Special Lustgarten Foundation Edition - Surviving Cancer and Embracing Life: My Personal Journey by Joel R. Evans - HTML preview

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Giving Back

Our giving back to others can take various forms. We need to do what fits best for us. This can mean donating money to nonprofit organizations, giving our time to those who are ailing or who are lacking in skills that we know well, and a lot more. Do what is in YOUR own heart. But, do something to give back.

Personally, I very much believe in this credo from the King James bible: “To those whom much is given, much is expected.” I have been given a great life—family, friends, meaningful work, and surviving a deadly form of cancer. Therefore, I feel compelled to give back to others. It is an awesome obligation that I cherish, and it makes me happy.

For me, giving back means involvement in several ways. Here are a few of them, which are continuing actions:

  • Donating money to worthy causes. These include multiple health care organizations (such as the Lustgarten Foundation, religious and social entities (including the U.S. Holocaust Museum), and my alma maters. This even means that I give a few dollars to virtually every local fundraiser standing outside a store. I can afford it and want to make a difference.
  • Doing volunteer work and contributing my time to people who are sick and in need. This way, I can share my vision of hope.
  • Talking and writing about my personal journey with pancreatic cancer in a public manner. Writing this book has been both cathartic and painful. It was not enjoyable to revisit so many unpleasant events. But by sharing my journey, I want to be helpful to those who are traveling on their own personal journeys.

img12.png I have discussed surviving cancer on online radio shows, one of which was shared with two other incredible cancer survivors.

img12.png I communicate on third-party social media.

img12.png I have added a yearly post to my regular blog (https://evansonmarketing.com): “Today only, we cover a topic of extreme personal and societal importance. In this post, I again go public on a private matter (being a cancer survivor) with the intent of helping others to deal with the ramifications of this insidious disease. The post is dedicated to my family, my friends, and my wonderful group of doctors Thank you!”

img12.png The first version of the book you are reading is available for a free download. My intent is to distribute the book as widely as possible.

img12.png In 2018, I began writing a new blog for others facing difficult life issues: Surviving Cancer and Embracing Life. Please join along with us (https://survivingcancerembracinglife.com).

Reflect upon these next three observations. Keep in mind that doing good deeds will help YOU feel good, not just the recipients of your giving back:

Giving back to your community through volunteer groups, nonprofit organizations, charity, or other means does so much to help those in need and contribute to the common good. You can give back in different ways, by giving money or giving your time. No matter how you do it, giving back to your community will touch many people’s lives. Whether it’s volunteering at a local event, helping a neighbor, or making a monetary donation, It is not the act that matters. Even the teeniest good deed can ignite change and positively impact the community by providing a renewed sense of hope. 28 [E.C. LaMeaux for GAIAM]

There are many reasons people volunteer, beyond the simple goodness of their hearts (though that’s certainly important!). And often, it’s a combination of factors that motivates a person to begin and continue volunteering. We ranked 10 of the motives people have for giving back in their communities and beyond. What’s your biggest reason to volunteer? (1) Make an impact. (2) Strengthen communities. (3) Meet others. (4) Improve your health. (5) Take the lead. (6) Share your area of expertise with others . (7) Improve your skills or learn new ones. (8) Up your resume. (9) Find new opportunities. (10) Because it feels good. 29 [AARP]

The Giving Back Fund (GBF) is a national nonprofit organization that encourages and facilitates charitable giving by professional athletes, celebrities, high net-worth individuals, existing nonprofit organizations, corporations, and others who truly desire to give back. We provide philanthropic consulting, management, and administrative services while operating as a flexible, convenient vehicle for establishing individual foundations and fiscally sponsored projects under a governance structure like that of a community foundation. We offer a straightforward and cost-effective approach to philanthropy, high- level expertise and professional services, and carefully targeted giving opportunities, GBF helps those who want to give back to society and to the communities that have nurtured them. 30 [Giving Back Fund]