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Health Facts On Smoking: The Alarming Smoking Fact Statistics

Each day it appears that there's new research or a fresh study being carried out to alert individuals in respect of the dangerous health facts on smoking. And with each fresh piece of study or new research, there appears to be one common reality �" the smoking fact statistics aren't good!
When it relates to the health of the respiratory system, the truth is that there's almost no aspect of this system that's left untouched. Smoking fact statistics have indicate that men that smoke can increase the risk of dying from lung cancer by almost twenty times and by nearly ten times for emphysema and bronchitis and emphysema. For women that smoke the risk of premature death from lung cancer can increase by almost twelve times and for emphysema and bronchitis nearly ten times. A further point to notice is that smoking can triple the chances of dying from a heart related disease amid middle-aged women and men. Just consider that �" the risks can be tripled! In addition, smoking will affect the entire body, from the throat and mouth, to the digestion system, blood, and the bones.
Except, the saddest health fact on smoking is likely to be the effect of passive smoking - those that do not actually smoke themselves, but are exposed to it from those around them. Each year, the effects of second hand smoke can result in an estimated 3,500 sufferers from cancer among adults in the U.S.
So if you are somebody that smokes, now could be the time to quit smoking. You can determine that there's not any good news when it concerns smoking, nothing healthy or beneficial about it. You could probably acknowledge the damage that it does to you and anyone close to you �" once you get the health facts on smoking correct, that is!
If you truly want to Quit Smoking (and are fed up with pills, patches, gums and programs that don't work), I'll show you how you or a loved one can Stop Smoking with no cravings, no weight gain, and no stress! - with our 100% fully guaranteed stop smoking ebook, take a look at http://www.GivingUpSmokingNow.com