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Goji berry

This plant generically named Lycium barbarum, is common in Asia, but it also grows in Europe and North and Central America. In Asia even eighty five species can be found, and the Ningxia Province in China is the place where goji berries are mainly cultivated. This is very adaptable plant and can even handle up to 40 degrees Fahrenheit. The fruit has different colors from pale yellow to orange, even dark red, but also varies in shape from round to oblong even pepper like. This fruit gained its popularity in Asia after the legend that Li Qing Yuen lived 252 years, as a result of diet that included goji berries daily. Li Qing Yuen daily tea was made from goji berries, ginseng and Reishi mushrooms, all well known for their health beneficial effect. This fruit is mainly consumedas fresh fruit, but also as concentrated juice, dried fruit and other forms, because the beneficial bioactive compounds are located both in the juice, skin and seeds of the fruit.

Goji berries have been used as a traditional medicine thousands of years in Asia. In Chinese medicine for instance it was used for kidney and liver nourishment, and for improvement of vision. They used not only the fruit, but also the flower, leaves and the roots. As it is said in the Chinese medicine, this berry increases jing energy of the adrenals and kidneys, thus enhancing stamina, strength, longevity, and sexual energy. This plant has become popular in the western world recently, and its health beneficial effect already has solid scientific proof. Several studies have indicated that this plant has antioxidant, anti-aging, neuroprotective, anti-tumor, cytoprotective effect, blood glucose regulating and many other effects (Amagase, 2011, 2014).Goji berries also enhance immune system and improve the eyesight and blood. One of the things that make them superfood is the fact that they contain all eight essential amino acids and another nineteen, many trace minerals, vitamin E and B vitamins. Other beneficial compounds found in goji berries, are beta-sitosterola anti-inflammatory agent, betaine proven liver healing compound and antioxidants like zeaxanthin and physalin. Betaine acts as a detoxifier by reducing toxic amino acid homocysteine in the cardiovascular system. They also have polysaccharides proven to have immune supportive effect (Wolfe, 2009).The polysaccharides from Lyciumbarbarum are stabile even after 3 years in a fruit juice, and have shown strong antioxidant power in a human clinical study. One of the most commonly researched bioactive compounds in this fruit is glucan-O-Serglycopeptides (one of its polysaccharides) and it has been found to have strong antioxidant effect, anti-tumor and cytoprotective role. It has also skin protective effect, coming again from its antioxidative power inhibiting oxidative stress when the skin is treated with UV radiation. Working together towards enhancing the immune system in goji berries along with polysaccharides are beta-carotene and germanium. Germanium has been found to have cancer fighting properties, and has been proven to be effective in treating cervical cancer, liver cancer, lung cancer, testicular cancer, and uterine cancer. Both beta-carotene and germanium induce the production of immune-enhancing interferon.

What makes goji berry different from other food is the fact that this fruit has the power to stimulate the body to produce HGH- Human Growth Hormone, essential factor for aging prevention. They are the only food that contains anti– aging sesquiterpenoids the compounds that stimulate the production of HGH. As mentioned before they are rich in amino acids and L-glutamine and L-arginine that contribute this action because they are boosters of growth hormone levels. The HGS further may help increase the testosterone, important hormone that enhances sexual drive.

The two major components found in goji berries that have many times proven beneficial effect on vision are zeaxanthin and lutein. They are powerful antioxidants situated in the retina that help and repair the damage made by free radical on the eye. So far it has been noted that they can help prevent macular degeneration, cataract, and diabetic retinopathy.

Supporting role in cardiovascular health of goji berries is done by increasing the production of SOD (superoxide dismutase), an antioxidant that prevents cholesterol form oxidizing, that is a process that forms plagues on the artery walls (Wolfe, 2009).

Goji berries are best when eaten fresh organic product, but you can also consume them as dry fruit or fruit juice. It is enough to take a handful of berries or 15 to 45 g. Mix them in any dish, where the temperature and the time of preparation will be low, to preserve its nutrient components.


Further Readings

Nitric oxide production by hemocytes of larva and pharate prepupa of Galleria mellonella in response to bacterial lipopolysaccharide: Cytoprotective ... Biochemistry and Physiology, Part C]



Polyphenols in Human Health and Disease. Source Naturals Zeaxanthin with Lutein,trunature Vision Complex Lutein & Zeaxanthin,

Life Extension-super Zeaxanthin with Lutein, Meso-zeaxanthin and C3g,

Source Naturals - Zeaxanthin with Lutein 10 mg

Simply Right Lutein 25mg & Zeaxanthin 5mg