Special Lustgarten Foundation Edition - Surviving Cancer and Embracing Life: My Personal Journey by Joel R. Evans - HTML preview

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Before getting to the true introduction of Surviving Cancer and Embracing Life in the next paragraph, let me note the following: I am writing this book to inspire hope. Despite the subject matter at hand, I want to try to be uplifting—and even inspiring.

There is a light at the end of the tunnel, even if that light is not as bright as before. And sometimes, we have to fight to see that light. I am NOT a medical professional. And I am not alone in my battle with cancer. This is one person’s journey, both the ups and downs—with the strong determination to have the best life possible for as long as possible.

I am a pancreatic cancer survivor. I underwent an 8-½ hour Whipple surgery to remove the cancer. I had a lot of problems during chemo. As a diabetic, I passed out from low blood sugar a few days after finishing chemo. As a result, I fell and had to miss my daughter’s bridal shower. And I had to have cement pumped into my back. I have a lot of other stuff going on. But enough of that. I am NOT complaining. I just want you to see where I have been—and where I still am going.

With this book, I want to share my personal cancer journey with you. I want to offer hope and support to those dealing with any terrible disease and their families. Why? To quote the late NY Yankee star Lou Gehrig when he was honored at Yankee Stadium while dying from ALS: “Today I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth.”

In, fact, I consider myself the luckiest man on the earth EVERY DAY. I have felt this way each day since February 12, 2015. That was the date of my Whipple surgery. Why am I the luckiest man alive?

  • I have a great family that has been with me every step of the way.
  • Because of my endocrinologist, Dr. Joseph Terrana, I was diagnosed very, very early and thus I was able to have surgery because the cancer had not spread to my lymph nodes.
  • Through the prodigious skill of Dr. Gene Coppa and his team from Northwell Health, my Whipple  surgery was a great success.
  • Due to my excellent oncology team headed by Dr. Jeffrey Vacirca and his right-hand person Diana Youngs, my chemotherapy was done with both compassion and caring—even when the treatments were toughest.
  • My friends and fellow cancer survivors continue to be there for me.
  • Despite the dire prognosis for those with pancreatic cancer, I was able to dance with my daughter and give a toast at her wedding.
  • Until I retired in March 2019, I was able to continue working full-time and doing what I love.
  • I can exercise and keep in the best possible shape. (I even went to the gym while undergoing chemo. Now, I walk 3 miles every other day).
  • And my wife Linda and I have traveled since my surgery, including a “restful” vacation in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico; a cruise from Amsterdam down to St. Petersburg, Russia; a visit to Curacao; a family vacation in Eastern Mexico; and more.
  • We have made it through the COVID-19 pandemic.

Accordingly, I want (need) to give back. That is the driving force behind this book, and my participation with the Lustgarten Foundation and my other volunteer work. It is also the reason why I am making the original version of the book available for free at my blog. And giving back is the impetus behind the blog I started in summer 2018: Living Well While Surviving Cancer. Please visit that blog and join us: https://survivingcancerembracinglife.com.

There are already 300 posts (as of September 2020.

Surviving Cancer and Embracing Life includes the honest reflections of my own personal journey— including the tough times and the great times. There are many intense discussions, lightened up with some humor. And thankfulness for the more than five-and-a-half years since my Whipple surgery.

I have NEVER asked “Why me?” Rather, I always ask “How am I so lucky?” My personal credo revolves around living life every day and recognizing that happiness is a choice. Being upbeat is a great gift.


P-L-E-A-S-E contact me at the following E- mail address:


Let us all live as long as we can –
and as well we can!