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Getting Pregnant:

The Natural Approach

Revealing the Secrets to Increase Your Fertility Page 1

To Reverse Infertility for Good, Check out the Secrets at: Contents



Part I – Understanding Fertility and Infertility

Chapter 1: What is Fertility?


- Signs of Fertility

Chapter 2: What is Infertility?


- Causes of Infertility

Part II – Natural Methods to Increase Fertility

Chapter 3: Traditional Chinese Medicine: Acupuncture 10

Chapter 4: Home Remedies: Homeopathy vs. Herbalism 11

Chapter 5: Sexy Secrets to Get Pregnant: Proper Sex 14

Positions and Timing

Part III – Diet for Pregnancy

Chapter 6: Foods to Increase Fertility


Chapter 7: Vitamins and Minerals to Increase Fertility 21

Chapter 8: Supplements & Over-the-Counter Drugs to 23

Increase Fertility

Part IV – Getting Pregnant Don'ts

Chapter 9:Things to Avoid If You Want to Get Pregnant 26

Part V – Symptoms of Pregnancy

Chapter 10: The Symptoms of Pregnancy


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To Reverse Infertility for Good, Check out the Secrets at: Introduction

For many women, conceiving and giving birth is the most natural thing in the world. And it should be. It is the ultimate fulfillment of womanhood. It is, in fact, a part of our biological nature as humans.

Unfortunately, not all women believe that this is true at all.

There is no ignoring the fact that many women around the world are facing problems with fertility. Not being able to conceive children is perhaps the most depressing and challenging problem a woman could ever face in her life. Therefore, she needs all the support and help she can get from friends, family, health providers, and most importantly, her partner.

A lot of women facing infertility issues have turned to expensive methods with the belief that, the more money you invest in a treatment, the higher chances are of a cure. Some hopeful mothers have been led to false information and been told wrong diagnoses. As a result, many feel as if they are still groping in the dark while facing this issue.

If you are one of these women facing troubles with infertility, chin up. There is still hope for you. Something can still be done to resolve your problem so you can still live to see your children, and even your grandchildren.

The following chapters of this ebook will tell you everything you need to know about infertility and how you can get pregnant naturally. No painful procedure and expensive medications. Just natural methods that are safe and affordable.

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To Reverse Infertility for Good, Check out the Secrets at:

Part I:

Understanding Fertility

and Infertility

To achieve your goal to get pregnant fast and naturally, you need to have a deeper understanding of what fertility and infertility are all about. Only when you are able to recognize what your body is telling you, will you be able to address the problem and choose the perfect solution.

The following chapters will discuss about the definitions of fertility and infertility as well as their signs and causes.

Chapter 1

What is Fertility?

Fertility is the ability to conceive and bear children. In other words, it is a woman's ability to become pregnant as a result of a normal sexual activity with a man.

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To Reverse Infertility for Good, Check out the Secrets at: Women generally start to become fertile between the ages of 10

and 16 when they start to go through puberty and begin menstruating. Naturally, once a woman starts her menstrual cycle, she can now become pregnant if she engages in an unprotected sexual activity. Cycles can be irregular for the first couple of years and may girls do not ovulate every month.

A woman's fertility will hit its peak at the age of 27 and slowly declines at the age of 30 and every year after that. That is why a many older women have trouble getting pregnant. During the peak of fertility, a woman is only fertile for three to four days every cycle.

This is because an unfertilized egg can only survive for 24 hours.

Signs of Fertility

You can find out for yourself if you are fertile and can conceive a baby. Here are the basic signs that should tell you your own fertility status:

Basal Body Temperature

BBT is your body's temperature before doing any activity for the day. This is taken in the morning before you get out bed. Your BBT when you are fertile is slightly higher than your normal temperature before your cycle. It will usually rise between 0.4 and 0.8 F on the day of ovulation.

Cervical Fluid

Your cervical mucus or vaginal discharge varies throughout the month and the mucus is an indicator of fertility. When you check your mucus, note the color changes. You are at "high fertile Page 5

To Reverse Infertility for Good, Check out the Secrets at: stage" when your mucus is thin and transparent. It has stretchy properties and this type of mucus is also called "egg white cervical mucus".

Cervical Position

During your cycle, your cervix changes position. During the beginning of your cycle and after ovulation, your cervix is in a low position. It rises to a higher position just before and during the ovulation period.

Chapter 2

What is Infertility?

Contradictory to fertility, infertility is the inability to conceive and bear children. Many people, both men and women, may be infertile during their reproductive years. They may not be aware of the condition at the time because they were not yet seeking to have any children.

Causes of Infertility

Approximately 6.1 million women in the United States are having fertility problems. That makes 10 percent of the total population of women in the world.

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To Reverse Infertility for Good, Check out the Secrets at: A woman might feel or have a hunch that she could be infertile when has not gotten pregnant after six months to a year of unprotected sex. Even a miscarriage can be an indicator of infertility. A miscarriage is a failed pregnancy experienced by women whose growing fetus was not able to complete its nine-month development stages in the womb and eventually dies. If a woman had an episode of a miscarriage, she is a likely suspect of infertility.

There are several major causes of infertility in women and knowing these causes will give you an edge in terms of deciding the right methods of treatment should you decide to get any.

Here is a list of some of the major causes of infertility in women that you know about:

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

PCOS is one of the main causes of infertility for women. In the United States alone, 1 in every 40 women suffers from it. This disease occurs when cysts develop in the woman's ovaries making it unable to function. When a woman has PCOS, she will experience irregular menstrual cycle and therefore increase the probability of becoming infertile. This condition is even more depressing to bear due to the fact that there is no known cure for it because doctors could not identify its causes.

Uterine fibroids

Upon reaching the age of 30 and above, you are at a greater risk of the development of fibroid tumors in the uterine. While these tumors are mostly benign, they can block your fallopian tubes and consequently make you infertile.

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To Reverse Infertility for Good, Check out the Secrets at: Ovulation disorders

One of the most recognized culprit of infertility for women is a disorder in the process of ovulation. Ovulation takes place when the ovary releases an egg down to the fallopian tube where it will become fertilized when it meets a sperm. But, there are a few cases where a certain part of the brain responsible for ovulation is disrupted and decreasing the levels of important hormones in the process. These hormones aid ovulation. This small yet caustic abnormality prevents the ovary from releasing the egg.


A problem in the lining of the uterus can also be a cause of infertility for women. This condition cuts down your chances of getting pregnant as uterine tissue grows outside of the uterus and oftentimes affecting the ovaries, uterus and fallopian tubes. This growth is also known as endometrial cyst which is common in the ovary and can either be benign or malignant.


A woman's rich reproductive age is in her early and mid-twenties and starts to decline in her late twenties and every year after reaching the age of thirty. Fertility declines rapidly as we age, especially in women, because our general health also declines.

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To Reverse Infertility for Good, Check out the Secrets at:

Part II:

Natural Methods to

Increase Fertility

If you are wondering if there are any methods to help you get pregnant naturally, the answer is yes. Are they obtainable, simple, affordable, and most importantly, effective? The answer to all of the above questions is a big YES.

If you have been fed up with all the expensive tests and medications that you have been taking that do not work, try solving the problem using natural methods. This section will discuss about some of the natural alternative methods that women suffering from infertility can give a try to start the process of increasing their chances of getting pregnant.

Are you ready?

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To Reverse Infertility for Good, Check out the Secrets at: Chapter 3

Traditional Chinese Medicine: Acupuncture

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) dates back to three thousand years ago and is believed to cure many illnesses known to man. It includes:

 Acupuncture

 Moxibustion

 Herbal medicine

 Tui-na bodywork and

 Diet therapy

TCM is ancient science, yet its theories and treatments are still relevant to modern health and medicine.


Acupuncture, combined with herbal medicine has been used for centuries to treat some causes of infertility and also relieve symptoms of pregnancy such as nausea and vomiting.

How is it done?

Acupuncture involves the use of needles but nothing the same as how they are used in surgeries. Its intention is to promote health and alleviate physical pain and suffering. Our body is believed to have energy points and the perspective of an acupuncturist is to tap into these points using needles to release the flow of blocked energy into the body thus promoting health and Page 10

To Reverse Infertility for Good, Check out the Secrets at: wellness. It can increase the flow of blood into the endometrium, helping to facilitate a thick and rich lining. Acupuncture also helps prevent the risk of miscarriages in pregnant women.

TCM, particularly acupuncture, can help to:

- Improve blood flow to the ovary and uterus, resulting a better response from your ovary;

- Restore hormonal imbalance for a more efficient ovulation and fertilization;

- Lower the risk of miscarriage

When it comes to treating infertility, TCM's belief is that if the body is healthy and its energy is balanced, conception will happen naturally. This is the goal that TCM is geared towards. Imbalanced energy is the factor behind many health issues, including infertility disorders. Your body has its own healing mechanisms and they only need to be tapped in order to flow into a natural balance all throughout your body and the best way to do this is through acupuncture.

Chapter 4

Home Remedies: Homeopathy vs. Herbalism

All around the world, people are using homeopathy as an alternative medicine. Homeopathy is an effective method of healing that is focused on assisting the body's natural ability to heal itself.

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To Reverse Infertility for Good, Check out the Secrets at: This method of treatment was discovered after a German doctor realized that there are two ways to treat illness: the way of the opposites or conventional medicine or the way of the similars. This system of healing is done by diluting and shaking remedies and using substances extracted from minerals, animals and plants. It was further found out that this method have fewer side effects and shows better results.

Herbalism, on the other hand is an ancient practice that is also widely used until now. Also known as botanical medicine, this method of treatment is done by using plants for their therapeutic value. Herbal plants contain a variety of chemical compounds that act upon the body to prevent or treat illnesses.

Homeopathic medicine works well and is very effective when combined with herbalism to increase a woman's chances of conception. While the herbs address the mineral deficiencies through vitamin and mineral supplementation, homeopathic medicine will regulate homeostasis and considers the mental and emotional aspect of the problem aside from the physical dysfunctions. Many homeopathic remedies come from herbs and minerals that are homeopathically prepared through a series of dilutions. That's homeopathy and herbalism working side by side to resolve a common problem.

Making Your Own Homeopathic Remedies

Anybody can prepare a homeopathic remedy. Here are some suggestions that you can ever-so-conveniently do at home:

 Instead of using harmful house cleaners that contain strong chemicals, use only natural cleaners like vinegar and water or Page 12

To Reverse Infertility for Good, Check out the Secrets at: lemon/lime solutions. Toxic exposure can have grave effects on your fertility and overall health.

 Stress prohibits pregnancy. Set aside a time for yourself so you can relax and do the things that you enjoy. Go for a walk or meditate, listen to soothing music or read a good book.

 Oftentimes, when you are stressing over wanting to get pregnant so badly, it can result to a low sex drive. Get a fennel, which is an aromatic plant that works as an aphrodisiac for women. It boosts female libido and encourages regular periods.

 If you love to do gardening, you have great access to Mother Nature and all of her therapeutic herbal plants. Plant some Damiana Leaves, Red Clover Blossom, Dong Quai, and Nettle Leaves. These plants are known to have powerful effects on increasing fertility and are easy to mix with your diet.

However, if gardening isn’t your favorite hobby, you can always acquire them at your local grocery or health food stores.

 Getting enough sleep help maintain healthy balance and revive your reproductive organs. Lowering the room temperature in your house at night between 65-70 degrees F and opening the windows a bit will help you get a good sleep. Also, reduce noise and wear loose, comfortable night clothes.

Page 13

To Reverse Infertility for Good, Check out the Secrets at: Chapter 5

Sexy Secrets to Get Pregnant: Proper Sex Positions and Timing

Getting pregnant naturally does not rely merely on medications, surgeries and even nourishment. There are lot of other aspects involved in making sure that one gets to conceive.

Two of these aspects, which are also the most important, are the proper position during sex and the right timing of when to do it.

Before we go in-depth with these two essential considerations to get pregnant naturally, it is important to bear in mind that one can get pregnant regardless of any position – man on top, woman on top, sitting, standing, lying down or all four positions combined.

This is simply because pregnancy is the result of sperm entering the vagina and fertilizing an egg. Proper sexual positions only apply when couples find it hard to conceive for several reasons including a weak or insufficient sperm count. In this case, you will need a little boost or push to ensure that the sperm gets to its destination during sex.

And there are several sexual positions that can help ensure exactly that! When devising the best position, focus on the main goal which is to deposit the male sperm as close to the female cervix as possible. This is in relation to the life span of the female egg and the male sperm. An egg typically survives for 24 hours after being released from the ovary and traveling down to the fallopian tube. The sperm, on the other hand can last from 3 to 5

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To Reverse Infertility for Good, Check out the Secrets at: days in the woman's body. Therefore, the sperm must be close to the egg so they can join and fertilize before the egg dies.

5 Best Sex Positions to Get Pregnant

1. The Missionary Position – This position is also known as the man-on-top position. This is believed to be the best position to in order for the woman to get pregnant fast because it allows for the deepest penetration possible, making it likely for the sperm to get deposited nearest to the cervix.

2. Elevating the Hips – This is referring to the woman's hips which are elevated with pillows placed behind her. This position exposes the female cervix to as much semen that is released by the male.

3. Lying Side by Side – The man and woman lie side by side or facing each other during intercourse. This also causes the most exposure of the cervix to the male sperm.

4. The Rear-Entry Position – This position is where the man enters the woman from behind. This position is also highly recommended as one of the best positions to get pregnant fast because the sperm is deposited closest to the cervix, thereby increasing the chances of conception.

5. Spoon Position – This intimate and cozy position is where the woman lies on her side, curled in a C posture and the male facing the back of the woman is also curled around the woman and enters her from behind.

Proper Timing to Have Sex to Get Pregnant

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To Reverse Infertility for Good, Check out the Secrets at: Timing is everything. While early teenage memories would remind us how our mothers used to warn about getting pregnant the first time we have sex, this is not entirely true. It is can be possible but know that the best time to get pregnant is when you are ovulating.

Ovulation is a period between days 12 and 20 of your menstrual cycle and it is important to know when your ovulation days occur so you can have sex at the right time and get pregnant faster. There are ways to know when you are ovulating.

Consider these methods:

Keep a BBT chart – Keep track your basal body temperature (BBT) and chart your daily temperature. You will know when you are ovulating when your normal temperature rises. The best time to get your BBT is in the morning before getting out of bed and doing any physical activity.

Use a fertility monitor – There are several types of fertility monitor.

Many of these monitors use urine to test hormones and if the woman is ovulating, the same method used in pregnancy kits.

Other monitors use saliva and sweat.

Observe changes in your vaginal discharge – This is the cheapest method to determine your ovulation cycle. This is done by simply observing the changes in your vaginal discharge or mucus. Before ovulation, you will notice an increase in vaginal discharge and your mucus is slippery. When you notice that your mucus has the texture and resemblance of an egg white, this is a strong indicator that you are ovulating.

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To Reverse Infertility for Good, Check out the Secrets at: Use an ovulation calendar – An ovulation calendar can be very helpful in determining the best time to have sex to get pregnant fast. The calendars are based on an average cycle length and will provide you with an estimate. While an ovulation calendar may not be completely accurate, it can help you figure out the best time to have an intercourse.

One important point to remember when you rely on ovulation to help you get pregnant is that daily sex during ovulation is only ideal when the sperm count of your partner is good. If not, aim for every other day instead.

Part III:

Diet for Pregnancy

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