The 10 Biggest Fat Loss Lies by Anthony Alayon - HTML preview

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00002.jpgThe Secret

Without having any bio or background
information on you, I bet that I can answer these questions for you!!

Despite all of the infomercials by giant exercise companies and their
establishments claiming that their ab machine is guaranteed to give you a beach body, they do not work! Before I get into specifics as to why ab machines are a scam, I want you to ask yourself 3 questions:

1. Have you ever spent money on ab machines?
Many people have spent money on ab machines in an attempt to shed away belly fat but never get the results they deserve. The reason why people do not get results is because the giant marketing companies practice what is known as quackery. Quackery is when companies make false claims about products in order to entice potential customers to buy their products. They use a celebrity or famous athlete to promote their products in an attempt to get you to buy!!

2. How much weight have you lost?


3. If you did lose weight, were you able to keep it off?



What they did not tell you is the clinical trials used to promote and find research about their products are only case studies. A case study is the weakest form of scientific evidence to support claims about a product because it is only done on an individual. Yes, an individual and not a group. On the other hand, what they should have done if they cared about you and your fat loss results is to perform what is called an experimental study. An experimental study is performed on a group and follows strict industry standards of scientific research. They look for a cause and effect relationship. However, I am here to tell you, that if they would have performed such an exhaustive and expensive study, the results obtained from their machine would have been less than optimal.
If using case studies was not bad enough, they also use anecdotal evidence!!! Anecdotal evidence is when companies use one person’s feedback or results from a product and then state that it has been scientifically proven to work. They use this person as a testimonial for the product which always lures people into buying the products. Anecdotal evidence may not necessarily be false, but further research and tests have to be done before making these claims!!

The truth is no matter how long you use an ab machine for, if you continue to eat more calories than your body can burn, you will not lose the unwanted belly fat!!! While ab machines can strengthen your mid-section by adding resistance, this does not mean they will strip away the fat cells covering your abs.

More than half of the fat stored in your body is underneath the skin and muscles. The simple use of ab machines does not ensure that you will burn off these fat cells. Unless you eat the right macronutrients at the right times of the day, your body will continue to stay in a catabolic state and eat away at your lean muscle tissue while storing more body fat.

Even worse, if you place your main emphasis on ab exercises and not on a sound diet which follows the macronutrient ratio consumption principles, you are guaranteed to elevate your cortisol levels and continue to accumulate body fat. Regardless of what the so-called weight loss experts or ab gurus of the world tell you, cortisol has been scientifically proven to ruin any dieter or weight loss seekers’ dreams because they do not want you to know about how to control your cortisol levels. Instead, they want you to continue buying their ab machines and give you false hope of losing weight. These short cuts have never worked for you in the past, what makes you think they will now???

And you know what’s worse?! These companies know this. Notice the fine print on their infomercials that read: “Results experienced by this user are not typical”. You may also see very small print statements like: “Following a proper diet may be required to achieve best results”. Next time you see an abdominal machine infomercial, pay attention to the fine print!

As a result, you will never get the lean body you deserve. To find out what ab exercises work and how to decrease your unwanted belly fat, check out the Fat Extinction Program where you will get a variety of exercises with videos showing you exactly how to perform each exercise with good form.
