The Cancer Terminator Part II: True-to-Life Stories of 100 Cancer Survivors by Wang Zhen Guo - HTML preview

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Determined To Exist With Cancer
Mr. Amenaka, 71, Retired, Chiba County

Twelve or thirteen years ago, skin cancer was found on my ring finger. After


seeking consultation with experts and since I always had a conservative attitude towards western medicine, I decided to adopt treatment using traditional Chinese medicine, aided


by proper diet, Qi Gong, acupuncture and moxibustion. The initial stage of the cancer


was most difficult to deal with. It seemed to mock me as I went through treatment


seriously. The cancer cells spread like wild fire to my hands and three months later, I felt


it spread through my whole body. My left wrist, which cancer attacked first, swelled to


double its normal size and I felt piercing pain in every part of my body.


Cancer appeared in my internal organs as well much like breast cancer. I


continued to deteriorate. Of course, I tried my best to fight against this illness. I told


myself that cancer would not take my life away but that it has to be content in existing


with me.


The real fact, though, was more serious. I would break out into cold sweat because of


tremendous pain in my abdomen but I could do nothing but bear it.


Two years ago, I got to learn of Tian Xian liquid and started on the program.


After I analyzed its ingredients, I decided that this will be the medicine than will save me.


As I expected, I felt warmth through my body and this really excited me.


One and a half years have passed. I, who had always been critical of traditional


Chinese medical science and medicine, continue to drink Tian Xian liquid. I am the best


testimony that it works.


In the past, I was afraid to take a trip to far away places for I suffered great pain


all over my body. Now, I am free of this bondage. Recent tests showed that my internal


organs are now quite improved. All this is due to Tian Xian liquid. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… After thorough physical examination in 1989, I went through surgery for cancer in