Surviving Cancer and Embracing Life: My Personal Journey by Joel R. Evans - HTML preview

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After Chemotherapy


When I finished chemotherapy on August 26, 2015. I felt rather incredible about this. Both physically as well as psychologically! Little did I know how fleeting this feeling would last.


Just four days later, Sunday August 30, 2015, I was having brunch at home with family and friends. We were shortly to be headed over to my daughter’s bridal shower. That never happened, at least for me any way.


I ate a sandwich and a couple of cookies (yes, the cookies were on the no-no list – but it was a special occasion), after taking my medications, including my insulin. I remember checking my blood sugar, and it was 82. That was low, but not awful – or so I thought.


The next thing I knew, I was feeling dizzy and went to sit down. When I was about six inches above the chair, I passed out. As a result, I remember nothing from the time I was almost sitting down until I awoke in the hospital. One of my friends (Marc) was a paramedic, and he rode in the ambulance with me. Jed and Seth followed us. Later on, my friends told me that my blood sugar level hit around 30 while I was in the ambulance. Another close call for the world’s luckiest man.


After a couple of days, I was discharged from the hospital, and cleared to resume my normal activities. So, I returned to Hofstra and taught my first post-surgery class on September 2, when fall classes began. This made me happy and aided my self-esteem.