The Cancer Terminator Part II: True-to-Life Stories of 100 Cancer Survivors by Wang Zhen Guo - HTML preview

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Conquer Excruciating Pain
Mr. Kikuchyo, 70, Retired, Kanagawa County

In the intense competition of modern society, I caught duodenal cancer at the age


of 58. After retirement, I caught herpes zoster at the age of 68 and suffered a lot from


intercostals neuralgia. A friend of mine who used to suffer from the same symptom


suggested receiving treatment at the hospital immediately. Since the condition of my


family did not allow it, I often woke up at midnight in great pain.


During this time, acupuncture and moxibustion treatment eliminated the pimple


and redness on the skin but intercostals neuralgia still remained. Afterwards, my strength


declined, I felt weak in my back and feet and cold in my limbs. I thought I was going to


die. Later, I thought that a “sound digestive system is the basis of health” , so I began to


search among traditional Chinese medicines available in Japan for a suitable medicine for


my digestive system. It happened that I came to know the natural nutritious liquid at


Doctor Wang Zhengguo’s lecture. I began to drink it immediately and exciting effect was achieved.

Marvelous Effects Made Me Excited

It tastes sour and sweet as if I had drunk it before, and I have really felt its effects


on my digestive organs. I picked up the confidence in my health although I was physically weakened. The natural nutritious liquid not only worked on my digestive


system, warmed my hands and feet, but also had anti-cancer functions. In my opinion,


traditional Chinese medicine helped me recover the function of my internal organs.


I am now in my late seventies. Combining western and Chinese medicines seems


as if the natural nutritious liquid was bestowed by God. Here, I’d like to express my gratitude again.