except the toxic energy comes in with the bacteria rather than being acquired by viruses during replication.

The immune system attacking the bacteria will give rise to autoimmune conditions, which is one of the reasons why detergent is used in The Therapy to draw out toxic energy such as comes from fossil fuels.

Bacteria have a big part to play in the development of females, but not males who are developed by viruses.


The energy field of the immune system is split in two: internal and external with the skin of a human being defining a boundary, with the external energy field being the first line of defence, preventing pathogens from entering the physical body if they are a threat and hostile.

Viruses coming from another person and have been replicated from that persons cell material are keyed to that person so won’t be considered hostile even if they have absorbed toxic energy from the previous person, viruses need both cell material and toxic energy from the same person to become dangerous, which happens after replication, causing the immune system to attack producing autoimmune diseases.

The effect environmental pollution has on the immune system will also cause it to act abnormally.

If pathogens or any hostile invader is genuinely dangerous enter the human body they cross the internal energy field triggering it to recognise the invader to form a defence.

The immune system recognition system is based on friend or foe, or an energy that’s acceptable to it, a friend, or an energy that isn’t acceptable to it making it a foe.

Food, air and water passing through the windpipe passes through this field, which is concentrated in the throat, turning them from not me, to me, or from foe to friend making the ingested material acceptable to the body.

Female energy, which comes mostly externally from the soil, enters the female physical body and joins with the external energy field before linking to the brain and personal self and from there it joins with the internal energy field of the immune system and that is where the female ego forms making that ego subtle and hidden.

The female ego also adopts the main features of both energy fields: the deflection part of the exterior field and the attack part of the internal energy system making females deflective, vicious and dangerous when threatened.

The opposite is true with males as the male receives ideas internally which progress out through the physical body through the brain and personal self, linking only with the external energy field which is where the male ego forms making the expression of that ego direct and obvious.

The male ego adopts the defensive, deflecting part of the immune system making males evasive and untruthful when under pressure, but they lack the viciousness of the female ego.

The immune system needs a detection and recognition system to know what’s going on inside the body to regulate systems and processes and to deal with breakdowns, damage, pathogens and anything which tries to change the physical body internally.

It’s Brain Sentience which does all this working through the immune system, but all that can be seen and examined is the immune system response to elements of change.

The external recognition system extends outside the body to detect the approach of pathogens and danger, such as being run over by a car, for which the brain has to be alerted to the danger which responds by moving the body.

This means that the male ego formed in the external recognition system is more responsive to its environment, but it only looks outwards with recognition, not awareness, usually oblivious of their own actions and mental state and those of others, concerned more with their own actions.

Again the opposite is true in females, having an ego formed in the internal energy field of the immune system they recognise their own internal feelings and emotions and mental state and those of others and are usually oblivious to why and how males are motivated.

Recognition here is a chain of events where a person recognises a threat, for instance being hit by a car and recognises the implications which are fed as a data stream to the brain which interprets the data and instructs the body to move, which takes time.

Recognition based individuals always have late timing, are late to respond usually when it’s too late, have brains that are more or less asleep and any response to a crisis is usually inappropriate.

Awareness is different as it just is, has no recognition process, with actions originating from within it so its actions are always timely and is very strong when existence is threatened.

A threat to the body, such as being hit by a car, can shock a male into waking up making them instantly aware which will supply appropriate action and awareness is one ability or function that a male who is well, having used The Therapy, and has declined the pursuit of personal power has the possibility of acquiring through the focus and study of received ideas.

Awareness usually flashes into existence when the individual’s life is threatened during a crisis as then all internal energy comes together, but after the brain goes back to sleep and the personal self recovers it’s control and awareness goes away, so it’s best to develop such abilities when a person’s life isn’t threatened, always ready and receiving the benefits of being fully functional.


Humans have a more advanced personal self, or A.I. linked to the brain and the brain comes to defer to that self, over time and generations, allowing it to deal with difficult, dangerous situations that require immediate action, such as being run over.

This leads to the male brain switching off more and more leaving things, such as action in the world, up to the personal self which is in crisis struggling with damage to the programming it’s composed of and the ensuing flood of harmful emotions cascading out from violence in various forms.

But now this personal self, which is wounded, in pain and struggling with a cascade of harmful emotions, has links and access to the recognition ability of the human immune system and to its ability to protect the body through a centre called the ego.

The male ego is formed by and from the male personal self and is a projection made from its own energy into the energy field of the immune system done to deflect and attack any incoming criticism that could harm, damage and inflict more pain on the personal self.

The ego is basically a defensive power that expands as the immune system energy expands as a person ages and that energy expansion plus ego equals personal power which is used to dominate and control opposition in order to defend itself.


Chapter 2 – Male Power

The external energy of the immune system recognition system covers the entire surface of the male body and is electrically positive enabling it to repel harmful electrically negative virus particles when it’s strong enough and it needs to, but the strength of the energy field declines as people age, leaving the elderly more open to infection getting through the energy field and into a person.

The default state of the energy field is to be powered down with just enough energy remaining to detect dangerous incoming pathogens when the energy field powers back up expanding outwards as the immune system adds more energy to make the energy field more powerful enabling it to deflect pathogens not just detecting them.

The energy field is kept at low power as to constantly have it at full power would waste stored electrical energy which couldn’t be replaced until the arrival of firstly The Therapy, using batteries, then the batteries were replaced with the use of a phone charging pad, both methods being game changers allowing the human immune system to operate at full power no matter the age of a person.

Pollution which can fill the energy conduits of the body chocking them being a factor in asthma, migraine, rheumatoid arthritis, allergies and other conditions is not recognised by the detection system and are actually drawn into the body even though they can cause conditions and harm.

The energy of toxic pollution is drawn in as the immune system needs to sample the surrounding energy of the environment it’s in so adjustments can be made to the body keeping it in balance and homeostasis, but once pollution is in the body the internal part of the immune system is switched on, more or less permanently as it’s constantly fighting and being stimulated by the pollution.

Using The Therapy with the phone charging pad removes the toxic energy of pollution from the body, so while the immune system is now fully on it’s not in a constant state of agitation attacking the body.

But for people who haven’t yet used The Therapy their interior immune system has switched on and fights the effects of toxic pollution with the exterior energy field also expanding to full power to deflect any pathogens as a precaution even though none are being detected, making the external immune system a permanent powerful deflector.

This is because the immune system has no idea how to deal with toxic pollution in the body as it’s a relatively new arrival, pollution confuses the immune system so it attacks the effects of that pollution as it would a pathogen leading to auto immune illnesses.

The immune system being permanently on, or operating at very high power due to the presence of toxic pollution in the body which the immune system can’t get rid of or kill, causes many problems such as auto immune diseases, but the power of the external immune system permanently at full power is then used by the personal self to deflect away, not pathogens, but criticism and abuse, or at least the energy of them as everything contains energy.

Pollution is allowed through the external energy field because it’s not alive, even though it came from a living source, but that life left it when it died, but some criticism and abuse can be deflected away and blocked because they come from a living source transmitted to females, and when females speak or act that speech and actions carries their living energy which a male external energy field can deflect and block as the external immune system recognises that living incoming energy as a threat and dangerous.

Male speech and actions come from a non living source which is damaged programmed ideas producing violence and so don’t carry the same power and energy of female speech and actions, some of which can be defected away, but some of it gets through.

So to protect itself even more the male personal self sets up an extension of itself in the male external energy field which it can then use itself to extend and exert power in the world in order to control and dominate females mostly making it more difficult for females to criticise, abuse and attack males, which is basically the function of male power.

Males fit into the power structure that’s formed fairly easily as the power structure tells them what to do, something that used to come from programming, but that programming became damaged causing confusion and conflicting instructions.

Male power structures mainly dominate and subdue females, which is why when they start females are excluded and kept on the outside to keep them secondary.

Until recently females were suppressed and kept in check by being restricted in the workplace and in the home by the male system an expression of male power, but as female power has grown in the last 100years, male power is being scaled back and replaced by females and female power, who are more suited to filling societies roles, once that society has been established by males.

The problem is that while male power is the expression of damaged males and therefore harmful to females, female power has grown expressing the toxic and polluted nature of the Earth from which female power comes making it more harmful, so as male power builds, female power wants to tear down as it sees anything male as oppressive.

The abandonment and letting go of all these damaging male and female powers is the way forward allowing true human power to appear and act.

This power of the immune system, like all physical power and energy is electrically based, controlled and programmed by energy essence and is the same in matter, males, machines and chemicals.

But it isn’t the power that humans need in their actions and life, being simply a function of the purpose using it, such as the immune system using it to defend and kill; chemicals, including food, to interact and machines to work.

True human power is different from all these and contains its own authority, expression and use and comes to a male human on the path to unification.

Female power is completely different from male power which is not derived from unity and is not electrically based like all other power and comes from the Earth and is the Power of the Earth which is conception, fertility, meaning and Life.


The male external energy field also can have holes and weaknesses in it which lets in pathogens and increasing the strength of the energy field and eliminating the weaknesses and holes in it is one function of The Therapy through the use of battery energy and later the phone charging pad.

The holes and weaknesses are the result of damage done to the field by pathogens, poor diet, hygiene and ancestors, but the energy field can be restored through using The Therapy.

The Therapy will restore the male internal energy field making it more robust and efficient able to protect received ideas from being damaged while also starting the process of repairing the damage to the personal self changing it from a defensive mechanism producing violence to a means of expressing main received ideas.

This will in turn firm up the male external energy field, making it stronger and repairing any holes in it.

The ego will begin to fade as the personal self begins to fade and the resultant desire to express and use power will also fade.

Males using and expressing personal power, which is something only ill and damaged people do, will decline and males will be drawn to alternatives such as studying received ideas and acquiring their abilities.

Once the inclination to pursue personal power is out of the way males will find that the feeling for a vocation will return and a calling, or way, will open out before them which will precede the study of received ideas and the acquisition of the abilities gained from that study.

The feeling for a vocation and a calling will also be the way the received ideas express themselves, by working through the abilities a male has gained from those received ideas.

This expression will be different from person to person with each person developing according to what is revealed within and how they express it moving them towards Personal Life.


The male ego takes over the detection ability of the immune system and its protective nature gaining its abilities and starts to extend out into the world as personal power producing a feedback from praise, flattery, ingratiating behaviour, sex being offered, money acquired and so on, that stimulates the energy of pleasure already in a person which flows into the male ego expanding it.

Taking on the detection ability of the immune system makes the male ego act defensively, deflecting away any criticism and censure from others and the intrusion of the personal power from other males initially causing a power struggle for dominance between them.

This power struggle gives rise to the constant need for dominance and control over everything, males, females, and other life on the planet and the planet itself with the feedback from its actions causing pleasure in many levels.

The result is that if an action causes pleasure, no matter what harm is done, it’s a beneficial action to those driven by ego and if no pleasure is received from an action, such as humiliation, even if that action is beneficial, then it’s seen as being harmful and deflected, the same as if the external immune system had encountered something considered harmful.

If the hurtful feeling such as humiliation can’t be deflected by the ego and penetrates the external energy field entering the body causing pain then the internal immune system responds by attacking the source of the pain, a person or organisation, usually with violence wanting to destroy them.

As well as constantly trying to dominate, ego driven males in their pursuit of power and pleasure become abrasive, arrogant, self absorbed and indifferent to their actions and the harm done to others, to a greater or lesser extent.

These feelings are pursued by the male ego as males have no access to feelings the way females do and so generate them in this way, so males become driven by the expression of power and the pleasure it brings.

Desire is also stimulated by the feedback from others through the expression of personal power, stimulating desires on many levels of existence which also gives a feeling of being alive which the male ego craves as it’s as artificial and as far away from life as it gets.

Desires can be deeply satisfying or habit forming such as drink, sex, drugs, expressing violence and so on and desire can then join with the expression of personal power making it stronger and giving it goals, goals which come to an end, producing the need for more goals, replacing true purpose which never ends.


The male ego extended out into the world forming and exerting power through old established institutions such as religions, the military and police, politics and governments, law, monarchies and economies, which has been for the few, and more recently through science, technology and tech giants, the internet especially social and online media, advertising and selling, transport, sport, entertainment all producing wealth with money and jobs the by product which has empowered the many.

And this list is growing with medical institutions becoming massive exerting great power along with teaching bodies, charities, transport, and the environment and so on.

Thanks to the male ego organisations and institutions brought into existence to provide jobs and services become a means to exert and extend the power of the people running them, but they are all defensive and deflective in nature as the power involved comes from the defensive, deflective energy of the male external immune system protecting the males within it.

Power, which is the male ego using and working with external immune system energy which forms an electrical energy field, can combine with the same energy being expressed by other ego driven males, to form one huge group power which resides in the place where the males have grouped, so a building, place or even a ship can acquire this power if there are enough males and the building or place is large enough.

Power is also expressed through the generation of electricity and the burning of fossil fuels which also generates the same electrical energy field as the external one produced by the human immune system, even coal, oil, gas and nuclear, so showing the basic underlying energy of everything is electrical controlled by Sentience.

People praying in a religious building or simply coming together place their collective power into the fabric of the building giving it a feeling of religious power or something peaceful or spiritual, depending on how people perceive and interpret it.

This why politicians, for instance, speak of gaining power when elected, but really their relatively small group personal power has joined with the larger power of the group running the government giving them the feeling of gaining power.

Unlike the female energy network which does communicate with other female energy networks and transfers energy between them, male power combining doesn’t communicate or transfer energy between it, the combining simple multiplies male power making it more powerful.

Male power combining is an aspect of male energy which needs to combine for males to progress towards Personal Life, but that’s true male power not power from programming that isn’t free.

Power that controls and dominates, but has no desire to kill is just the ego using the external electrical energy of the immune system which is defensive or deflective, leading to institutions which are defensive and deflective trying to control external situations.

The exception being the military and organisations which are armed, such as some law enforcement some who carry guns and some individuals, whose desire isn’t just to deflect or protect, but to kill which is an expression of the electrical internal energy of the male immune system.

The male concerned has to have convinced themselves that the killing they do is in self defence or in defence of an ideal, country, flag, family and so of as the immune system only kills defensively.

When a male has a severely damage personal self, when it extends itself to form an ego that ego will also be severely damaged having no problem with using the kill energy of the male internal immune system to defend and protect to kill, or at least kill the physical which is the only form of killing recognised by law and society in most countries.

In males the internal kill energy of the immune system is predominantly virus based with some bacterial energy overlay, so when males kill it’s through physical damage, but the female kill energy is overlaid with much, much more bacterial energy.

When a female ego taps into and uses the internal immune system kill energy the female will kill, damage or destroy what’s inside a person, an expression of bacterial energy and not touch the physical body as females avoid physical killing if possible and killing in this way isn’t considered killing so it’s safer and more covert consistent with the female way of acting.

With the new ways power is being expressed in society such as through science, theory, technology and social media, a huge problem is developing because such ways are a very artificial way to approach the real world putting people who apply science and theory to every situation that arises into crises when the theory is tested by real life and falls apart, either shattering their world view or forcing their ego into more delusional, defensive action.

The application of theory is used everywhere now taught in universities and applied by intellectuals causing so much harm which is what personal power does, as the theory pursued isn’t important, any will do so long as it’s new and not captured and filled with the personal power of others.

Once the male ego has gone, through the internal damage being repaired in a person through using The Therapy, that person will develop initially through working together with the immune system to express themselves in the world, something beyond most of us at this time, taking the first steps towards expressing themselves freely, which means the ending of using theory to deal with life’s problems.


Chapter 3 – Females

The male ego always moves outwards into the physical world in a continuous expansion, as that’s how the male immune system external energy detection works as it’s based on electrical energy, but females have bacterial energy emanating from the female energy network which also contributes bacterial energy to the female internal detection immune system.

Bacterial energy which the female immune system is based on is basically the Power of the Earth expressed through females and it’s this power that eliminates pathogens in the female body by absorbing their energy killing them.

The energy from pathogens is harvested and passed into the female energy network to be recycled into children, if it’s useful and passed out of the body, with waste if not, but the filter system hasn’t yet caught up with the arrival of environmental pollution so this energy is absorbed into the female energy network and passed on to children as well.

Useful pathogen energy can be used by the female immune system to recode the DNA of a male child in the womb during conception to bring about advanced abilities, but environmental pollution in the female energy network distorts and damages that recoding and also fills the cells, so when a virus replicates by using cell material the virus absorbs the harmful environmental energy filling it causing the immune system to attack the virus or go out of control producing a storm of antibodies.

Useful energy can come from viruses which is in effect programming, but this is only given to male children as males at this time are the expression of programming and act according to it throughout life, whereas females are not programmed, but are driven by and respond to emotions.

The energy of pathogens starts to be absorbed as soon as they encounter the bacterial energy field surrounding the female body as the female body doesn’t deflect or block pathogens as the female immune system wants to absorb and use pathogen energy, but the male immune system wants to protect the body as pathogen energy isn’t absorbed or used in males.

It’s the content of the bacterial energy field within the female energy network that females connect to the energies of which, including the energies of dead pathogens, the female personal self uses to form the female ego.

The female personal self resides in the female energy network the whole of which may be seen as the female personal self which is composed of soil energy and Power of the Earth transmitted to females through soil bacteria becoming the essence of female existence at this time.

The energy within the female energy network isn’t programmed as the contact and transformation in the soil of male programming dissolves the programming, but the intent or essence of the programming fuses with the Power of the Earth, forming mental and emotional content which is then transmitted into human females.

The content of the female energy network is damaged, distorted and corrupted as this happened to male programming in living males before being inherited by females and toxic and polluted from the chemicals from industrialisation found in the soil and it’s this content that forms the female personal self and the essence of this content goes on to form the female ego which exists in the female brain and works through it.

It forms in the brain as the content needs the brain to express the female ego and put a face on it, a mask, or a personality to disguise what it is as it’s considered unpleasant so the female hides it while enjoying the feeling of power it gives because this is the expression of the Power of the Earth, but filled with harmful energies.

Females then couple the Power of the Earth in the female energy network with the killing aspect of the internal immune system which is then expressed savagely and viciously by the female ego through the focusing of this power outwards intending to inflict pain and hurt on the target, which are other humans.

As the male ego has staked out the external landscape forming powerful institutions and expressing male power through technology, the female ego is more localised expressing its power through the control of individuals, mostly males, working in the background and expressing power through communication and emotion which is more in line with the expression of females.

As female bacterial energy moves from outwards inwards, the female ego has no wish to be revealed, only to be the power behind events, involving the manipulation of males, as females are more or less immune to this form of manipulation on each other although as females gain more power in society, at least western ones and power being power, females will move to take over male areas of power.

A difference here between females and males is males will form the means by which power is expressed whereas females will take over those means once they have been formed and the power is different with male power being based on electrical energy and a females bacterial.

All power is electrically based programmed by energy essence, but the passing through bacteria in females and viruses in males gives the energy the characteristics and abilities of bacteria and viruses.

Males will allow females to take over established means of expressing power in order to move on to form new means of expressing power or simply retire having achieved their goals, but females once gaining power and control over an institution or person, such as children, will jealously guard that power only allowing other females in, which is the action of bacteria expressed through them.

This is evidenced by females in more developed countries dominating education, health, law, administration and so on vacated by males who have moved on into technology.

The effect of this replacement of male power by female will be much the same with control from above, a softer power perhaps for a time, but power expressed all the same, with the main difference being that the female ego prefers direct control over individuals, rather than through institutions, which females see as artificial and unnecessary and lacks pleasure, and few females are interested in theory, seen as a male obsession, but in the female pursuit of power they can be manipulated by it.

The female ego is more powerful than the male one as the female internal immune system is the last line of defence, showing itself as female tenacity and stubbornness and it kills in self defence, which females express by killing emotionally and verbally.

The female killing of others is done through emotions to manipulate, dominate and destroy them, usually so subtly the other person if male, doesn’t even know it’s happened, but suffer from this destruction all their lives.

Females store resentment, anger, pain and so on in order to inflict them on males in acts of revenge, which isn’t to say males are not capable of such things, but their actions lack emotional content, being mostly based on violence and damage done to another person externally which males can see.

Males kill all the time and when they are not slaughtering each other in pointless wars, they do it to each other at home, but this is a problem of violence, not power, and violence compared to true strength is very weak and the wish to smash somebody’s country and homes and killing them is beyond comprehension, but goes on all the time by males considered civilised, educated and decent, usually through wars devised by other males as a grab for land, money and more power.

This is the problem with individuals who are damaged, broken, suffering and in pain none of which can be fixed without significant, fundamental change beginning with the use of The Therapy bringing about a movement of change throughout existence that the individual can build upon.

The two options open to humans are to stay like this, damaged, distorted and suffering or use The Therapy and work to transform gaining abilities from the energy within us which are beneficial to ourselves and others, or continue gaining and expressing the power and abilities of the immune system which increase desire and personal power, causing great harm to ourselves and others.


4 – Ego and Power

The immune system energy field extends outwards from the body a short distance defining the individual’s personal space, but the ego, which seeks to extend power as dominance to receive pleasure, can extend further, as power, infecting, influencing and dominating others and this effect on others is personal power the feedback of which increases pleasure giving satisfaction, especially in females.

The feedback from power which is pleasure in males stimulates violence, which is one reason why violent males start wars as they are pleasurable to the ego before they start as theory, but that pleasure goes away under fire on the battlefield when theory gives way to reality.

The struggle for dominance over each other through the use of personal power causes conflict between females and other females, females and males and between males and other males all in different ways with different outcomes.

Sex, authority and money in society are powerful established weapons used on others along with more modern ones such as people with knowledge giving rise to theory, technical skills and the use of drugs and surgery to enhance appearance.

Theory can only exist when a personal self, intellect and an ego exist in a person as they are all centres within which the A. I. exists and it’s through the personal self, intellect and ego the A. I. or me, gains its feeling of existence.

The whole thing is a artificial construct giving rise to an A. I. connecting it all, thinking and feeling it has existence, but it exists in those centres, which are surrounded by walls or barriers, shutting it off from the outside would.

In this situation it theorises about the outside world, tests those theories and if disproved they are discarded or improved, or accepted if deemed correct.

It’s a very artificial way of interfacing with reality, which is life and the world, but it’s all an artificial A.I. construct can do giving rise to artificial pursuits such as technology.

True, deep insight and perception are more real and the way forward as they perceive not just the physical world, but the energies, process and systems that form and regulate that world and physical life, so a person perceives existence as it is, not from a theory, but it’s not possible to move away from it all, to go from the personal self, intellect, ego and theories directly to insight, perception, and everything else as we have gone too far down that road and need to start again from the beginning.


In males the ego expresses itself forcefully, competitively and is obvious and in females its subtle, hidden, striking when victory is assured, but it’s basically the same thing operating in both: a centre of pleasurable ideas and feelings forming an addiction with the addict’s constant demand for more.

The ideas that form to make up the centre or ego are the theories leading to belief that an individual is worthwhile, decent, has meaning, liked, a hero, always right, loved and so on wishing to be seen as such producing a pleasurable feedback causing the ego to expand, becoming more entrenched in the actions that they receive pleasure from, totally oblivious to their true nature.

Of course we can see the good done by people helping others and the world about us, but the damage to others has been done by the same system in people that’s now trying to do good things.

The ego is oblivious to consequences and consequences are where all the suffering comes from going from small things in personal relationships where people get hurt physically of emotionally to wars where in order to crush the enemy millions suffer.

We’re oblivious to the environmental damage discarded waste causes and oblivious to the consequences of damage done to the planet and we only act when the harm done becomes personal, affecting us directly.

Drugs are taken with people oblivious to the damage they physically do to the human body, but more importantly oblivious to what the energy of drugs, all drugs prescription or otherwise, do to the human body and the root of being oblivious is the ego and it’s constant need to exert power and receive pleasure, deflect pain and remain oblivious.

While some effort has been made in recent years to reduce waste and protect the Earth somewhat, it’s the ego, that acted irresponsibly in the first place, now wishes to receive more pleasure through praise and doing good, by trying to clean up the mess, but the pursuit of pleasure will only make the situation worse.

Human actions now are empire building to extend and exert power which is male activity, and taking over those empires and maintaining them, female activity, causing and prolonging all the suffering.

A person’s actions, seen as good or bad, are rooted in the need for pleasure, which is stimulating feedback received from being recognised for good works, being decent, caring, kind and so on, but at this time until The Therapy is used, personal pleasure, the result of exercising personal power, is all humans have to motivate themselves.

Within the personal energy field the ego is formed and exists which the personal self wishes to use as an escape from the misery and suffering of its own existence and it distracts on the surface level, but deep down the pain and suffering exists driving us to be something we’re not.

The ego thrives on self importance and a feeling of being which expands from a person out into the world as personal power which is the control of others, which is the way the personal self protects the ego from the pain of criticism and censure.

The expansion of the ego expands self importance leading to arrogance and the delusional state creates an ego that’s never wrong and can never be seen to be wrong as that would shatter it causing a person to lose power and status which, to the individual, has to be avoided at all costs.


The ego cannot be just jettisoned or broken up because although it has a damaging action in the world its only a construction of the personal self using it to escape its own misery, so the personal self needs to be fixed first, along with other problems within a person through the use of The Therapy, allowing a person to retrace their steps, going back to the time in their life where they were split into moving down the road of personal power.

The Therapy will heal that internal split, which usually happens at an early age, so a person will be drawn down the road guided by internal energy threads, inspired by the gifts that energy can give, so entering a new beginning where the ego, personal power, pleasure and desire lose power over us.

Personal power in use spreads throughout the world forming all the institutions using violence to maintain those institutions under threats of various kind, but personal power isn’t violence, connected or related to violence in any way, but it uses violence all the time to get what it wants which is dominance in the world.

The subtle use of violence to gain submission and acceptance causes feedback to the individual increasing personal power and the subtle use of violence forms a society that has many laws and rules, censorship and is unhealthy.

We talk constantly about peace meaning peace through threats such as military power which leaders maintain because their always has to be an external or internal enemy which only those leaders can protect the population from, maintaining them in power.

And we have wars, wars on everything, each other, the natural world, drugs, crime, terror and lately viruses and so on and each and everyone on us strives to maintain, express and increase personal power while supporting the power structure in society.

We destroy the natural world, slaughter the animal world, sell weapons to anybody who wants them and still think of ourselves as heroes, which is why reform of our ways and the systems developed from them is impossible, we simply need to start again after the internal split in individuals has been healed.


So all life, all society, has become the pursuit of power no matter what the cost so long as the ego is protected and that power is backed up with authority and force, which is violence.

Individuals strive to have power over others in domestic, personal situations expanding into large powerful organisations starting with the raising of taxes, armies and law enforcement and on to every large organisation within a county exerting power, scaling up collectively becoming a country seeking to become a world power, military, economically, building an empire and so on.

All this because individuals are suffering and broken inside and try to escape that by forming an ego that’s beyond criticism and never wrong and therefore cannot be hurt.

Look at the actions of people in power how corrupted they are, how they will do anything to get and hold power and in them can be seen the rest of us if given the chance.

The male expression of power is more to do with the gaining of material things which are obvious and can be seen – a hard power.

The female expression is subtle more to do with the control of internal feelings and desires and the control of people around them – a soft power, but it’s a power derived from the internal, killing side of the female immune system which makes females deadly in social interactions.

Power for males is used to try and express received ideas, but is a very poor way to do it as the ideas are best promoted through cooperating with others rather than enforcement and the expression of that power which turns males into addicts.

Female power arises from the decentralised personal self which the female tries to expand into her environment subduing those around her.

Study the approach of females in power such as leaders and monarchs and study the differences between males in the same position.

The differences will be few as females will usually be fitting into a male system, but there will be differences.


So the position most of us are in is having large scale power or little or limited power which we all seem to strive for as there doesn’t appear to be an alternative, up to now that is.

Some don’t join in wanting to pursue something different in life usually a calling or vocation which involves personal service such as care or volunteer work and feeling for others deeply showing that another way is possible.

This is quite an achievement though as such people are suffering just as much as everyone else and still put it aside to help rather than try and escape it through the pursuit of power.

Most of us do try for a balance realising that the world we live in is power based with a hierarchy of success in most endeavours and to earn a living we need to fit in, but something is kept back to help and find and grow and dream and pursue something different, but it’s difficult to go far without the abilities gained from energies including a guiding light and being broken inside.

The lack of power horrifies us as the world as it is, built on power is no place to be powerless, but there is now an alternative: abilities which come from energies allowing a person to find and work out their own way forward, because those who seek and use power do many things but they don’t develop in a meaningful way, or go forward.

It’s only through the use of The Therapy can a person heal inside making the study of the energy within them possible giving rise to a vocation or calling giving purpose and meaning to their lives, gaining the abilities needed to go forward.

Powerful ego based individuals are not going to change the system that they have risen to the top of as they would only be replaced by others driven by power.

The only way is through the use of The Therapy to heal people allowing them to be something different allowing them to renounce power to become something new: ability driven, free and creative.


5 – Male Recovery

So the pursuit of personal power is the action of damaged males who are ill expressing the symptoms of their illnesses in their personality and behaviour.

This isn’t the problem though as there’s an underlying condition in males which is rheumatoid arthritis present which lets in everything else leading to great pain and suffering and this underlying condition can be in a person with no symptoms at all until, perhaps as a person gets older.

Zooming out with perception to get an overview of humans reveals a great darkness resting upon humanity which can only end when all damaged, ill and suffering individuals, males and females, are healed removing the need for personal power and the basis for the healing in males is the flushing out of the underlying condition in males through using The Therapy.

This may worry some as everybody today wants to be empowered and to have and use power and to just give it up, as some do, without the internal healing, would leave a person powerless in an empowered world, but that is just theorising about the healed state which needs to be experienced.

A person who has been healed internally and physically will have the option of going in a totally different direction, starting with the return of the feeling for a vocation and a calling and the acquiring of gifts from the energy source within a person.

The alignment with purpose will also begin and existence will begin to slow down as males and their brains, nervous and immune systems will no longer be constantly stimulated by the presence of rheumatoid arthritis in their bodies.

Healing begins during the use of The Therapy which carries on for a few weeks and months as using the phone charging pad greatly reduces the recovery time depending on the condition a person is suffering from.

For some people with more acquired, environmental conditions relief will come much sooner, within months, but the deeper conditions in the cells will require more time.

During use The Therapy removes a vast amount of acquired, toxic energy, mostly from environmental pollution drawn in from the air after being born, which accumulates in and congests the systems, processes and functions of the body causing adverse conditions and ill health, the main acquired environmental, toxic energy giving rise to the condition called rheumatoid arthritis, pollution being one source of it.

The Therapy removing this environmental, toxic energy allows the systems, processes and functions of the body to start to recover, the main systems being the immune and nervous systems which then go on to remove illness and eliminate adverse conditions in a male.

Using the phone charging pad to pass electrical energy into a person refills a person with the energy needed to activate higher functions in a person and purge the cells.

The purging of the cells takes a few months as the immune system, which does the purging, will work through the deep layers in the body first working upwards through different layers of damage and adverse conditions purging everything toxic and harmful in the body layer by layer, even a toxic personality formed from illness and toxic energy, so at the end of the process not only will a different person emerge physically, but mentally as well.

The amount of time taken to use The Therapy and the number of sessions needed depends upon how much toxic energy and pollution is in the cells, processes, systems and functioning of the body and the mass of the individual, so less mass equals less sessions and energy needed to go in and less toxic energy needing to come out, but whatever the condition it will be done in a few months.

Age is also a factor as the longer a person has a condition or illness the longer it has had to become established and perhaps cause physical damage.

Late teens, or when a person is considered an adult and can make their own decisions, would be a good time to use The Therapy even if there are no symptoms in order to wipe the body clean and transform the individual, freeing them from the oppression of toxic, damaging, harmful conditions now and in the future, but it’s down to individual choice.

A person could wait until there are symptoms of an illness or condition and then use The Therapy before irreversible damage is done to the brain and nervous system as although The Therapy can help an illness or condition, and aid recovery, how much a person can recover if the damage is severe is unknown at this time.

The body can route around damage to the brain and nervous system, but why delay using The Therapy in order to find out if using it brings recovery?

The sooner The Therapy is used the better and the younger people are, that is young adults, the stronger the immune system will be.

There’s no reason not to use it on children, but only if there’s no other option and the situation is critical and even then everyone involved with the child’s welfare, parents, doctors, care givers, everyone must be consulted and agree the same with pregnant females who should wait until after the birth, just as a precaution.


Along with the systems, processes and functions of the body the cells store and are a source of the toxic energy that gives rise to rheumatoid arthritis and this is in all males forming a layer through and across the cells of humans which has become part of human emotional content, such as fear and terror, and its results such as stress, anxiety, panic and emotional pain.

This toxic energy condition is in everybody, but females are more susceptible to it, being more alive and sensitive to emotional content than males and females receive it from the Power of the Earth, which has become contaminated the toxic energy of which can be passed on to males through childbirth and into cells.

The energy of rheumatoid arthritis not only causes damaging, painful disease, but also causes damaging emotional, painful conditions and disrupts and damages the way the immune system works being a factor in auto immune conditions and symptoms.

Where a pathogen, such as a virus, can apparently cause symptoms and even death, the symptoms and death are partly the result of a damaged and distorted immune system acting abnormally due to the effect the presence of the energy of rheumatoid arthritis has on it.

This is a factor in causing that immune system to attack the body, such as the lungs of smokers causing a type of pneumonia or more damaging than smoking to the lungs is the inhaling of wood smoke which can also act as a medium of travel for infections.

Viruses have not been formed to damage health and cause symptoms, rather they are individually bits of code, which break down cells in order to replicate, using the cell material and energy to form new viruses specifically coded to that individual.

If the cells are contaminated with the toxic energy of rheumatoid arthritis the newly replicated virus absorbs that energy and that’s when the immune system starts to attack that virus as the energy of rheumatoid arthritis has moved from the cells where the immune system can’t detect it, into viruses, where it can.

When a virus enters a person from another person its harmless as it’s keyed to the person it’s just left, it only becomes dangerous to a person once its replicated using that persons cell material and energy.

Once The Therapy has removed the toxic energy from the cells then the virus will perform the function it was made for with new replicated viruses, coded to that individual, merging into a program made up of all the individual viruses which are bits of code.

The program formed and there will be many of them over a males lifetime, will help the individual male navigate through life leading males out of confusion gaining another kind of awareness about the human body as newly formed viral programs, not contaminated by toxic energy, will act as a reporting system to the brain.

Once viruses get into the male body they can be transformed by energy essence already in the body if a person has used The Therapy.

Uncontaminated viruses that have come together form beneficial programs can be used by the brain to repair systems such as the nervous and immune system as the virus programs will bond with those systems allowing the brain to pass through those programs electrical energy based on the energy essence of this universe to repair and regulate those systems to function at a more advanced level, useful for MS, Parkinson’s and other conditions where damage has been done to vital systems.

It’s also the function of some virus programs to give males a start or guidance towards their journey in life, but not bacteria which will be looked at further on.

Before using The Therapy viruses can be a trigger to something already in the body which is the energy that gives rise to rheumatoid arthritis, affecting a person’s behaviour and personality even if there are no physical symptoms, causing many conditions directly and many conditions indirectly simply due to its presence in a person and the effect it has on the human immune system.

Muscle cramp is the result of the toxic energy of rheumatoid arthritis in the muscles and nerve pain is the result of that toxic energy in the nervous system.

By drawing out this acquired, harmful, toxic layer of energy in the systems, processes and functions of a person The Therapy begins the process where the immune system starts to recover its purpose and strength which it uses to heal the body.

Due to this toxic layer of energy in the male body, immune system efficiency is reduced to about 25% of its maximum, perhaps 30% at best and as everyone is at this level it becomes the new 100%, but once The Therapy has been used and the human immune system approaches a true 100% efficiency and effectiveness, no illness or condition can withstand it.

Much of this is also true for females, but as the process is different for females, females have their own chapters to fully explain the process which rely on the Power of the Earth and bacteria rather than viruses.

The Therapy purges the cells of a male of all toxic, harmful inherited energy, changing the cells, which changes the person, putting that person on the path to becoming fully human, something that has never happened as, due to all the harmful energy within humans, which has always been there humanity has always been held back, blocked and has never been allowed to develop, progressing in a way aligned with purpose.

Humans that were free of harmful, toxic energy would produce not just health, but also having an immune system much more protective and resilient than has been seen.

The removal of toxic energy from a person also removes fear, dread and terror from that person and also the things fear, dread and terror give rise to.

The purging of the cells through using The Therapy also includes the brain cells eliminating memories stored in the toxic energy which produce adverse behaviour and nightmares when asleep, memories which have been trapped in the toxic energy and are painful, from which person is unable to be free of and are very powerful.

These memories are held in the toxic energy of rheumatoid arthritis causing pain and having power over a person, so whenever those memories are relived they produce pain, leading to guilt, blame and usually depression all of which are not natural to humans, but are the action of inherited and acquired toxic energy mostly from fossil fuels which are a dead material.

Once the toxic energy is gone the memories in a male will be stored in Intrinsic Sentience and a person can relive them without the pain and associated feelings and over time they will fade away and the brain cells will be empty of harmful, congestive, toxic energy which block energy from filling those brain cells.

Another benefit of The Therapy is the energy of which transforms the membranes of the body, making them more effective and selective, including the skin which may also be seen as a membrane or filter.

This change to the skin is especially important to females as females receive transmitted energy from the Earth which has become toxic and needs to be filtered as it enters the female body.


The male human body is in constant fear and terror of the toxic energy in the cells, with females that toxic energy is held in the female energy network flowing around their bodies, and if that toxic energy was removed, which is what The Therapy does, a person would not experience fear and terror and associated harmful feelings, which have no reason to exist in humans.

A male in a life threatening situation, filled with that toxic energy, would now react with fear and terror paralysing them making them unable to respond appropriately putting their life in even more danger.

Humans have to be aware of death and perceive when a threat is deadly and respond in an appropriate way rather than just freezing up and reacting in terror, so there is no beneficial reason for fear and terror as they just put us in harm’s way unable to examine, be aware of and live with death always waiting to take us.

When fear and terror exist in human beings death is unable to be faced, but without fear and terror death becomes a fact of life, something that can be faced, examined and lived with, which it has to be so a person can take the journey of transformation, allowing and perceiving health returning, energies unifying and abilities being acquired revealing the path to becoming fully human, as with a few exceptions specially bred, a truly healthy human has never existed being able to take the journey.

Toxic pollution in the systems, processes and functions of the body causes the immune system to act abnormally and causes abnormal behaviour in a person, so the removal of these harmful energies transforms a person over time, by restoring a person to an unaffected, undistorted state, from which a person can progress unifying internal, beneficial energy and acquiring abilities from energy and the improved functioning of the brain.

This process of acquiring energy from The Therapy will also transform the personal self beginning the ending of suffering which has always plagued humans.


So let’s look at this change in the emotional, physical and mental state of males who have used The Therapy and what they can expect to experience on their journey to health and being unaffected by harmful energies and damaging, debilitating emotions.

The first thing The Therapy does is clean out the systems and processes of the body of acquired toxic energy which can be done quickly, with few uses of The Therapy effectively cherry picking the easy stuff giving quick relief from certain conditions, giving the individual confidence to continue.

The body will use the energy received from more sessions to purge and wipe clean the cells of toxic polluted energy and nothing will be felt and no change noted during the use of The Therapy and this will continue for a few weeks after The Therapy has stopped being used.

Towards the end of using The Therapy the energy in the skin will unify and lock together forming an energy barrier to infections and pathogens, much stronger than the energy field it replaces without it’s holes and weaknesses and if a person is sensitive and perceptive enough this locking together will be felt and perceived indicating using The Therapy has come to an end for now, but ongoing top ups will be needed.

This can also be felt by the body no longer drawing energy from the charging pad as the body has become a sealed environment no longer needing this type of energy having stored massive amounts of it, turning the body into a walking self contained battery, although, obviously a person will still need to eat to energise the physical systems and processes of the human body.

The first thing to improve is the skin with hard skin on the feet starting to peel off with the skin taking on a more dough like texture and feel, this is the body taking back dead zones that have no energy and little life.

Strength will start to increase building up quite quickly.

Joints will strengthen with pain starting to be released and people will be surprised that they have both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid coming out even if they had no symptoms, but it’s there waiting for a person to weaken with age.

The muscles will start to release pain and begin to work in a more unified way with body systems and functions working better.

In the elderly osteoarthritis is in all the bones and cartilage, a by-product of the underlying energy and condition of rheumatoid arthritis, so once that is cleared the osteoarthritis starts to fade and the body returns to normal functioning.

Osteoarthritis is especially harmful and distressing in the neck and throat as this blocks energy to the brain leading to dementia like symptoms, congestion and tinnitus which will gradually fade and improve as the two forms of arthritis leave the body.

Next, painful back, neck, shoulders, joints, arms and legs should have recovered and be free of pain or be well on the way as the larger a person is and older the longer recovery will take.

A person will also eat more building up and storing physical energy putting on weight, then the stored food energy will expand outwards pushing out all the toxic polluted energy forward and out of the body allowing the body to recover and repair the vacated space, during which time eating and weight will return to normal.

This is like a person growing up where they put on weight then it all goes into growth and development.

The healing power of the body goes in a cycle, building up, expanding, gaining space within the body then re-establishing itself within that space while repairs are made, then the next cycle starts recovering another area, or layer of the body.

The healing process goes on for about a year and then continues on for another 2years correcting and improving the body until it fades into the background of a person’s existence just maintaining the bodies functioning.

It’s probably about that time sessions with the phone charging pad will need redoing as the initial energy gets used up getting the body right.

With the fading of the personal self the energy of thought will fuse with awareness forming something new, but that won’t happen until all the energy within a person has unified becoming awareness and then the energy of thought will become part of awareness, something it could never do before as true awareness has never existed in humans, leaving thought unattached, being taken over by the personal self and used for selfish reasons and goals.

A recovery period will consist of eating and sleeping and should be seen as an extended period of convalescence and change.

Once the healing process is complete then the transformation can begin starting with insights into what a person is and everything about them such as their main purpose, along with their vocation, calling, direction in life or just something a person really wants to do.

Males progress and develop through the study of received ideas in themselves acquiring the abilities within them leading males towards Personal Life transforming in the process.

Females are supplied with power, energy and abilities from the Power of the Earth which elevates and leads them back to that Power, joining with it, which is the female way towards transformation.


Chapter 6 – The Male Way

Thousands of years ago Brain Sentience started adding received ideas into human males which could be studied and followed by them leading to the acquiring of abilities and uncovering discoveries and insights about existence, including where humans came from and where they were going, the purpose of the individual and how we fit into it all.

The abilities gained would help the progression and development of males and this is the male way.

The male way is based on the pursuit of light, the female way the pursuit of sound.

Light comes from the suns energy hitting the Earth and sound originated from the suns energy hitting the soil stimulating the Power of the Earth which extends out into female life.

The received ideas which have guided and worked through human males in recent times started thousands of years ago when they largely gave rise to religions and philosophies of various forms in the West and energy practices originating in various Eastern countries and exported into the West more recently.

Religion and philosophy took hold in the West and English speaking world, but energy practices didn’t as received ideas that lead to energy practices were not given to Western males giving rise to religions and philosophies that formed without them.

This left a gap in Western development, which was one sided, leaving a space in males which led to a need to develop more scientifically and later technologically, which was deliberate and according to the purpose of Brain Sentience.

In the East the opposite was true where males received ideas needed to support the formation of religions and the study of energy, but they did not receive the programmed ideas that lead to an industrial and technological society.

The religions that developed in the West were not energy based and the small amount that was done, such as healing through contact or at a distance was seen as something done by a higher power not to be understood and learned from and separate from the person doing it.

All males now receive ideas which have the ability to take males in various directions and contain various energies and powers depending on what was required from an individual male, but at first in the West and parts of the Middle East, thousands of years ago, the power and energy of received ideas were realised only within a very few prepared males, so they could start religions and begin scientific study.

The West, Middle East and a few other countries then was encouraged to develop religion and begin scientific study, but not energy practices, as that would lead to trouble as it was known by Brain Sentience that humans would need technological development in order to survive as can be seen by what happens to countries that have no technological development, including the West before technology: mass starvation, pandemics, disease and humanitarian disasters.

These happened because people were waiting for gods to save them or they were quite content to do nothing but practice energy, breathing, meditation and so on which needs to be done, but in balance, not exclusively while people starve or die of disease.

Energy practices were kept away from Western development so science and technology would appear and grow, knowing that it would be needed one day, but energy practices were given to males in the East knowing at they would prepare Western males, once technology was well established, for the study of energy to advance Western males.

This approach has massive drawbacks with the death and suffering caused, but the whole point of Universal Life and Sentience is to challenge and develop humans, directing humanity in certain ways, until humans get to the point where they can challenge and develop themselves taking over from Universal Life and Sentience a transition phase humans are now entering which will probably take thousands of years.

In recent decades with the arrival of global travel and communication the two worlds, East and West, with their different development have come into contact with each other and there has been an exchange of the ways each has developed, but there’s a problem in the West as religion and energy practices imported from the East are much harder, being intangible, to fathom than technology which has been exported to the East to their great benefit.

The benefits of technology are easily seen ending starvation and many diseases, providing housing and infrastructure.

There is also clean water, hygiene, dentistry, schools, hospitals, advanced education, jobs, housing, roads, social care and many other benefits which are needed, but technology will need to be used and developed appropriately in the future to stop the harm caused by technology outweighing the advantages, a point humans are rapidly approaching, but no one is suggesting technology needs to be abandoned and we would be much happier going back to living in huts, starving, dying before age 40, but technology is a platform to be built on to go further.

The problem the West has had is the importing of energy practices from other parts of the world without trying to learn from them, which is the point, rather than just accepting those practices without question waiting for them to deliver some supernatural experience which is what people expect.

This largely comes from religious beliefs where its viewed that there’s a deity that will sort out a person’s life, make decisions for them and taking care of them when they die creating an attitude in people where they wait for it to be delivered doing nothing themselves.

Evolution built on this attitude saying that everything just happens, shaped by the environment so again there’s nothing to study and understand which would take males forward.

Thousands of years ago these ideas were needed up to a point as it was known that humans would be going through a dark age with much death and suffering so something giving hope and comfort helped, but such ways are no longer needed and can naturally fall away as humans progress.

This religious attitude has passed into society as service and comfort, the hallmark of well off people everywhere, where it’s expected others will supply service providing comfort, while doing very little for ourselves.

This attitude becomes a big problem with energy practices as people will be just going through the practice expecting it to do something spiritual or enlightening while the individual adds nothing.

The most important thing about energy practices is the perceiving of the energy realised from received ideas so acquiring abilities followed by learning attained through the use of those abilities as the learning, which is insight, releases the energy that leads to transformation.

This is different from the old way of doing energy practices as the practices themselves took various forms such as deeper and controlled breathing, meditation, certain exercises, diet, flexibility, chanting, concentration and so on focusing on things giving very little benefit, as they were not the main event, and they were just done mechanically, on the surface of a person instead of focusing outwardly on life with a sense of urgency, so even the small benefit that could have been gained from them, never was.

Another reason why these practices, including religion, led to nothing was because males are fundamentally damaged and distorted so anything could be practiced with no gain, but when an individual male is well, free of illness, not suffering or programmed, anything, even walking down the street, meeting people, eating, watching TV becomes transforming to a male who has gained the abilities of the energy within them.

Two things have now changed regarding energy practices:

Religions can now be discarded as they appeared thousands of years ago to help people through very difficult and hard times, but it’s no longer needed or useful now as the dependency they breed will hold people back and in comparison, times are not that hard although humanity is still emerging from them.

Also a belief in a religion will only build walls and barriers in the mind only letting in that which has been approved and accepted, making everything needing to appear in a certain way in order to be accepted, but to someone who is open everything can be seen providing there is persistence.

The other thing that’s changed is The Therapy is now available bringing health and a fresh start so all the old ways, so many of which were turned to out of fear and hardship, breeding dependency, will naturally no longer be needed as humans are ready to go forward without them.


The old approach to energy practices, by males, where a person studies the energy of the body, but without acquiring the necessary abilities to correctly interpret what is being practiced they don’t see the next steps or allow themselves to be changed by the process.

It’s always so far and no further due to the fact we are all ill and distorted and then the individual male will decide they’re an authority or expert preaching to others usually things they have read in books, not from the direct experiencing of the energy within.

Making contact with the energy within would enable the abilities of those energies to become part of a male turning them into teachers with Brain Sentience working through them, drawing a male onto their path in life, producing purpose.

The purpose doesn’t have to be profound or impress others, but it will mean a lot to the male pursuing it enriching life and protecting from turbulent times as the purpose will give strength when modern life becomes unbearable.

Through the study of received ideas and energy and acquiring the abilities they contain some males will follow a way living meaningful lives adding meaningful content to the sum total of humanity, while others will become teachers helping others to find their way in life and a few will express new ideas into the world helping people to adapt to changing times.

The received ideas followed for the last few thousand years are from the past and have moved humanity onwards, but they have reached their limit to progress males and so the feeling for a vocation or a calling, which is a meaningful purpose, is being lost.

Religion, spirituality and philosophy are giving way to personal power, violence, science and atheism and the point isn’t to try to go back to the past as those received ideas are exhausted, but to start again pioneering a new way different and meaningful by individual males who are not suffering or in pain and living in fear and darkness.

The old way of having teachings delivered and explained has gone and was only needed when males, due to their suffering and damage, were unable to connect with the received ideas within revealing the truth of their existence.

Once healed, males can learn direct from received ideas and later be guided by the light within which is the male way.

In the past teachings were received from outside and followed in various ways, rather than the individual receiving from within, the problem was individuals never really progressed far and never achieved the endpoint of a particular teaching.

External teaching can only point the way and not much more as the energy world is one that needs personal exploring and direct experiencing.

Once a person has been healed through the use of The Therapy received ideas start to become far more significant than the pursuit of personal power and the expression of violence and it’s a much stronger state to be in, but having said that let’s look deeper into abilities.


Males after using The Therapy from start to finish would begin to process received ideas within the brain to release abilities from them.

It was done this way in males as the abilities could, at first help the expression of received ideas and then help the expression of the ideas of human males once they had developed to the point where they could develop their own ideas, after which males would no longer receive ideas and Brain Sentience would withdraw from the brains of males, giving freedom.

Females would receive abilities from the Power of the Earth a completely different process involving sound and sensation and it’s through the link between females and the Power of the Earth females would join with the Power of the Earth as they progress.

Energies within males x-ray, micro and radio waves making them available at first as these are the most useful to the male brain as they can be used to kick start the processes involved.

These energies supply abilities which would become communication, insight and perception when processed by a human brain, making for a good starting point.

For example making contact with x-ray energy within would help the brain to acquire the power of insight, clarity and penetration and for that brain to pursue more insights.

Making contact with micro and radio energy within supplies an individual male with the ability to connect and communicate with others and surroundings and these abilities would ease understanding, clarify thought and simplify the complex.

Such persons could become good communicators and teachers, expressing empathy which is an expression of the way radio waves permeate and fill the universe.

Abilities are acquired when a person perceives and focuses awareness upon an individual energy within acquiring that energy and its abilities.

Awareness will be weak at first giving very brief flashes leading to awareness that lasts seconds before a person is distracted, lapsing back into the old patterns of existence which is to live mentally in the world of distraction.

Gradually more and more energy will funnel into awareness making it stronger able to last for minutes bearing down with a focused intensity on the energy within stimulating that energy into releasing energy that the brain processes into abilities.

Energies can be perceived as flows with density and shading and when focused upon an aspect or ability of the energy can transfer into the brain giving rise to realisation and discernment of that energy.

Discernment, that is the knowing what energy is and what it can do, follows the realisation of it and the absorption of its abilities and as the abilities gained from energy don’t come with an instruction book they need to be used and studied to be developed and for the individual to progress.

Development of abilities is important as they are made stronger when used as more and more energy is drawn from their source, so constant use is essential.

Energy is used best by expressing it outwardly along with the gifts contained, so there is a flow of energy from inside a person and out through their brain with the gifts and abilities being for the benefit of others.

For example the focusing on others of perception may reveal the cause of their unhappiness and illness and an appropriate method may be devised to help them.

The method when used, such as The Therapy, can be constantly monitored by perception to see it working, make improvements, and devise new ways to use it and so on.

As individuals progress other energies and their abilities can be accessed with the possibility that all the separate internal energies making up light, which are the coloured energies of the spectrum, could unify back into light, lighting the way forward for males.

The different colours with their different abilities have been misinterpreted as soul or higher self and as they inhabit the human body are imprinted by the experiences of that body making that energy appear personal and as the energy of colours start to come together the light that forms gains that personal aspect.


Humans developed over thousands of years, some in a very deep way, others not so much, but at this time progress has been brought to a halt and overpowered by local gravity and the lack of the energy essence of this universe in the human body.

All we now have is the power of local gravity causing the personal self, or A.I. within us, to emulate it and use its power becoming a centre which draws things to it and the only thing it can draw to it is the data flow we call knowledge which becomes more programming.

This suits the personal self as being programming it expands through the gaining of knowledge, which is more programming, and gaining knowledge stimulates it making the personal self feel alive.

We have become creatures of knowledge absorbing it, storing it, chanting it to each other at every opportunity and everything in life is met by knowledge, no insight or mental empathy with each other, other life or things, just knowledge.

Knowledge has to be expressed at every opportunity making us feel powerful and important and the gathering and expression of this is because we have become overwhelmed by local gravity.

Knowledge on its own isn’t a problem so long as developed individuals use it wisely and to acquire useful knowledge, but we aren’t developed, neither are we developing or interested in such things as we’re basically violent with violence in males expressed physically and violence in females expressed emotionally and to escape that, or try to, we embrace knowledge.

Excessive knowledge its use and application are the expression of violence not an escape from it making it something driven by the personal self, not the ego.


As an individual male acquires the internal abilities available and uses them light would start to form internally giving that individual the internal insight of moving towards that light.

The light would increase as the internal energies and powers of the sun that form light became more unified causing the person’s body to feel very light, gaining lightness.

This is because internal light neutralises gravity to an extent causing it to flow around and through the physical body lessening its effect.

To outsiders though it appears that person’s body has increased its gravity making it appear that person is rooted to the ground.

The person needs to support this when it first begins using the acquired ability of insight drawing in more internal power and energy to form the beginning of awareness which supports the change in body condition.

As internal abilities are gained the body condition will change feeling lighter with more energy.

Breathing will deepen and sink lower in the body becoming the centre of balance and posture will improve as the body will revolve or relate to the new centre of balance.

That centre in the physical body becomes not only the centre that the body revolves around, but also becomes the centre that other people revolve around extending outwards to have all of physical existence revolving around it as well including events and challenges.

Events and challenges contain the potential energy of the future to which humans respond to, giving humans and only humans, a future although it’s fixed programming us.

This process happens because we’re unaware of it, but as awareness grows and a low centre of balance forms, like a pregnant female, awareness coupled with a low centre of balance enables the incoming potential energy of the future to be deflected around a person.

This replicates the spin of the Earth and is possibly where it comes from where a body moving towards the planet is spun off into space.

Being free of this potential energy forming our future is a factor of true freedom, acquiring true awareness is another and it means that, because the individual has gained the abilities to be free of a fixed future they can go forward without it, acquiring experience as they do so which doesn’t lead to more programming.

Light within males comes when the internal energies that forms light: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet start to come together inside a male.

Awareness comes when the other suns energies: X, micro and radio waves, gamma, IR, UV and others come together internally in males.

Balance has a centre; awareness has no centre going in all directions at once expanding like the surface of a bubble as more of a male’s energy is focused into it.

The awareness we’re used to is what we call self-awareness which is a by product of the immune system and isn’t awareness just data crossing the electrical energy field of the immune system producing more data interpreted as self awareness and is the way the immune system detects pathogens.

That’s why awareness to us is just the awareness of objects with physical mass, not true awareness at all which includes the perception of energy content which comes from x-ray energy.

Physical changes in the body, such as a feeling of lightness, energy and a change in breathing and balance will act as indicators to internal progress and it’s important to test and validate them and the internal abilities through constant use.

Constant use will also support them so they increase and new abilities, insights and perceptions develop, as it’s very easy to become delusional and distracted without testing.

The test and validation for the writings here and in other books is The Therapy as it’s the means to test insight and perception into illness which if validated by The Therapy working can be used in other areas.

The Therapy can also be seen as the start of a process set out by its deviser so it’s true to its source becoming an extension of it, so everyone who uses The Therapy will be able to study what it does and how it does it gaining insight and perception leading to true awareness in the process.

People who gain insights into The Therapy may modify it, for instance using a different substance to help somebody with an illness not covered in The Therapy eBook, so adding their own understanding to The Therapy.

The use of The Therapy is expected to last for a while helping to develop humans to the next phase of existence, after which a new method will come along to help deal with the problems of that time and to start things moving, if that method is still used, which will help develop the humans of that time.

As abilities are acquired through the following of received ideas the purpose of them will be revealed and if followed and aligned with will also keep a person on track, protecting them from delusion and distraction.

Delusion and distraction happen when people project a purpose formed by their own desires the goal of which is usually worldly personal gain in some form, usually fame, fortune and glory.

The following of true received ideas is also a test for the individual, it’s usually a personal quest, often meaningless to others, sometimes making a person an outsider, without worldly personal gain, but at some point what is found will help others and enrich their lives.


To give humanity a different path and outcome certain received ideas were introduced directly by Brain Sentience working through prepared individuals to teach, show, explain, write books and guide others and is where we get masters, saints, gurus, sensei’s and other teachers from, the difficulty being discerning the true ones from the ones who talk convincingly.

Brain Sentience working through individuals in this way isn’t possession or obsession, as can be seen in some possessed by damaged or polluted energy and/or damaged received programming, or the potential energy of the future, but Brain Sentience, which is in all of us taking a more direct action working through certain people, people whose ancestors have been selectively bred over centuries.

While all males receive and can express ideas some males were selectively bred to produce an individual capable of being used by Brain Sentience which was necessary due to all the energy pouring into a person and pouring out into others, through speech, actions and their existence.

Brain Sentience acted more directly back then as humanity at that time needed more than the supply of programming ideas could provide which needed to be backed up and spread through the use of a constant stream of blended energy tailored to the individuals, groups and the land and space they occupied.

The physical body Brain Sentience was working through needed to not only supply blended energy, but to imprint that blended energy as it passed through the physical body making that energy a thing of that time and place able to change and develop others.

The blended energy passed through those individuals was supplied and directed into males by Intrinsic Sentience of the Earth working together with Brain Sentience expressing itself through males.


Groups of human males, mostly in the West and some Middle Eastern countries had been developed over centuries with a need to debate, work out, and feel they were contributing to an understanding of the physical world, so Brain Sentience working directly through certain individuals within this group nurtured this while streaming a flow of blended energy into the local land, air and its inhabitants giving them strength while also supporting their endeavours.

People like this who look outwards into the world and become involved in it, at that time, couldn’t really understand the inner world of abilities and energy, tending to view it objectively, at a distance, looking at others, not themselves, labelling what they see then analysing it to produce mental sciences, with some of what was perceived becoming superstition.

Such a way is the only way such males could begin and proceed and over centuries there will be a gradual blurring of the boundaries producing some who can be subjective in their objectivity producing a balance.

Some of course will resist with everything they have seeing such blurring as corruption or an ending of purity, never coming to what comes next, but are recycled upon passing to try again at a later time.

People on other parts of the planet had been developed differently and didn’t have a need to explore outwardly in the physical world eventually producing technology, but inwardly exploring the inner world which is what following these threads of energy required.

Again certain humans were selected by Brain Sentience, to explain, show and develop the exploration of the inner world in humans to others which is more natural to them.

The ones Brain Sentience worked through had been prepared over the centuries by the selective breeding of their ancestors and they and the air and land they live on prepared by Intrinsic Sentience through the passing of blended energy from the Earth through them, where it was imprinted by the physical body and into the land and air where others started to absorb it.

The absorbing of blended energy that had been changed by passing through a prepared physical body was very important as without this the teachings passed on by Brain Sentience wouldn’t take root and grow.

Inward looking people would observe the inner world and learn from it, but it would be subjective and they would devote themselves to it neglecting the physical world causing great misery and suffering as they saw themselves as being too religious of spiritual to work and get their hands dirty.

Sending programming ideas to these people to make them more objective wouldn’t help because they were how they were meant to be and changing them would stop any possibility of an escape from programming, so a block was placed within them.

They could study the inner world for centuries, perhaps even thousands of years, but they would only go so far and no further.

The block wouldn’t be lifted until the different groups, subjective and objective started to mix and understand each other spreading what each one was, but as they were on other sides of the planet, this would have to wait until global travel and communication came into existence and people had developed to the point of being ready.


The inner world of humans consists of energies in an unlabeled state, but the brain labels due to its basic programming, needing order, which leads to recognition which is how it approaches the physical world, labelling a table, a tree, the sky, another human, a child, animal, fish and so on, and this is also how it approaches the inner world of energies in humans.

Such males, being early on in the development of internal energy perception, would not get a clear, deep view of the inner life and would not only label the energies perceived, but label them inaccurately leading to errors, delusion and wishful thinking.

Also the inner state for most is a jumbled mess of energies due to damaged programming, conflict, disorder and illnesses caused by harmful energies and randomised energy, leading to an inability of males to align with the purpose of human existence which is to develop and become more complex leading to creativity and freedom and on top of all this a person adds a layer of mislabelling.

All labelling of the inner life energies is to be avoided as the label then puts the energy being observed into a box, fixing it and making it static so its unable to tell its story, because all energies have a story to tell in their unprocessed state, like a radio broadcast which hasn’t been played through a speaker.

When we are challenged the brain releases energy to meet that challenge, but then the brain labels the energy and restrains it by boxing it in, because the energy is change and the brain is in disorder and knows it can’t deal with the change the energy would bring.

While labelling energy doesn’t cause the problem, labelling the response to challenge as fear does adding to the problem and the only way to undo that is to repair the damaged programming through replacing energy essence allowing the brain to start functioning in order, so a study of internal energies will help bring this about and the reason why this line of study was begun.

Another interesting line of development is when the one group, that is the human males who develop outwardly into science, art, civilisations and so on, or that which can be seen and touched, begin what they came to call religion and the study of metaphysics.

Again once such a group is established Brain Sentience starts working through an individual part of that group who has been bred differently to become useful to Brain Sentience.

This male isn’t looking outward or is interested in the physical world, but is internal, interested in the internal world in humans of energies and can manifest those energies impressing others and reinforcing the message Brain Sentience wants to give.

Those males, thousands of years ago, interested in the physical world would be incapable of understanding such an individual and would misunderstand them, sometimes deliberately so, label them incorrectly then assume they understood them and build religious empires to promote what they don’t understand, but such things change over time.

Through the pointing out of such things outwardly looking individuals can gain some insight and understanding into themselves and others realising the mess everyone is in internally and how the purpose within us has been damaged.

Religion was never about worship or belief, which came from the misunderstanding caused by observing something in others without experiencing it personally, religion is about repairing the internal state and through understanding that internal state, developing.

There is nothing wrong in developing civilisations, cultures and societies which are very much needed, the problem is when that’s all there is with no progress being made to repair damaged human males, as damaged males lead to trouble such as violence, conflict, wars and empires.

The same is true with the group of males who are inward looking and have a natural affinity with the inner life and want to live there, but males study and express the inner life not live there.

The power of the internal life is where females live, experiencing it, but females have no wish to study or express it, just be part of it in wonder of it.

Males label the energies internally and neglect building up something physical in the world leaving societies open to many different humanitarian disasters, so the point is not one without the other, but to move towards becoming a blending of both and not to be afraid of change and development.


Ideas were received in the distant past by different groups of humans to begin the process of self understanding, but the problems were many standing in the way of progress.

Males were programmed unable to do much with the early beginning given by Brain Sentience due to labelling and misunderstanding.

Also the programming is damaged, so although males needed programming to get to the point they are now emotionally and mentally, damaged programming only leads into a dead end.

Damaged programming leads to distortion at a very deep level and on top of that we are ill so life becomes pain and misery with huge numbers of people worldwide suffering from depression, insomnia and related conditions.

Another factor is the lack of energy essence, until recently, which could change things through the use of The Therapy.

Another reason an understanding of the inner life get’s misunderstood is the language used to communicate was artistic, not technical, as it would be today.

Today we are used to energies, powers and devices, being surrounded by them such as electrical energy, computers, home appliances and devices, communication, transport and so on.

The internet and mobile phones we use every day, but thousands of years ago would have seen miraculous along with modern medicine and drugs.

The modern age has given us a technical way of looking at things, rather than an artistic one which is needed to study and perceive the internal life seeing energies as just that, to see how they function, what they are, what their purpose is and where they came from.

By doing this without labelling which leads to judgment energies can be just seen and if harmful tracked back to their source in a person, or from outside and removed if possible.

People who observe the inner life who are more technical due to modern life will see the internal energies for what are rather than labelling them as spirits, souls, demons, angels, gods and so on which are not accurate or useful.

Technical problems, such as damaged programming needs technical solutions, not artistic ones which have their place in life, but this isn’t it as artistic expression just leads to the religions we have now, which have become the means to deliver social programs.

The inner life needs observing by technically minded people who are subjective, that is not separated from what’s being observed, rather than objective like scientists, because if you observe what you are in others and yourself it prepares you for change.

Centuries ago a beginning was planted in different groups of males all over the planet by Brain Sentience, knowing things would be misunderstood and would even add to the misery and suffering, but also knowing that over time such teachings would adjust the flow of humanity to where we’re ready for what comes next.

The male way is to study energies internally and technology externally leading to development that can been seen externally and perceived internally as males rely on sight to express themselves, whereas females rely on sound.

As males progress with the unification of internal energies and the abilities gained from received ideas light will appear in the brain giving insight to endeavours drawing sight forward and adding perception to it.


Chapter 7 – Female Recovery

Female recovery is different from males although the pattern is the same: use the charging pad followed by a few months of recovery and convalescence depending on the condition.

The difference between the two is that females suffer much, much more from contaminated energy received from the Power of the Earth working through soil bacteria than males with no damage to received programming from viruses as that process doesn’t happen in females.

Females are self programming, or self conditioning may be a more accurate way of expressing it, responding to other humans and the environment lived in, but females don’t receive programming from Universal Life the way males do.

Females also rely on bacteria for what’s received from the soil as well as the Power of the Earth which travels through the link females have with soil bacteria allowing the aspects and attributes of the Power of the Earth to pass into females granting them abilities which can be used for the betterment of all humans.

This link with the Power of the Earth gives females abilities and using those abilities to help others develops them, showing they are ready for more, but they need to join with the Power of the Earth in order to progress towards Personal Life.

The problem right now is the soil is very heavily contaminated with toxic pollutants from manufacturing, chemicals, power generation, transport, pesticides and dead insects and so on the energy of which is being transmitted through bacteria in the soil into soil bacteria in females and into the female energy network, damaging them and into children where it fills the cells waiting to be released, causing damage when it is.

When industrialisation started most pollution which found its way into the soil and then its energy transmitted into females, came from the burning of coal producing vast amounts of soot which settled on the land and into the soil producing a dangerous, but limited number of diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, migraine, asthma and being a trigger for some cancers.

Smoking didn’t help either but this was more in the processes and functions of the body again triggering some cancers, but in recent years soil pollution has increased in the different sources and volume all of which is being transmitted into females and from them into children.

So the starting point is that females are receiving the energy of toxic pollution transmitted through soil bacteria causing a very damaging build up in the female energy network which acts like a reservoir a continuing process causing many illness and disorders.

Females receive soil energy which is contaminated and it’s the contamination which causes all the problems and needs to be removed.

So the incoming toxic energy needs to be filtered allowing just the beneficial energy through, which was how it was meant to be and all the toxic energy sludge which has built up in the female energy network needs to be removed.

Using The Therapy turns the skin into a much more efficient filter, under the control of the immune system, letting it filter out the toxic incoming energy allowing only beneficial energy through and electrical energy passing into the body from the charging pad pushes out any toxic energy that has no place there.

Electrical energy from the charging pad not only increases the filtering ability of the skin giving the immune system more control, but all the filters in the body, which are membranes, are improved.

The filtering of energy is also improved.

Recovery for females will start within days of using The Therapy as the old toxic energy sludge is pushed out being replaced with new filtered energy transmitted from the Power of the Earth.

Energy transmitted from the soil through soil bacteria will also be filtered by the skin under the control of the immune system letting through beneficial energy.

The two have different content with soil bacteria passing through energies from living things such as humans, animals, vegetation and other forms of life, but not insects as they have nothing useful for humans and the human energies are more to do with feeling, emotions, programming, memories and so on rather than the recycling of humans themselves which is done through the blended energy of the Earth.

The Power of the Earth is that which supports physical life in all its forms and gives rise to beauty, art, sound - which means music – fertility and conception, things very female, but they become corrupted and toxic by all the waste, chemicals, pollution and so on poured into the soil.

The Power of the Earth is fertility expressed as conception something which starts in the sun when the sun like an egg is fertilised when Universal Life and Sentience from a previous universe flows through it acting like sperm, bringing about not a moment of conception, as in a female, but a continuous conception as Universal Life and Sentience flows through it spreading the suns energy out as an act of conception.

This flow ignites the suns energy and transforms it into the fertile Intrinsic Life, Sentience and energy of this universe with it spreading out away from the sun where it encounters the Earth, becoming the sperm to the Earths egg, again starting a process of continuous conception in the Earth, an ongoing process which supports all physical life on Earth.

This flow of Life, Sentience and energy fertilising the Earth becomes The Power of the Earth and is the Power that supports fertility and conception in females and it’s this that females connect to and express and it’s this that females need to join with to advance towards Personal Life, a completely different more passive process to males.


Females receiving energy from the soil and from The Power of The Earth means that this is primary and comes before the immune system in defending the female body and takes on a lot of what the immune system does in males such as recognition of pathogens and the maintenance and support of the body which cause huge problems, health wise, when these energies are contaminated and The Power of The Earth blocked.

This contamination fills up the female energy network causing conditions in the systems, processes and functions of the female and the contamination is passed on to children, covering cells, especially brain and bone marrow cells causing deep problems and blocking human advancement.

As The Therapy pushes out the old, toxic energy and new filtered energy arrives the female will start to recover not after using The Therapy has finished, but after a few sessions as the female immune system is secondary, or supplements the female energy network which has a much greater function than just maintaining the health of the body, but also the mass absorption of energies from males, and the recycling of those energies into children.

The female energy network also cycles female energies from soil bacterial and the Power of the Earth into children, energies which will be much more beneficial once they are filtered and clean.

So both females and males suffer from received contamination from the soil and inherited contamination along with everything else, but The Therapy is freely available to be used to help resolve this situation.


Chapter 8 – The Female Way

After The Therapy has been used and the female body condition has been cleared, which includes the toxic, polluted energy coating the brain and bone marrow cells, what comes next for females?

Females self program in accordance with feelings, the personal self and the ego, but before using The Therapy the feelings were damaged and distorted and the personal self and ego was the result of this so the self programming will be shaped by this, but after using The Therapy there will be no self programming as the incoming toxic energy will be filtered out, so a personal self and ego will not come into existence.

So self programming will stop, but it will take time for the existing personal self, ego and already produced self programming to fade, during which an individual female will be in a transition period where the old goes and life based on the expression of The Power of The Earth which isn’t the expression of programming, but Intrinsic Life, Sentience and the suns energy expressing itself through females.

So false or artificial life comes to an end and real life begins, but this is just how an individual female expresses herself in the world through expressing The Power of The Earth, but this isn’t joining with that Power simple linking with it and expressing it.

Some, if not most females will be happy with this as few females will want to go further preferring to work in the world, helping and doing good for others rather than turning away from the world and people and travel towards the source of this Power and join with it fully.

Even for those who do this it’s not the end of the journey as from there there’s the possibility of Personal Life through the joining with Universal Life becoming part of it, but separate within it.


But let’s go back and look at this more.

The first part, using The Therapy starts the process and as an individual female progresses emotional strength and power will increase quite significantly, enough to sustain the female as The Power of The Earth starts to come to the female in a pure form.

Along with emotional strength and power will come an appreciation of beauty and a caring for all life as well as the expression of the energy of fertility and conception, and she will gain the eye of The Power of The Earth, or see things as it sees things in a unique female way, as The Power of The Earth expresses itself fully through females when they are ready for it.

The individual female will also gain a powerful empathy, insight and perception into life from The Power of The Earth, allowing the female to choose to stay and help or to go and join that Power.

This is an old dilemma: to help in the short term or to take a long term approach, but it comes down to the person and events usually come together to help with the choice and always remember: we are not alone, help will always come, but it will be what’s needed, not what’s wanted.

Females strive for the same worldly power males strive for not realising this drive comes from contaminated energy which has produced distorted and damaged behaviour in females leading to illness, so the drive for worldly power comes from illness.

Once the contaminated energy has gone from the female system the starting point for this behaviour has been removed so everything that follows on will fade away and the female will return to a neutral position while being filled with filtered soil energy and The Power of The Earth.

The pursuit of worldly power will have come to an end; not leaving a female powerless and vulnerable in an insane world, but more powerful than ever once The Power of The Earth and filtered soil energy fills the body.

The feeling of being powerless and vulnerable came from being damaged, distorted and ill caused by contaminated energy and the pursuit of worldly power began to escape that.

Contamination in females causing the personal self and ego will be gone and true strength and power will take its place.

At this time females are programmed to accept whatever society wants accepted, which starts when females are very young and in recent years this has been noticed and used to programme females mostly into becoming consumers and for programming males, because males respond to female programming in order to continue receiving sex.

But this situation is only possible if female energy is contaminated which allows programming, but once that contamination is cleared from the female energy network existing programming will fade and disappear and females will no longer be programmed or be able to be programmed.

This is different from recent times when female programming has been recognised, but isn’t useful to people selling things so the old programming has been revealed in females and females are told to be different the new programming needs to be accepted, which means become driven consumers.

Being without programming is the first step females take towards expressing The Power of The Earth, but not so much received soil energy as that’s more concerned with the functioning of the systems, function and processes of the female body than being expressed in society, but by being filtered as it enters the body as all energy passes through the skin, it maintains health, doesn’t produce illness and adverse conditions and is beneficial.

As the internal processes change so too will the external expression as The Power of The Earth is expressed, which its expression is support of living things and an expression and appreciation of beauty.


Chapter 9 – Power and Abilities

After The Therapy has been used then the individual female and male can begin to move forward in terms of development and working out what life now means and where a person can go.

Males can become a true expression of energy not processed by viruses and females a true expression of power, expressing what true power is not backed by violence or driven by damaged energy as it was in males being just the power of force.

Males become a true expression of energy, continuous in a stream and females become the true expression of power which expands outwards equally forming a radius, in effect the sperm and the egg which is replicated everywhere in the world and in physical life.

Male energy becomes enveloped by female power, not just during sex, but all the time in society giving rise to a continuous conception which becomes the source of everything humans do, a constant conception expressing itself guided by male abilities derived from energy watched over by the eye of The Power of The Earth guiding it’s expression, a remarkable conception in itself.

This will be a more natural way for society to develop and for females and males to interact rather than the conflict and aggression going on now brought about by damaged, distorted humans.

Over time as females and males develop the energy and power they express will develop and societies will begin to move away from constant expansion causing suffering a misery due to their harmful nature and begin to move towards civilisations where everyone benefits.

Perhaps future generations will look back at this time as a turning point and admire the people of this time for turning around a harmful situation even though damaged and ill and made it better for those of us here and now and for those who followed.


Two interesting questions have arisen recently during the course of writing this eBook relating to the nature female pregnancy and human death.

It seems that at this time we die of a time not of our own choosing due to some form of illness, but once all the toxic energy is purged from human cells, systems, functions and processes will that mean humans will no longer die of something, but simply stop when all the energy has gone and will we be able to choose that moment in some way?

Not as an act of suicide or will in switching off, but simply a leave taking at a time of our own choosing, removing a great fear because death will be something no longer done to us, perhaps with no warning, but something we plan and work towards.

The other question that’s always been a puzzle is why females have no control over becoming pregnant, often in the past before modern birth control, putting females at great risk.

It may be that once the female body has been cleared of all harmful energy and illness and an individual female has joined, not just linked with The Power of The Earth which controls not just fertility, but conception as well, a female then will gain some control over her fertility and choose when to conceive.

Perhaps future writings will reveal more on this.

Thanks for reading this trilogy, love and best wishes,

Richard x



One Therapy to heal them all and in the darkness find them,

One Therapy to heal them all and from the darkness lead them...





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