Raw Food Diet For Beginners by Ross Contreras - HTML preview

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Chapter 6-Raw Food Recipes

How to Prepare Simple yet Nutritious Raw Food Diets to Sustain You from Morning to Night

When you are on a raw food diet you can find that you may end up in a “rut” over the foods that you are eating. This is something that can cause you to become frustrated and bored with the diet. This can also lead you to getting bored with the raw food diet, possibly causing you to revert back into your old bad eating habits. In order for you to avoid this from happening you need to alternate the dishes that you are making frequently. Add these easy to follow recipes to your meal line ups that will not only help maintain your good health, but they taste good too!


Four Types of Breakfast Recipes

Breakfast Recipes

  • Banana Pancakes
  • Apple Avocado Mousse
  • Vanilla Yogurt
  • Nutty and Fruity Oatmeal

Most of us are not interested in spending too much time on preparing a fancy breakfast in the morning. These breakfast recipes are simple to follow and will take no more than five minutes to prepare.


Banana Pancakes



  • one ripe banana
  • cinnamon to taste
  • two tablespoons of dried coconut flakes


Mash the banana in a bowl

Add coconut flakes and cinnamon

Blend well.

Flatten into a pancake shape and enjoy!


Apple Avocado Mousse


  • two apples, cored, peeled
  • one avocado, peeled, pitted
  • one quarter cup of water


Peel apples and remove the core

Remove the peel and pit from avocado

Take the avocado meat and mix with the peeled apples

Mix with hand mixer and add water.



Vanilla Yogurt


  • half a teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • half a cup of coconut milk
  • one cup of coconut meat


Open coconut

Pour in half cup of coconut milk into blender until you get consistency of yogurt Add vanilla extract and other fresh fruit before serving.


Nutty and Fruity Oatmeal


  • one ripe banana
  • two teaspoons of cinnamon
  • one tablespoon of flax seed
  • two apples, peeled, and cored
  • bowl of pure water
  • one cup of fruit juice, unsweetened
  • choice of dried fruit
  • choice of nuts


Place the flax seeds in a bowl of water overnight

Rinse the flax seeds then set them aside

Cut banana, and apples into cubes

Put the fruit, flax seed and fruit juice in blender and mix until desired consistency is reached Add nuts and dried fruits before serving.


Four Types of Lunch Recipes

Lunch Recipes

Lunch preparation should be simple and easy to help you get through the rest of the day.

  • Spaghetti Marinara
  • Sprouted Bagel with Cold Smoked Salmon
  • Carrot & Avocado Soup
  • Chunky Veggie Salad


Spaghetti Marinara


  • four dates, pitted
  • six tomatoes
  • one squash
  • five sundried tomatoes
  • half a cup of red onion, chopped
  • half a bunch of basil, fresh, chopped
  • two tablespoons of oregano, dried
  • two teaspoons of minced garlic
  • one teaspoon of black pepper
  • half a cup of olive oil
  • one quarter cup of lemon juice
  • one teaspoon of sea salt


Use a Julienne peeler to peel the squash into strands that look like pasta Put into bowl and sprinkle with olive oil and salt

To make your sauce add the rest of the ingredients into a blender and blend until you get the right consistency Add water if it is too thick.


Sprouted Bagel with Cold Smoked Salmon



  • one tomato, sliced
  • one red onion, cut into rings
  • one sprouted bagel
  • one serving of cold smoked salmon
  • one lettuce leaf


Take the sprouted bagel and put in the toaster

Spread raw coconut oil on bagel, put on the lettuce leaf

Add slices of smoked salmon

Top with onion rings and slices of tomato.


Carrot & Avocado Soup


  • one ripe avocado
  • four carrots
  • four cups of coconut milk
  • one teaspoon of minced garlic
  • one teaspoon of yellow curry paste
  • one teaspoon of sea salt
  • one teaspoon of black pepper
  • one handful of fresh cilantro leaves
  • two teaspoons of lime juice


Add all of the ingredients into blender except for cilantro leaves, salt and pepper Blend the ingredients until smooth

Serve with cilantro leaves on top.


Chunky Veggie Salad


  • two ripe avocados
  • one lime
  • three to six veggies of your choice


Cut up all your veggies into cubes and combine

Add the avocado

Squeeze fresh lime juice over the top before serving.


Lettuce Wraps


  • half a cup of lemon juice
  • half a cup of hemp seed
  • one carrot
  • one ripe mango
  • half a head of savoy cabbage, shredded
  • one cup of almond butter (raw)
  • one quarter cup of organic honey
  • one quarter cup of sea salt
  • one tablespoon of soy sauce
  • half a tablespoon of red chili
  • one and a half tablespoons of ginger, fresh, chopped
  • one handful of basil, fresh leaves
  • one handful of cilantro, fresh leaves
  • six large spinach leaves


Cut your carrots into long thin strips

Cut mango into thicker strips

Pour honey, red chili, soy sauce, ginger and lemon juice into blender and puree Add the almond butter and blend on slow speed

Take the carrots and mix in the almond butter mixture

Place spinach leaves on flat surface

Put some shredded cabbage on top of leaves

Top with hemp seeds, mangoes, fresh basil and cilantro, salt and marinated carrots Roll up the spinach leaves and secure with toothpicks.


Three Types of Dinner Recipes

Dinner Recipes

  • Gazpacho Soup
  • Seaweed Salad
  • Thai Coleslaw

Eating well before bedtime is crucial so that one gets enough nutrients for the body to repair itself after a day of hard work.


Gazpacho Soup


  • one scallion, green part
  • one cucumber
  • one teaspoon of minced garlic
  • half a red onion, chopped
  • four tomatoes, chopped
  • four tablespoons of cilantro, chopped
  • one red bell pepper, chopped
  • one tablespoon of olive oil
  • one quarter cup of mango, chopped


Take the onion, tomatoes, lemon juice, garlic and cucumber and put them into a blender and blend at high speed Strain the blended mixture and remove chunky bits

Chill the strained mixture overnight

Serve with chopped mangoes, cilantro, bell pepper, scallions, and olive oil.


Seaweed Salad



  • raw seaweed
  • Tamari
  • sesame seed
  • Stevia
  • Sesame oil
  • lemon juice


Mix Tamari, Stevia, sesame oil, and lemon juice to make a dressing Pour over seaweed and top with sesame seeds.

Thai Coleslaw


  • half a cup of raw cashews
  • half a cup of lemon juice
  • one cup of raw almond or peanut butter
  • half a head of white cabbage, shredded
  • one quarter of a cup of red cabbage, shredded
  • one quarter of a cup of carrots, shredded
  • one ripe mango, diced
  • two tablespoons of honey
  • half a teaspoon of sea salt
  • half a teaspoon of chili
  • two tablespoons of ginger, fresh, chopped
  • one handful of basil, fresh leaves
  • one handful of cilantro, fresh leaves


Put lemon juice, ginger, honey, red chili, and Tamari in a blender to make a puree Add the almond butter or peanut butter and blend on slow speed

Mix in the shredded cabbage and top with mangoes, raw cashews, cilantro and basil leaves.


Other Recipes:



  • three tomatoes
  • three sundried tomatoes
  • five dates, pitted
  • juice of one lemon
  • half a cup of pure water


Let the sun dried tomatoes sit in a bowl of water for a few hours Put all ingredients into blender and blend until smooth.


Four Types of Dessert Recipes


Berry Pudding


  • handful of blueberries
  • one banana
  • handful of strawberries
  • five dates, pitted
  • half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder
  • half a teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • one tablespoon of cashew butter
  • one quarter cup of almond milk

Blend and enjoy, serves two.


Macadamia Orange Pudding


  • two tablespoons of melted coconut oil
  • one cup of Macadamia nuts
  • two oranges, peeled
  • one teaspoon of dried lavender flowers
  • one cup of dates, pitted

Blend and enjoy, if too thick add juice of another orange, makes up to five servings.


Chocolate Avocado Pudding


  • three tablespoons of raw cocoa powder
  • three tablespoons of real maple syrup
  • one avocado
  • pinch of sea salt

Blend until smooth, top with berries of your choice, serves two.





  • one cup of raw cocoa powder
  • one teaspoon of maple syrup
  • one cup of walnuts
  • one cup of pecans
  • one quarter cup of dried dates, pitted
  • one quarter cup of hemp seeds
  • one quarter teaspoon of sea salt

In a food processor blend on high speed mixing ingredients until you are left with a thick batter-like consistency Put mix into container, or form into individual treats.


Twelve Types of Smoothies Recipes



Lemon Balm Spearmint


  • 10 lemon balm leaves
  • small handful of walnuts
  • two Brazil nuts
  • two bananas
  • half a cup of cherries
  • 10 spearmint leaves
  • one teaspoon of maca powder
  • two cups of water
  • pinch of sea salt

Add all the ingredients to blender and blend until smooth

This could serve one or two.


Swiss Chard Smoothie


  • two apples
  • two cups of Swiss chard
  • one cup of blueberries
  • one teaspoon of vanilla whey powder
  • two cups of coconut water
  • one cup of cilantro

Blend and enjoy, this will make smoothies for two.


Kale Smoothie


  • two cups of kale
  • two cups of coconut milk
  • three peaches
  • one cup of blackberries
  • one teaspoon of whey powder

Blend and enjoy, serves two.


Yummy Yellow Smoothie


  • two bananas
  • one inch slice of fresh pineapple
  • ten ginkgo biloba leaves
  • two cups of coconut water
  • juice from one lemon

Blend and enjoy, makes one or two servings.


Quinoa Smoothie


  • one cup of raw quinoa
  • three bananas
  • three quarter cup of blueberries
  • two stalks of kale
  • pinch of sea salt
  • two cups of coconut water

Blend and enjoy serving for one.


Melon Mango Smoothie


  • three cups of honeydew
  • one mango
  • three cups of watermelon
  • two cups of coconut water

Blend and enjoy, serves one or two.


Chaga Berry Smoothie


  • one gallon of cold wild Chaga tea
  • four ounces of blackberries
  • four ounces of blueberries
  • four ounces of red raspberries
  • one third cup of hemp seed oil
  • five dates, pitted

Blend and enjoy, serves from 3 to 6.


Chaga Banana Smoothie


  • two cups of cold wild Chaga tea
  • one mango
  • two bananas
  • two tablespoons of coconut oil
  • one teaspoon of whey powder

Blend and enjoy, makes one or two servings


Chaga Date Smoothie


  • one gallon of cold wild Chaga tea
  • three tablespoons of real maple syrup
  • fourteen ounces of dried, pitted, dates

Blend and enjoy, serves three to six servings.


Orange Dandelion Smoothie


  • two oranges
  • two cups of dandelion leaves
  • one pear
  • one avocado
  • one teaspoon of cinnamon powder

Blend and enjoy this is two servings.


Green Mint Pineapple Smoothie



  • seven fresh mint leaves
  • one-inch slice of fresh pineapple
  • one Swiss chard leaf
  • one banana
  • two cups of coconut water
  • one teaspoon of real maple syrup

Blend and enjoy, makes two servings


Berry & Hemp Smoothie


  • one cup of frozen berries
  • two tablespoons of hemp seed (hulled)
  • one ripe banana
  • one cup of pure water


Blend and enjoy, this is one serving.