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Quit Smoking to Live Longer

Habits are an inevitable part of one's life. During one lifetime we tend to have several habits. There are some habits that we purposefully undertake and some we undertake unknowingly. Out of these habits that we undertake in our life some are good and some are bad. However, there are some habits which are extremely bad and harmful. It is so harmful that it can take one's life. Though it is said that habits can never be changed, it is not always true. Smoking is one such habit which can destroy one's life and even can harm people who are with him all the time. Apart from taking life smoking has many other harmful effects. It is actually a slow poison which attacks you slowly and slowly. It hollows you from inside and gradually destroys your health from inside. Many people think of quitting smoking but very few of them find success in fulfilling their pledge.
It is not that one cannot Stop Smoking . The bare reality is one doesn't want to quit smoking. There are hell lots of problems that are created because of smoking. First of all the tobacco which is present in the cigarettes is very harmful for health. It also contains a considerable amount of Nicotine which is further harmful for one's health. Nicotine being a chemical element targets directly your brain and neural system. It slows down your reflexes and also makes one feel the urge to smoke more and more. However, you cannot take the excuse of this fact for not quitting smoking. There is nothing above self-determination. As such there is nothing impossible in this world. It's only that one has not tried the same or has not found success regarding the same. Otherwise there are people who have landed on moon and also who have reached the unreachable heights of different mountains.
There are various rehabilitation centers which are setup for bringing the people in track who are drug addicts or alcoholics. However, there are not much rehabilitation centers to help people who are addicted to smoking. Still there are sufficient. Above all it's your own self-determination which will help you in quitting smoking. Many people are also not aware of the harmful effects of cigarettes and thus get caught in its trap. However, there are people who even after being aware of the same don't Quit smoking . Smoking is equally bad for both men and women. Thus quitting smoking will help you in living longer and leading a healthy life.
Quitsmokingcritic continually makes publications on issues associated with dangers of smoking and how to stop smoking . With their writings on how to quit Smoking the author demonstrated his deep knowledge in the area.

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