The Cancer Terminator Part II: True-to-Life Stories of 100 Cancer Survivors by Wang Zhen Guo - HTML preview

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Regain The Happiness From Sons And Grandsons
Ding Suk Ying,70, Housewife, Hong Kong


in the company of my grandson. In autumn three years ago, I felt discomfort in my throat


when swallowing food and even felt like vomiting after every meal. I was suddenly


seized by a sense of foreboding.


Nevertheless, I did not take it seriously until gradually I became unable to


swallow food. Urged by my daughter, I fearfully went to the hospital for an examination.


X-rays showed a tumor in the center of the esophagus and it was over 10 cm. The doctor


said that due to my age, an operation would be difficult so that it is better to have


radiation and chemotherapy.


After the series of treatments, I was still unable to swallow food due to the side


effects of the treatments. I was extremely exhausted and always felt like vomiting


despite the fact that my stomach was empty. I thought, maybe I was going to die.


At that time, I came to know of Tian Xian liquid, a traditional Chinese medicine


from my son-in-law. I bought the product and started to drink it. To my surprise, I could take in liquid food after two weeks and in a month’s time, the side effects disappeared


and I could eat soft food without difficulty.


X-rays showed that the tumor had reduced by one third in three months. The


doctor gladly credited the result to the radiation and chemotherapy. For myself, I was


quite sure that it was due to Tian Xian liquid that I had easily recovered.


Three years had passed and of course, I can proudly declare that I am doing very well.