Quit Marijuana Now by Peter Hill - HTML preview

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Chapter 4 - Quit Marijuana Using The 6 Step Method For Change

In this day and age there are many technologies available to changing
behaviors and feelings in people. When you decide to quit smoking marijuana,
you can use the six step method to change your habit patterns permanently.
Learn how to make a decision to quit pot, set yourself up for success,
interrupt you present habit patterns, give yourself new alternative
behaviors, condition your mind for success and experience life as an ex
cannabis smoker. This article will give you the basics of quitting weed in
six easy steps that anyone can learn and use to achieve their goal.
Step One - Plan How You Want Things To Be Once You Have Quit
When you decide to quit smoking marijuana, you are committing to changing a
habitual behavior. When you do this, you have to make absolutely clear in
your mind, what exactly is the change that you want to make. You must decide
what do you really want, and then figure out what exactly is preventing you
from quitting pot right now. Up until now, what has prevented you from
quitting. Write it down so that it is crystal clear in your mind. This will
force you to think about how things will be once you have quit for good and
consider what you must do in order to change.
Step Two - Motivate Yourself To Quit Marijuana
The first thing you need to quit cannabis permanently is to get to the point
where you MUST change no matter what. To get to this place you need to consider some of the negative aspects of smoking marijuana as well as
considering some of the benefits you will enjoy once you have quit. For this
step you need to write down exactly what the side affects have been in your
life. Write down exactly what you have been missing out on as a result of
your pot habit. Then write down what type of pain it will case you in the
future if you do not take action and quit weed. Finally write down at least
three reasons why changing your habits and quitting pot for good will also
change you life for the better. Make it clear what benefits you will enjoy in
every area of your life. This way you are motivated to break the cycle.
Step Three - Break The Cycle
The habit of smoking cannabis forms a strong cycle that reinforces itself
every time you use the substance. To break this cycle it is critical that you
do something out of the ordinary such as exercise, taking a bath, or talking
with a friend that has already quit marijuana. Even things that are weird,
unexpected or outrageous can help. Watching comedy movies can change you mood
as well as engaging in a favorite hobby. The more things you have to do as a
replacement of your old behaviors the more effective you journey to quit pot
will. Make a list of five to ten things you can do instead of weed and pick
the top three and use them regularly. Breaking the cycle and creating an
empowering alternative is crucial and cannot be stressed enough.
Step Four - Replace Your Old Habit With New Behavior Eventually when you become successful and quit marijuana for good, you will
need to do something else with all the time you free up. What are some of the
things you will engage in instead of weed to change your emotional state.
Typically you want to do something that you can do anywhere any time. Some
people find deep breathing exercises help, other find stretching or listening
to music to be beneficial. You will need to make a list of these
alternatives, write them down and use them. Once you have done this, all you
need to do is to reinforce the new habit you have formed.
Step Five - Reinforce And Practice The New Positive Behavior
To quit pot for good, you need to condition your mind to avoid anything that
would trigger a relapse. To avoid falling back into the same old routine, it
is very important to practise and condition your new alternative behaviors to
the point where it is absolutely natural and automatic. Every time you
reinforce the new pattern, you strengthen and condition your mind to be under
your control. Eventually it becomes so regular that your new behavior becomes
the dominant behavior in your life and you are free from weed permanently.
You will find that you are able to carry on with life as if you never had an
addiction at all.
Step Six - Test Yourself And Enjoy Your New Capability
When you have completed this process and you want to be sure that your
changes will stick, go out and test your new self. You could imagine yourself in the future where you are in that situation again when you would have
normally smoked in the past, but see yourself free from cannabis dependence
at last. Perhaps you might go visit some of your old friend that you used to
spend time with before you quit marijuana and experience your new found
ability to overcome addiction. This way you can experience the positive
consequences of your decision to quit cannabis.
After working with dozens of clients in helping them to quit smoking pot and
change their lives, it is clear that each step must be considered carefully
and acted upon. Read this article as many times as you need, and when your
ready follow the six steps and quit marijuana for good. Remember to decide
exactly what you want, motivate yourself to quit, break the old cycle,
replace your old habit with new behavior, reinforce it, and enjoy your new
life. Use the six steps as many times as you need with my blessing and live
life under your terms and under your control.
Can’t Find the Strength To Quit On Your Own? Get committed, get motivated and Stop Smoking Marijuana FOREVER!

Chapter 5 - A Simple Exercise To Help Quit Marijuana Now!

In the past decade there have been a number of psychologists who have
contributed to the growing body of information about quitting pot. Many of
these experts have come to a conclusion that quitting cannabis is roughly 10%
physical dependence and more importantly 90% psychological habit. When people
start to consider quitting weed, they are forced to consider the health
reasons, financial reasons, and family reasons for changing. This article will discuss the three main issues involved and bring attention to some of
the principals that you can learn and use immediately.
The best way to benefit from learning psychology to help yourself, is to
realize that it is all about self-analysis and self discovery. As you
consider the costs of not quitting marijuana, you could make a list on a
blank piece of paper and write down each thing that bothers you. Write down
enough things so that your motivated and ready to take action. Then on the
other side of the page, write down all the things you will be able to enjoy
as a result of your decision to change your old habits. The first thing you
might consider is your physical health.
For some people the health reasons alone are enough to make the decision to
quit pot. Some people find that before they quit cannabis they are often
short of breath, or unable to naturally breath as deeply or as rhythmically
as they could before. Other people worry about various types of cancer that
can eventually result from smoking weed, or other tobacco. It's not uncommon
to hear about problems with nasty wet coughs, runny noses and mucus buildup,
that come as a result of smoking weed on a regular basis. Yet for some people
the health reasons are not quite as motivating as when they consider the
financial costs of not quitting cannabis.
Wealth Some people start to calculate how much money they spend and how if they were
to just quit marijuana they would have hundred and some times thousands of
more dollars available to them. There was a client I had once who came to the
realization that if he were to save up all the money that he usually would
have spent on weed, he could take a vacation to South America in just a few
months and every winter thereafter. Even though the health reasons and
financial reasons to quit pot are many, there is yet another group of people
who only respond to the family reasons.
Often times it has been found that people who smoke cannabis too much have
families that worry about them. Sometimes it's the girlfriends or boyfriend
who really help in moving things forward along in the process. When they
consider their children, they find that alone is enough reason to quit
marijuana since they want to be a good example and make their kids proud.
Psychologist know that patients need to reflect on what they are doing, and
how much better things will become once they make the change and quit pot. By
doing something as simple as writing a list of painful things and pleasurable
opportunities they can change their minds and re-train their brains to think
that smoking is a silly thing that they no longer need in their lives. They
look at themselves and decide to have better health, decide to seal their financial leaks, and patch things up with their families to become successful
and self-reliant people.
Can’t Find the Strength To Quit On Your Own? Get committed, get motivated and Stop Smoking Marijuana FOREVER!

Chapter 6 - Quitting Marijuana With Auto-Suggestion And Affirmation

If you are serious about quitting marijuana, then you should seriously
consider using the power of auto-suggestion to change your thought patterns.
With self-suggestion you will be able to to program your subconscious mind
with the new thoughts, feelings and behaviors that you want for yourself as
you become a non smoker. From the steps of successful affirmation,
suggestions for quitting pot, and re-enforcing your new self. This article
will introduce you to using affirmations to help yourself quit cannabis.
Step 1 - Plan
In order to be successful at using affirmations you need a clear step by step
game plan. You need to set a time aside where you can speak your
affirmations out loud every single day for at least one month. It is best to
write your affirmations down first and then as you memorize them you can
recite them in your own words. If you can say your affirmations out loud
everyday for more then twenty one days, you will find this to be incredibly
powerful. Step 2 - Act
Say out loud so you can hear your own voice the following:
"I know that I have the ability to quit marijuana now. Therefore I demand of
myself persistence and continuous action toward the goal of quitting
marijuana today. I am making a promise to myself that I can and will quit"
We now know that through the principal of affirmation and suggestion that the
repeated act of desire towards your goal will eventually become physical
reality. Therefore it is suggested that you spend up to thirty minutes each
and every single day, and spend that time on thinking of the weed free person
you intend to become. As you affirm your objective of quitting pot, make a
clear mental picture of this person you are becoming.
As you practice this you will find it works in a predictable way. As you
continually and repeatedly hold in your mind the image of your new self, you
will find that you slowly and automatically transform your reality in
positive ways. Therefore it is important to spend ten minutes of each day,
demanding of yourself the will power and self confidence to quit marijuana.
Step 3 - Commit In order to commit yourself even more to this process, be sure to get it down
on paper. Write down a description of your goal to quit marijuana and
promise to never stop trying, until you have developed the will power to
quit. It will be something you can go back to. Especially at those times
when you feel like giving up.
Step 4 - Reward Yourself With Reinforcement
Lastly, you will want to remind yourself daily about some of the basics of
affirmation. Just remember that affirmations will continue to work for you
as long as you only use them in ways that benefit yourself and every one
around you. You will eventually attract to yourself the events, places, and
things you will need to use, as well as the cooperation of other people.
Remember to develop within yourself a love for all people, and especially
love for yourself. You will find that people are more then willing to help
you, because you are the type of person who is helpful towards others.
Have your personal statement of affirmation on you at all times, and sign
your name to it. Be sure to commit it to memory and repeat it out loud every
day. Use your faith and your emotions, and you will find that you gradually
influence your own actions, quit smoking marijuana, and become and successful
and independent person. Remember the steps for affirmation, give yourself
the best suggestions for quitting pot, and make it a habit. You will find
that you naturally create a plan for quitting and follow that plan by using
affirmation and auto-suggestion. Can’t Find the Strength To Quit On Your Own? Get committed, get motivated and Stop Smoking Marijuana FOREVER!

BONUS - How You Can Use Hypnosis To Quit Marijuana

For many years now, hypnosis has been shrouded in mystery. The reality of the
situation is that it is just a very powerful way of using your imagination
and your day dreams to assist you in making changes. Today it is being used
to help people quit smoking cannabis and to take back control. From what
hypnosis is, to how it deals with the subconscious mind, to who is in control
during the session. This article will be an introduction to using hypnosis
and self-hypnosis to quit marijuana.
For many people when they think about the subject of hypnosis they think
about the popular stage acts that cross the country. These performers use
hypnosis as a framework around a show that uses the audience to preform
various feats, jokes and acts. Other people think of the movies where a
hypnotist is able to completely control another person with his influence and
power, even in unethical ways. In the context of therapy, self improvement,
and using hypnosis to quit smoking pot, this is all completely different.
The Basics Of Hypnosis Hypnosis is nothing more then a very powerful and effective way of using the
imagination to accomplish certain things. The definition of hypnosis is
generally accepted as the bypassing of the critical factor of the mind, so
that communication can happen with the other deeper subconscious mind. To
help a person quit weed, hypnosis is used to bypass the part of their mind
that might think, reason, evaluate or judge the powerful suggestions they
receive during the session. This way, the suggestions are accepted and acted
upon not by the conscious mind, but the unconscious mind.
The Deep Subconscious Mind
The unconscious part of your mind is the part that deals with your breathing.
It keeps your heart beating and all your senses awake and aware, even when
your conscious mind is off somewhere doing something else. When you drive a
car, it is the unconscious parts of the mind that takes care of all the
things going on around you. This way you can still carry on a conversation
while driving down the road at 100 kilometers an hour. When a hypnotist
tells a client to "Sleep!", instantly the conscious mind is suspended long
enough that they can listen to the suggestions and install the new believes
that force them to quit smoking cannabis. When it is done properly the
effect is almost instant. However there are many people who have a fear
about loosing control while in trance.
Fears And Misconceptions: Who In Control? The reality of the situation is that a person's main resistance to going into
a trance and accepting suggestions to quit marijuana is fear. The more fear
a person feels about being hypnotised, the more challenge they will have to
endure to change themselves. The fact remains that all hypnosis is really
just self-hypnosis, the trick is eliminating the fears and the misconceptions
before hand. In the end it is only you that can change and heal yourself.
You can't change other people, but you can change yourself.
If you believe in yourself enough to take the advice and suggestions from
someone who knows how to help you, quitting pot will be easier then you ever
imagined. When you understand exactly what hypnosis is, how it powerfully
affects your subconscious mind, and how ultimately it is only you in control.
You can understand one thing, that you and only you can grant a hypnotist
permission to help you to make the change. Download your session now and look forward to freedom from having to smoke

cannabis...'Overcome Cannabis Dependence'

Peter Hill is a human resources specialist and an expert in helping people
change their habits. He runs an informational website that provides tips,
audio and stories to help people quit marijuana naturally and easily, without
cravings or discomfort. To take advantage of this cool stuff and more make
sure to check out Peter's site at http://www.QuitMarijuanaNow.com/


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