The Cancer Terminator Part II: True-to-Life Stories of 100 Cancer Survivors by Wang Zhen Guo - HTML preview

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Reviving the Spirit and the Body
Lee Yuk Yin, 52, Businessman, Hong Kong

In April 1997, I felt weakened by flu-like symptoms. I thought it was the


common cold that would go away after a brief rest. After two or three months, however,


I still had not recovered. I soon felt my lymph gland swollen. I was so frightened that I


rushed to the hospital to have a check-up. The doctor brought me shocking news that


what I suffered from was nose cancer, which had spread to the lung and the liver. Maybe it was necessary to tell me so he indicated that the cancer was in its late stage. Since it


had metastasized to my lung and liver, I thought I couldn’t have very long to live.


Astonished as I was, I still managed not to be upset. I diligently received


chemotherapy and radiation under the doctor’s instructions. The radiation was for six


sessions while the chemotherapy seven times, both once every month. The effect was not


satisfactory. The doctor secretly told my wife that I only have around three months since


the cancer had already progressed to its terminal stage. I was not told this fact until later.


During this period, it was my wife who suffered a lot since the disease intensified and


waned alternately.


After I realized my real situation, a friend asked me if I had heard of Tian Xian


liquid. Since I had no idea what he was talking about, I asked the doctor about it. The


doctor was so cynical and questioned the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine. He


even added that if I did not trust the ability of the hospital to help me then it was better to


leave. I changed doctor after that not because I doubted his ability but because he was


not in the least kind.


From then on, I did not raise my opinions. After several radiation treatments and


chemotherapy, I did not feel any side effects that should have manifested. Even my new


doctor expressed surprise at this. He quietly asked if I were taking any other medicine. I


did not deny that I was but found it unnecessary to elaborate. The doctor sensed that I


did not want to share the information and simply left. Three years had passed since the


previous doctor’s prediction. Now, I still work at my post.


The regular check-ups required of me every month show that my white blood


cells increased, and the size of the lymph tumor shrunk. I believe that I have chosen the right treatment. The doctor told me that even if the tumor is reduced, it is safer to


continue further chemical treatment. I did not want to suffer any further, however, so I




Now, both my physical and mental states are improved. I know my condition


best. Although cancer remains unchanged, I believe it will not grow nor spread and I will


get better. My wife finally told me about the doctor’s prediction one time and we both


laughed. I still live every day well and can do simple work. I have resumed my normal


routine and feel myself grow stronger in spirit. I believe that all this is due to Tian Xian


liquid. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Fifteen years ago, I resigned my job in the hope that I can start on a leisurely life