The Cancer Terminator Part II: True-to-Life Stories of 100 Cancer Survivors by Wang Zhen Guo - HTML preview

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Good Products Bring New Chances
Ma Meiyu, 46, Housewife, Thailand

I went to the hospital due to the discomfort in my throat. The doctor’s diagnosis


was slight inflammation and he gave me antiphlogistic. Although the discomfort did not


disappear, I no longer sought further check-up because I was busy taking care of my


husband and children.


In September 1995, I felt some itching at my neck as if I stung by a mosquito. I


scratched the spot and drew blood. Since the bleeding would not stop, I had to go to the


hospital where they found lymph tumor. An operation was performed two months after


to remove two of three confirmed tumors. The other one could not be touched as it was


near the artery.


Fortunately, my husband works for a government office where we are able to live


a better life and could afford traditional Chinese medicine even while undergoing


chemical treatment. We got information about Tian Xian liquid, by then a well k known


traditional Chinese medicine, from the Internet. I went to a drugstore in Bangkok that


happened to sell Tian Xian liquid and immediately drank the same. Despite signs of


improvement, the pain from the chemical treatment grew more acute and the symptoms


worsened. Even now, I can still feel my disappointment at that time! I did not even have


the energy anymore to go to the drugstore to protest. One day, I happened to read reports about Tian Xian liquid in a Hong Kong


newspaper. While I was ready to dismiss it as I thought that it had no effect whatsoever


on cancer, I noticed that the packaging in the photo that was used by the newspaper was


very different from the packaging of the product that I bought from the drugstore.


Besides, what was described in the newspaper was also different from my own


experiences. After my husband made inquiries from a Hong Kong news agency, I was


sure that the product I bought from Tang Ren Street was a fake. The Hong Kong


newspaper also warned patients of countless fake Tian Xian products. I was then able to


confirm cases when the real Tian Xian liquid cured cancer.


After I got the telephone number of the general agency of China No. 1 Tian Xian


liquid, I placed an order directly from Hong Kong. The Tian Xian liquid delivered from


Hong Kong looked the same as the one in the newspaper. This is the real Tian Xian


liquid! As I previously expected, the effect also distinguished the fake from the real


thing. The pain that troubled me incessantly disappeared after I took the product for a


month. Six months later, the lymph tumor shrunk. Since I also underwent


chemotherapy, the effect could not wholly be attributable to Tian Xian liquid. But I still


dare say that Tian xian liquid was absolutely effective.


When I thought that I had re covered sufficiently, I stopped drinking Tian Xian


liquid and only relied on the chemical treatment. I immediately felt weakened and the


disease took over with full force and pain recurred. The examination showed the tumor


grew in size so I started to drink Tian Xian liquid again. After this experience, I know


that I will never stop drinking Tian Xian liquid until I have completely recovered. Now, I rely only on Tian Xia liquid, and depending on my physical condition, use


Tian Xian suppository, too. The lymph tumor had shrunk again and can no longer be


palpated. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… In August 1995, I was found to have skin cancer at the neck (malignant