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Seven Simple Tips To Quit Smoking

Smoking can lead to many serious health and body complications. Despite the massive campaign to let the public know of the adverse effects of smoking to the body, millions of people are still smoking worldwide.
Most people smoke because they think it's a cool or an "in" thing to do. Some adapt the habit because majority of people around them are smoking. The media and the intense advertisements of cigarette and tobacco manufacturers also play a big part in influencing many people, particularly the youngsters, to smoke.
Upon realizing the effects and health consequences of smoking cigarettes and tobacco, some people want to quit the habit but can't seem to do so. The reason for this is that smoking is a psychological and physical addiction, hence, it is not that easy to quit smoking. Although quitting the habit involves a difficult process, it is not impossible to do, especially if the person is serious on quitting.
If you are one of the millions of smokers who want to quit the habit but do not exactly know how to start, the following are 10 simple tips to quit smoking:
1. Have faith in yourself that you can quit smoking. Before anything else, it is important that you believe in yourself that you can quit the habit. Thinking about the difficult situations you have been through before may help you gather the determination you need to quit the habit.
2. Write down the reasons why you want to quit smoking. Your reasons for quitting the habit of smoking can be your family, your health, or money. Also note down the reasons why smoking is bad. Once you put everything on paper, you can read your list everyday to remind you of your goal to quit smoking.
3. Seek support from family members and friends. The support of family and friends is important in the process of quitting the habit of smoking. Ask them to be more understanding and less judgmental on your condition. Also, inform them that you are likely to become irrational at some point during the process of quitting the habit. 4. Participate in exercise programs. Joining an exercise program is also a good therapy for you to quit smoking. Take note that exercise relieves the body from stress. It helps your body to recover from the damages brought by smoking cigarettes or tobacco. 5. Practice deep breathing. Deep breathing for three to five minutes everyday aids in the process of withdrawing from your smoking habit. To do this, practice inhaling very slowly and holding your breath for a few seconds, then exhaling through the mouth.
6. Look for someone who also want to quit smoking. Finding someone who also wants to quit smoking is a good way to cope with the withdrawal process. You can help each other through the process by giving out encouraging words and finding time to hear each other other's thoughts and ramblings during rough moments. 7. Determine what triggers your addiction to smoke. It will be easier for you to quit smoking if you know what causes your addiction. Also, coping with the process of quitting is more tolerable once you avoid the factors that lure you to smoke. Rcon Franchesca V. Pascua is web content writer and researcher who specializes in health and fitness topics. Choose Variety of High Quality Medicines at {a href=" http://www.americapharmacyworld.com/ourproduct.html "}Online Medicines Enjoyed Reading this article? More here: {a href="
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