The Cancer Terminator Part II: True-to-Life Stories of 100 Cancer Survivors by Wang Zhen Guo - HTML preview

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Part 2
One Hundred Cancer Survivors’
Heart-Warming And Amazing Stories


Experiences In Successfully Defeating
Uterus Cancer And Breast Cancer

Defeat The Cancer Monster Twice


Edith Shih, 49, Housewife, San Francisco, U.S.A.,


Cherish Renewed Health With Heartfelt Gratitude


Miss Shimada, 44, Unemployed, Tokyo


Value Remaining Life More


Lady Nakagawa, 62, Housewife, Osaka


Pursue The Beautiful Life While Suffering From A Disease Beyond Cure


Miss Sato, 36, Housewife, Miyazaki County


A Beam of Light In The Darkness


Lau Siu Ying, 65, Housewife, Hong Kong


Living Is The Best Proof


Liang Bai Cuizhu, 62, Housewife, Taiwan, Taipei ………………………………………………………………………………………………

Experiences In Successfully Defeating Breast Cancer

Gain Courage In The Embrace of Nature


Lady Okada, 69, Housewife, Gifu County


Regain Vitality And Hope


Lady Nakada, 59, Housewife, Osaka


Relish The Joys Of Life


Lady Saho, 45, Teacher, Thailand


Reclaim Life With God’s Blessing


Lady Alina, 53, Housewife, Manila, Philippines


More Energetic Than Before


Wang Meiyun, 41, Housewife, Malaysia


The Threat Of Death Poses A Challenge


Lady Ohara, 43, Housewife, Totori County


Living Peacefully With Cancer


Mr. Gotou, 49, Tokushima County ………………………………………………………………………………………………

Experiences In Successfully Defeating Lung Cancer

A Warrior Who Has Fought Against Cancer For 10 Years


Mr. Fukuda, 68, Retired, Yamakuchi County


Family Members’ Love Defeat The Cancer Monster


Mr. Kisohara, 69, Company Employee, Mie County


“Confidence” Is The Only Road To Cure


Mr. Eta, 72, Retired, Yamaguchi County


Snatch The Last Straw


Mr. Kitahara, 45, Responsible Personnel of a Company, Osaka


Forget The Disease And Live A Vigorous Life


Mrs. Yang, 71, Housewife, Taipei, Taiwan


The Fortunes And Misfortunes Of Life Are Unpredictable


Lady Nakamura, 62, Housewife, Tokyo


Greet The 21st Century With My Wife


Lady Yamane, 55, Housewife, Fukushima County


It Is Not Impossible To Restore Life To Normal


Mr. Nakashima, 74, Retired, Tokyo


Family’s Support Is The Best Cure


Zhu Cheng, 66, Retired, Taipei, Taiwan


Change The Ruthless Prediction Of Death


Mr. Yakeshime, 64, Retired, Nakashima


A Mother Who Meets The End With Great Courage


Daughter’s account, Lu Taitai, 76, Retired, Taipei, Taiwan


It Is Not Long Before Returning To Society


Lim Mu Xin, 72, Company Owner, Fukuoka County


“Hope” Is Always At The Next Turn


Mr. Yamada, 41, Private Entrepreneur, Chiba County


Never Give Up


Lady Ishikawa, 67, Housewife, Tokyo


Iron-Like Will Power


Chen Liangyi, 60, Veteran, Taipei, Taiwan


For My Family’s Sake, I Should Not Be Defeated


Lau Wai, 55, Guard at a Primary School, Hong Kong


Only When I Fell Ill Did I Realize That Health Is Heaven


Wang Zhouhong, 63, Shop Owner, Malaysia


Relish the Happiness In Uttering Words Again


Kan Mukkwun, 54, Fire-fighter, Hong Kong ………………………………………………………………………………………………

Experiences In Successfully Defeating Liver Cancer

Climb From The Valley Of Despair


Mr. Kido, 66, Company Personnel, Osaka


How Joyful It Is To Live A Peaceful Life


Mr. Kimura, 59, Retired, Yamakuchi County


Face Disease With The Will-Power Needed In Climbing Mountains


Mr. Horikuchi, 70, Employee, Gunma County


Never Accept Failure


Lady Sawada, 77, Housewife, Byogo County


Trembling With The Wish For Recovery


Mr. Shimada, 65, Company Employee, Kanagawa County


Never Let Father Die Of Cancer


Mr. Oishi, 64, Private Entrepreneur, Kanagawa County


I Cannot Recall The Time When I Was Lying In Bed With Disease


Lady Hirashima, 53, Employee, Hiroshima County


I Believe, So I Recover


Putlapun, 53, Private Entrepreneur, Thailand


My Wife’s Great Love Gets Back My Health


Puttawala, 52, Thailand


Don’t Give Up!


Mr. Nakaro, 49, Private Entrepreneur, Miyagi County


It Is Like A Nightmare When I Look Back


Mr. Oshima, 62, Retired, Chiba County


It Is Better To Live Even Just One More Day


Mr. Ikeda, 51, Company Employee, Saidama County


Curb The Horse At The Cliff To Regain Your Health


Mr. Oda, 69, Retired, Tokyo


Finally, I Can Enjoy A Peaceful Life In My Old Age


Lady Namiki, 78, Housewife, Kanagawa County


The Ever Worsening Nightmare Finally Stops


Mr. Tokokawa, 67, Retired, Kanagawa County


Slip Through The Crevice Of The Fingers Of The God of Death


Lady Efuji, 51, Housewife, Byogo County


Inspire Determination To Fight Cancer


Mr. Cheng Chi Keung, 67, Retired, Hong Kong


Feel The Beauty Of Life


Jun Wan, 58, Writer, Taipei, Taiwan


Health Returns To Me


Chen Wumei, 70, Housewife, Taipei, Taiwan


I Am Not Alone In My Fight Against Cancer


Mr. Dong, 56, Teacher, Taipei, Taiwan


Rediscover The Love Between Grandparents And Grandsons


Mr. Nick Mark, 62, Business Consultant, New York, U.S.A. ………………………………………………………………………………………………

Experiences In Successfully Defeating Stomach Cancer

Make Good Use Of Medicine And Regain Life


Mr. Obune, 55, Company Employee, Tokyo


Start From The Victory At The Wei Qi Competition


Mr. Furotaka, 74, Retired, Tochigi County


The One Who Survived Cancer Stands Before You


Mr. Kobayashi, 71, Retired, Kanagawa County


Escape From The Tentacles Of Anti-Cancer Drugs


Lady Takada, 58, Housewife, Shiga County


Believing Is The Best Treatment


Mr. Nosaki, 65, Company Director, Tokyo


Feel The Essence Of Life Again


Mr. Watase, 56, Employee, Saga County


My Sincere Suggestions


Lady Kishima, 79, Housewife, Tokyo


I Believe In Miracles


Chen Wenchao, 60, Yeteral, Gaoxiong, Taiwan


Cancer Disappeared


Yeung Ching Wan, 58, Housewife, Hong Kong


Selected Treatments For Old Patients


Lady Kurosawa, 87, Housewife, Hokaido


Choice To Accept Silently Or Change My Lifestyle


Lady Noda, 64, Housewife, Tokyo ………………………………………………………………………………………………

Experiences In Successfully Defeating Intestinal Cancer

A Healthier Life After Cancer


Lady Okubo, 67, Housewife, Kanagawa County


Defeat Cancer With Absolute Confidence


Mr. Odachi, 48, Private Entrepreneur, Miyagaki County


A Miraculous Extension From 6 Months To 2 Years


Mrs. Huang, 57, Housewife, Gaoxiong, Taiwan


Reliance On Body And Heart After Operation


Chen Yueyen, 37, Unemployed, Malaysia


Sharing Happiness And Experience


Mr. Kawada,61, Retired, Hiroshima


Family Members Gave Me The Courage To Struggle For Survival


Mr. Fred Walltic, 52, Driver, U.S.A.


Changing Crisis Into Another Chance For Life


Lin Sufeng, 54, Middle School Teacher, Taiwan ………………………………………………………………………………………………

Experiences In Successfully Defeating Prostate Cancer

Miraculous Return to Life – A Surprising Delight


Mr. Sakui, 77, Company Director, Kanagawa County


Regain The Happiness Of Life


Mr. Kanada, 81, Retired, Tokyo ………………………………………………………………………………………………

Experiences In Successfully Defeating Malignant Lymph Tumor

Experiences In Fighting Cancer Four Times


Lady Matsuda, 57, Housewife


Symptoms Disappeared Quickly


Kong Chi Keung, 77, Retired, Hong Kong


Facing Death Courageously


Zeng Yuee, 32, Engaged in Processing Work, Taiwan


Cancer Cells Mysteriously Disappear


Jian Guodeng, 42, Manufacturing & Sales of Automotive Parts, Taipei


For My Wife’s Sake, I Shall Never Give Up


Huang Qingbiao, 37, Food Processor, Taiwan


Good Products Bring New Hope


Ma Meiyu, 46, Housewife, Thailand ………………………………………………………………………………………………

Experiences In Defeating Skin Cancer

Family’s Support Surpasses All


Lady Nagada, 49, Housewife, Gifu County


Determine To Co-exist With Cancer


Mr. Amenaka, 71, Retired, Chiba County ………………………………………………………………………………………………

Experiences In Defeating Bone Cancer

Overcome The Tremendous Pain Caused By Cancer


Lady Nagada, 69, Housewife, Shijuoka County


I Am Not The Only One Who Suffers From Cancer


Lady Yamamura, 65, Housewife, Kanagawa County


Miraculous Return to Life After Being Given Only 3 Months To Live


Mr. Klarkon, 57, College Professor, South Africa


My Experience With Bone Cancer


Wan Rsbiatul, 13, Student, Malacca ………………………………………………………………………………………………

Experiences In Successfully Defeating Laryngopharyns Cancer

Try Various Ways And Believe


Mr. Nakahara, 64, Retired, Igeraki County


Resolve Never To Give Up


Mr. Tanaka, 64, Private Entrepreneur, Saga County ………………………………………………………………………………………………

Experiences In Successfully Defeating Thyroid Gland Cancer

Desire Never To Give Up


Mr. Ikeyama, 41, Employee, Yamanashi County


If I Had Only Known Of Tian Xian Liquid Earlier


Zhu Zhi Chi, 62, Orderly, Taiwan ………………………………………………………………………………………………

Experiences In Successfully Defeating Nose Cancer

I Am Surprised At The Effects of Traditional Chinese Medicine


Putlachatta, 62, Private Entrepreneur, Thailand


Finding Hope And Not Despair


Zhou Yuzhen, 58, Carpenter, Taiwan


Reviving the Spirit and the Body


Lee Yuk Yin, 52, Businessman, Hong Kong ………………………………………………………………………………………………

Experiences In Successfully Defeating Esophagus Cancer

Renewed Happiness For Sons And Grandsons


Ding Suk Ying, 70, Housewife, Hong Kong


How To Care For The Body After Operation


Mr. Etou, 40, Employee, Nakashima County ………………………………………………………………………………………………

Experiences In Successfully Defeating Tongue Cancer

Value Life And Value Tian Xian Liquid


Cai Junhui, 42, Bus Driver, Taiwan ………………………………………………………………………………………………

Experiences In Successfully Defeating Malignant Thymus Tumor

No Side Effects Even With Chemical Treatment


Sing Kam Yuen, 36, Employee, Hong Kong ………………………………………………………………………………………………

Experiences In Successfully Defeating Other Diseases

Family Members Surprised By My Recovery


Lady Shimitsu, 63, Saitama County


Improved Physique


Miss Tobashi, 26, Employee, Tokyo


Conquer Excruciating Pain


Mr. Kikuchyo, 70, Retired, Kanagawa County


Iron Deficient Patient Enjoy Food Again


Mr. Nohara, 39, Employee, Tokyo


Natural Nutritious Liquid Conquers Listlessness


Miss Sakara, 29, Employee, Tokyo ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Eight years ago, my family immigrated to the U.S.A. and generally adapted well