The Cancer Terminator Part II: True-to-Life Stories of 100 Cancer Survivors by Wang Zhen Guo - HTML preview

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“Tian Xian Liquid” – Traditional Chinese
Anti-cancer Medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine Recognized By The Chinese Government


“a secret prescription handed down in the family from generation to generation”, the


series of “Tian Xian” medicine such as the Tian Xian Liquid and Tian Xian pill have


undergone strict tests and research of its pharmacological action. With long-term clinical


experiments done on a large scale and with approval from cancer patients, it has been


nationally recognized as the traditional Chinese anti-cancer medicine.


Developed from Chinese medical and pharmaceutical theories, the series of Tian


xian medicine falls into the category of “complex han prescription”. Specifically, the


series of Tian Xian medicine abides by the theories of promoting the circulation of qi {a


therapeutic method to relieve stagnation of qi by using medicines that regulate it};


promoting blood circulation by removing blood stasis (a method using blood-activating


and stasis-eliminating medicine); dissolving hard lumps, softening and dissolving hard


masses ( a therapy for the accumulation of phlegm and blood stasis); clearing away heat


and toxic materials; eliminating dampness and removing phlegm; and removing necrotic tissues and promoting granulation (a method used to remove putrid tissues and promote


growth of new tissues). The medicine pays special attention to the direct attack on cancer




On the other hand, due to its direct attack on cancer cells as well as its effect on


the elimination of pathogenic factors, Tian Xian medicine also provides such functions as


strengthening the spleen and stomach (improving and protecting the digestive system);


invigorating the liver and reinforcing the kidney (supplementing the functions of both the


liver and the kidneys and nourishing the liver too); restoring qi and enriching the blood;


regulating yin and nourishing yang (for body balance), etc. In this manner, the original


immunity of the body against cancer will be restored and the vital qi will be cultivated.


In the modulation of the series of Tian Xian medicine, the following theories of


the traditional Chinese medicine are recognized: channel tropism of property and flavor


(property refers to such four properties as cold, heat, damp and cool; while flavor


indicates hot, sweet, acid, bitter and salty; with its special drug effect, it acts in the special


meridians and the bowel), and the lifting, lowering, floating, and sinking (theory of


direction of the action of drugs). The lifting and floating drugs with upward and outward


effects are used for activating vitality, inducing sweating and dispelling cold. The


lowering and sinking possess a downward and inward effect and are used for


tranquilizing, consolidating or purgation. The principle of monarch, minister, assistant


and guide (the different roles played by different ingredients of a prescription) are also


considered for their action. Monarch refers to the principal drug, which produces the


leading action in treating the cause and main symptoms of the disease. Minister refers to


the adjutant drug that helps strengthen the action of the principal drug. Assistant refers to the adjutant drug that helps offset side effects and the conductant drug refers to the drug


that directs the action of the prescription on the affected channel or tempers the action of


the other drugs.


Over 30 medical and pharmacological institutions and science institutes around


the world have conducted clinical observation over the pharmacology, drug action, and


toxicology of the series of Tian Xian medicine. This series of products has not only


proven through scientific documentations its superior effectiveness but also its extensive


application with respect to cancer treatment. In other words, among all the anti-cancer


drugs developed across the world, the series of Tian Xian products enjoys the confidence that traditional Chinese medicine deserves.

The Development Of Tian Xian Liquid

I was motivated to challenge cancer accidentally by my experience as an intern. I


once saw a 12 year old girl kneel before a physician and cry heart-brokenly, “Doctor,


please save my mother! Please!” At the end of my wits, I simply stood aside and


helplessly watched the precious life of this little girl’s mother taken away by terminal


liver cancer. At that moment, I determined to devote my life in the fight against cancer.


Since I had full confidence on traditional Chinese medicine, I had focused my endeavors


in developing its curative and therapeutic effects on cancer.


I started my journey by collecting herbs and prescriptions “capable of treating cancer”,


as well as searching for folk treatments that had been handed down from one generation


to another around the country. I was, then, engaged in the comprehensive research of


anti-cancer drugs in a variety of aspects. During this period, too, I gathered nearly 1200 types of crude drugs and prescriptions according to the medical theories of Chinese


medicine. In addition, all of the crude drugs and prescriptions are classified by the four


theories of removing heat and toxic materials, promoting blood circulation by removing


blood stasis, alleviating pain and dissolving lumps, and invigorating qi and enriching




The effects differ with the various assortments and prescriptions of crude drugs.


For example, crude drugs A and B manifest opposite results with the proportion of 1:1 or


1:3, or further, if added to C and D, no matter how much is added or eliminated, one


spoonful of this delicate combination produces incomparable results. This effect is


termed as “duel effect”. The effect of single types of crude drugs might be common;


however, with the combination of two, three or more, the superior effect will greatly


impress you.


There remained 60 types of qualified crude drugs surviving from the strict


selection and filtering process of over 1200 types of crude drugs as well as prescriptions.


After another round of tests and selection, only 30 types successfully hurdled the


standards prescribed. Composed mainly of crude drugs with high anti-cancer effect, the


30 types showed enhanced potency on the intestine and stomach, promoted diuresis,


nourished and strengthened the immune system. The function of each crude drug could


likewise be clearly defined.


Ultimately, through over 18 years of innumerable experiments and combinations


of the 30 types of crude drugs, we successfully found the perfect Chinese anti-cancer


medicine. The research was fortunate enough to get the government’s support and was


approved for large-scale clinical experiments. In 1995, China National Ministry of


Sanitation and National Science Committee formally rated the initial product “Tian Xian


Pill”, which was spoken of very highly by the representatives of the Chinese government


who were involved in this key research projects of science and technology.


It was also approved for production as the new anti-cancer agent on a national


scale. In 1998, it was ratified as the Chinese medicine with satisfactory anti-cancer effect


for the first time. On the basis of the “Tian Xian Pill”, we further developed the series of


Tian Xian products of different systems, types and doses according to the requirements in


the medication course. Hopefully, we expect that this can effectively meet the


therapeutic requirements of all cancer patients.


Above all, the most important research development lies on the liquefaction of the


Tian Xian pill. In 1991, the crude drugs upon which sustained research, experiments and


processes had been based had proven suitable for initiation into the liquefaction of the


Chinese anti-cancer medicine and marvelously improved previously noted therapeutic


effects. In order to stress the magnificent feat of “initiation”, we named it “China No. 1”.


From the “China No. 1 – Tian Xian Liquid”, which is effective on a variety of


cancers, to “China No. 1 – Tian Xian Liquid, refined type”, to “China No. 1 – Tian Xian


Liquid, strong type”, which enjoys reinforcing ability, we constantly strive for perfection


in the refinement of the product. We believe that it is our mission to “persist on research


and development of more effective anti-cancer drugs to save lives of more cancer patients.”

Main Contents And Ingredients

The main crude drugs of Han prescription adopted by the series of Tian Xian


products as Tian Xian Liquid and Tian Xian Pill are derived from fresh herbs growing in


soil rich in trace elements. They boast the effect of enhancing the immune system and


among the herbs are ginseng, bighead atractylodes rhizome, and the root of large


flowered skullcap abundant in organic selenium and germanium that remain distinctively


effective on cancers of the stomach, intestine and blood. Above all, the combination of


several anti-cancer crude drugs enjoys powerful healing results.


Table 3: Contents of Main Crude Drugs of Tian Xian Liquid
and Their Respective Actions.


Basicota: refinement of the root of five Jialse ginseng
Ginseng Pharmacological actions: improvement of various body functions.
Basicota: refinement of the products of pearl oyster
Pearl Pharmacological actions: anti-anaphylaxis, stabilization, promotion of metabolism.
Basicota: refinement of the root of fabaceceous skullcap
Skullcap Pharmacological actions: dilation of blood vessel, lowering of blood pressure,
enhancement of immunity, diuresis, counter poison, draining, etc.
Basicota: refinement of the leaves of black nightshade
Black Nightshade Pharmacological actions: used as anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, anti-virus and
cordial agent, hypotensor.
Basicota: isolated from the resin obtained from Dipterpcarpaceae
Borneol Pharmacological actions: aromatic stimulant for resuscitation and acceleration of
blood stream, can be used as an antipyretic and analgesic agent.
Basicota: dried root and stem of atractylodes, microcephala
Bighead atractylodes Pharmacological actions: used as hypoglycemic, antiseptic agent, anti-stasis of
rhizome blood, anti-tumor, promotes diuresis and arrests spontaneous sweating.
Basicota: dried root of Trichosanthes kirilowii or cucurbi taceae
Snakegourd root Pharmacological actions: used as anti-tumor and antiseptic agent.
Basicota: dried root and rhizome of clematis chinensis, C. hexapetala or C.
Clematis root manshurica
Pharmacological actions: relieves pain, used as antiseptic agent, prevents cancer in
digestive organs.
Basicota: dried root of hedyotis diffusae
Herba hedyotis Pharmacological actions: enhances immunity, anti-cancer actions, promotes
Diffusae accessory renal cortex
Basicota: drug consisting of blue powder separated from the leaf of Paphicacanthus
Natural indigo cusia, Indigofera suffruticosa, Polygonum tinctorium or Isatis indigotica
Pharmacological actions: used as anti-tumor and antiseptic agent, protects liver,
promotes digestive functions of cells.
Basicota: dried fruit of Ligustrum lucidum
Glossy privet Pharmacological actions: lowering lipogenesis of blood vessels, used as cordial,
Fruit antitussive and antiseptic agent, promotes diuresis, enhances immunity.
Basicota: dried root and rhizome of Glycyrrhiza uralensis, G. inflata or G. glabra
Licorice roote Pharmacological actions: controls immunity, relieves pain, used as anti-tussive, anti
peptic ulcer, and anti-inflammatory agent.
Basicota: dried sclerotium of porous plant Dysuria
Dysuria Pharmacological actions: the abstracted material of Dysuria as well as
polysaccharide of Dysuria can enhance immunity, used as anti-tumor, diuresis and
antiseptic agent
Basicota: refinement of zoogenetic bile
Zoogenetic bile Pharmacological actions: relieves pain and used as an antiparasitic agent.
Basicota: dried secretion from acromatic bladder of male animals
Zoogenetic secretion Pharmacological actions: increases blood stream to the heart, relieves pain and used as antiseptic and anti-tumor agent.

The Chang Bai Mountain – “Treasure House Of Crude Drugs”

All the raw materials of the series of Tian Xian products are from the precious


herbs of the Mountain Range of Chang Bai. Please refer to Table 3 for the contents of


main crude drugs and action of Tian Xian Liquid.


Situated in the crater of the mountain range of Chang Bai, the Chang Bai


Mountain is an active volcano. Due to the constant eruptions of the volcano in the past,


the extended mountain ranges are covered with thick volcanic ash. Over the years, the


soil in this mountain range gradually accumulated over 20 trace elements such as


selenium and germanium which are especially produced by the volcano. Indispensable


constituents of the human body, these trace elements boast of excellent effects on


improving consitution, preventing aging, latitude and cancer.


In recent years, the dried Korean ginseng immersed in the natural fountain


sprouting from the fault zone of the Chang Bai Mountain range has miraculously germinated. Noticeably, residents near and around the Chang Bai Mountain range enjoy


longevity. It is said that this could be attributed to the fountain naturally flowing from


the Chang Bai Mountain Range. The natural fountains, therefore, are reputed to have


come from the “mountain of youth”. Due to the excellent nature of the water, soil and


climate around the mountain range, plants (herbs) in the neighboring areas grow rapidly


with short growth cycles but long rest periods. Herbs with extraordinary characteristics are consequently abundantly cultivated.

Pharmaceutical Actions Of Main Crude Drugs

(1) Ginseng


Ginseng has outstanding effects of supplementing energy to the human


body. In addition, the ginseng cultivated in the area abundant in water source


plus soil of the Chang Bai Mountain Range contains at least 12 saponins, amino


acid, polypeptide, polysaccharide, vitamin and sodium, potassium, magnesium,


steel, manganese, copper, zinc and germanium, etc.


In the animal experiment on research of cancerous pathogenic chemical


materials, we proved that long-term consumption of ginseng not only decreases


occurrence of cancer, but also inhibits the growth of cancer cells. Besides,


polysaccharide contained in ginseng can protect the liver, improve the immune


system, and reinforce the normal functions of body organs. Other than improving


therapeutic effects, the combined employment of anti-cancer agents can also


lessen the side effects normally arising from the intake of anti-cancer agents. It also boasts certain effects on the treatment of cancer of the stomach and the large


intestine. According to the clinical experiments, the patients previously suffering


from a decline of white blood cells and lymph corpuscles had successfully


acquired normal levels of the same after intake of the product.


(2) Skullcap


Skullcap contains polysaccharide, monosaccharide, flavone complex,


mucolipid, trace elements, etc. According to recent medical research, skullcap


was proven to be capable of improving comprehensive immunity and immunity


against pathogenic microbes, while at the same time reinforcing the actions of the


T lymph corpuscles. Polysaccharide can induce interferon, enhance the activation


of esterification of T cells, improve the immunity of cells, and inhibit the growth


of viral or cancer cells in the cell organization. As a result, it is used mostly as an


immunity-enhancing agent.


(3) Bighead Atractylodes Rhizome


Bighead atractylodes rhizome contains volatile oil and coumarin, etc.


According to the results of the experiments, the neutral oil of the volatile oil


contained in the Bighead atractylodes rhizome can definitely inhibit the cancer of


the esophagus. The volatile oil as a whole boasts of inhibiting abdominal hydrops


as well as improving immunity. Due to its action of increasing white blood cells,


it is mainly used for the prevention of side effects arising from radiation treatment


and intake of anti-cancer drugs in clinical experiments.


(4) Dysuria


Dysuria contains ergosterin, polysaccharide, rough protein, inorganic salts


and vitamin H, etc. Among them, polysaccharide is most effective as an anti


cancer agent mainly because it reinforces the polyphagia activation of the


macrophage. It is rare to separately use dysuria as a single anti-cancer agent, but,


when the same is combined with other agents, it is most potent in invigorating the


spleen and removing dampness by diuresis. It is, therefore, commonly applied to


patients suffering from the cancer of retention of water. According to clinical


survey, in combination with other anti-cancer agents, dysuria can improve the


condition of primary cancer of the stomach. It is proven helpful in combating the


side effects by boosting the immune system of the patient. In most cases where


dysuria extract is employed as a single anti-cancer agent, it is normally to improve


the patient’s immune system.


(5) Licorice Root


Licorice root contains food sweating agent as well as kalium and calcium


salts, and flavones complex. Test results on animals showed that polysaccharide


of licorice root has potent effect on vesicular stomatitis virus, adenovirus III,


herpes simplex virus I and vaccinia virus with distinctive inhibiting actions.


Furthermore, glycyrrhizin acid act as inhibitors of cancer of transplanted marrow


and prevents white blood cell disease.


(6) Glossy Privet Fruit


Glossy privet fruit contains such elements as oleanolic acid, lupeol,


mannitol, oleic acid, linolenic acid, palm oil and glyceride. Other than promoting


the multiplication of lymphocyte in the basic experiment, it also inhibited the


decline of white blood cells due to radiation. Glossy privet fruit also exhibited


49.2% success rate in fighting cancer of the cervices of rats.


(7) Natural Indigo


Natural indigo contains indigo blue, etc. among which the most effective


anti-cancer ingredient is indirubin. Natural indigo can enhance the phagocytic


function of the mononuclear macrophage of animals suffering from cancer as well


as humoral immunity. With respect to the clinical experiments, it mainly


emphasized treatment and research of chronic leukemia.


(8) Radix Trichosanthis


Radix trichosanthis contains starch, saponin, protein and various amino


acids. Test results on ra