The Cancer Terminator Part II: True-to-Life Stories of 100 Cancer Survivors by Wang Zhen Guo - HTML preview

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Regain The Happiness Of Life
Mr. Kanada, 81, Retired, Tokyo

I had an operation for stomach cancer to remove two thirds of my stomach in


January 1991. Although endoscopy could also take out the part afflicted by cancerous


cells, I still chose to have surgery so that the tumor could be removed once and for all. I


recovered well thereafter and assumed that the cancer was detected early. I did not worry


about metastasis or the recurrence of cancer.


In July of the same year, I was found to have prostate cancer and the suspicion


was that it had likewise affected my bladder, which deteriorated greatly. Due to my old


age, the doctor no longer suggested operation but chose to give me radiation treatment


and injection of hormones.


I did not hope to defeat cancer completely at this time but I was still worried


whether the treatment could solve my problem or even control the spread of cancer cells.


I felt very uneasy and doubtful. Most of the patients around me did not have surgery and


were subjected to radiation or chemotherapy. Although their disease was under


temporary control and turned better, they still died one or two years later.


At that time, I came across the book “Fighting against Cancer”. There were


numerous books and advertisements about cancer in the marked at that time. I couldn’t


tell, however, what drove me to pick up this particular book or what attracted me to it. I felt so lucky to have done this, however, since it was about Tian Xian liquid. I began to


take Tian Xian liquid after finishing the book. At the beginning of September, radiation


treatment started. I called the Japanese branch of the International Cancer Recovery


Association for consultation and they suggested for me to add Tian Xian pills as well to


aid in my recovery. I drank six bottles of Tian Xian liquid per day and in October, I


added Tian Xian suppository before going to bed.


In the course of the radiation treatment, I neither felt any pain nor itching. Since


it concentrated on my abdomen, though, I developed serious diarrhea. For several days, I


was a constant occupant of the toilet, up to ten times a day. Except for this, I did not feel


any complications or side effects and I hardly felt tired.


I was not sure whether it was the effect of Tian Xian liquid since radiation was


also started at the same time that I began my Tian Xian program. Besides, I was not


totally free of the side effects as I thought I would be.


The radiation treatment course lasted 33 times and was terminated at the end of


October. The PSE (tumor indicator) dropped from 120 to 100 after ten days’ treatment


and to 70 at the beginning of November upon the termination of the treatment. At that


time, I had been taking Tian Xian liquid for one and a half months.


Afterwards, I was given hormones and the PSA further dropped and this time


sharply, to 20 at the end of the month. The tumor reduced in size and could hardly be felt


through palpation. The doctor who was rather more surprised than delighted told me the


examination results excitedly. He thought it was the effect of the hospital treatments


while I was convinced that it was the combination of western treatment with traditional


Chinese medicine. The quick change in the symptoms nevertheless surprised the doctor. The uneasiness that had been haunting me for a long time has eventually


disappeared. I felt relieved for the first time in years. More importantly, I felt the


happiness of life.


During this period, I reported my experiences and progress to the Japanese branch


of the International Cancer Recovery Association and inquired about subsequent


treatment. At the beginning of December, I began to take six Tian Xian pills per day.


The disease had thereafter turned better ever more quickly. PSA dropped to 1.5 in


January 2000, to 0.6 in February, to 0.4 in March and to its lowest level of 0.1 in April.


Even the doctor could not hide his excitement. “It can’t drop any lower. It is so great!


Keep it up! Go on!” That was all that I heard from the doctor.


I doubt whether my quick recovery was all due to western medicine, neither will I


say that it owing to Tian Xian liquid alone. One thing is sure, however, and that is my


quick recovery is for real. I think that without the help of Tian Xian liquid, I would not


have been able to make it.


I am finally convinced that cancer is by no means invincible as long as we stick to


drinking Tian Xian liquid. It has been one year since I was confirmed to have cancer.


The cancer cells in my bladder have all disappeared. The possible metastasis to the


pelvis had been prevented.


I believe it is due to Tian Xian liquid that I live a comfortable life every day. In


the future, I will regulate the amount and continue to drink Tian Xian liquid. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… In 1993, I was admitted to the hospital for ovarian cancer. I had surgery and anti