The Cancer Terminator Part II: True-to-Life Stories of 100 Cancer Survivors by Wang Zhen Guo - HTML preview

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Defeat The Cancer Monster Twice
Edith Shih, 49, Housewife, San Francisco, U.S.A.

Do Not Question “Why Do I Suffer From Cancer?”


to life there. My mother-in-law died of cancer, so I took care of the cooking and kept


balanced activities. In my regular and normal life, I found I was quite fatigued in


October 1997 and my physiological cycle was in disorder. I went to the hospital for an examination and was diagnosed as suffering from uterus cancer.

“Why Did Cancer Catch Me?”

It was like lightning that struck from nowhere. When I was told I only have 5


years to live, I made up my mind to try various kinds of treatment. From the doctor’s


cold and mechanical tone, I felt that I was no longer a normal person but a “cancer patient”. I felt deeply that “the so-called cancer patients are targeted for mechanical


treatment in the medical system.”


I did not totally accept what doctors said. I made up my mind to have a thorough


understanding of my disease before deciding on treatment, since it was I who would


undergo the forthcoming treatment and defeat the disease. Tears could not solve the


problem. After I calmed down, I began to collect information.


I decided on the ring-like taper-shaped operation on the cervix of the uterus.


Since the cancer was detected at the early stage, it was not necessary to cut the whole


uterus. The uterus is the most important organ of women, so I thought my uterus should


be saved in any way. The doctor insisted, however, on cutting away the whole uterus and


ovary to prevent transmitting cancer to the other parts of my body. After listening to the


doctor’s suggestion, I became even more convinced that since I only had 5 years more to


live, I might as well keep my uterus. From then on, my fight against cancer began!


Shortly afterwards, however, a serious event happened. The part, which was to be


operated on bled terribly and could not be stopped. I drove to the hospital at once. When


I recall that event, it seems as if God was guiding me through the traffic as all the lights


turned green on my way to the hospital. Normally, it takes 25 minutes to go to the


hospital, but on that day, it took only 15 minutes and during rush hour at that!


The doctor at the hospital was surprised. The degree of bleeding was so profuse


that if I had arrived 5 minutes later, I would have died. I felt myself to be so lucky to


survive this incident that I began to take Tian Xian Liquid in the middle of January 1998.


One month later, in the middle of February, I returned to my hometown in Taipei


to celebrate the Spring Festival. The doctors there said that it was not necessary to cut away the whole uterus and ovary but rather to just undergo constant examination. After


returning to the United States, I was told by the doctor in charge and the consulting


doctor that an operation was no longer needed. I felt relieved and there were many


opportunities when I took the trouble of expressing my opinions and sharing my experiences with other cancer patients through the media and seminars.

Negligence Led To Another Attack Of Cancer

After a period of time, cancer attacked again. In June, I felt myself fully


recovered so I took a trip to Southeast Asia with members of my family. Maybe it was


the seafood I ate, like the shrimps, crabs and the hot food, I suddenly suffered pain in the


joints of my feet. I also felt quite tired for no apparent reason when we left for Japan in




Upon returning to the U.S.A., I immediately went to see a doctor who found a


hard lump in my breast. Since this happened to me some three years before and the hard


lump gradually disappeared after I took traditional Chinese medicine, I thought that it


was the same problem. To be more cautious, I decided to have further check-up. As I


had expected, the doctor diagnosed breast cancer this time and I regretted not taking Tian


Xian Liquid continuously. I also rued not taking notice of the food I ate because I


thought that my health had been restored. This latest attack taught me a very hard lesson.


Subsequently, the doctor suggested two remedies: cutting away part of the breast


(to include lymph vessels ) and undergoing radiation treatment or cutting away the whole


breast. A doctor of traditional Chinese medicine said that cutting away the whole breast


would cause great damage to the Jingluo and would have negative influence on the body. After considering all the possibilities, I went to the hospital and had surgery to cut away


part of my right breast. A tumor measuring 2.5 cm was taken out as well as lymph nodes


under the right armpit. Although I was diligently taking Tian Xian Liquid at that time, I


was unable to have a restful sleep. I felt my vital energy flow away so that I resorted to


applying Tian Xian plaster and slept till the following morning.


One month later, I began radiation treatment. During this time, I felt increasingly


weakened by the treatments. To prevent metastasis, I had my shoulder up to my


abdomen irradiated with radioactive rays. I felt pain in my liver and eventually in my


lungs. Since my air tube was very weak, I became breathless and coughed terribly. Finally, even my kidneys were in pain.

Grasp The Critical Moment And Never Give Up Easily

Looking back on the treatment process, I counted up to 33 times of radiation


treatment. There was tremendous pain which was an effect of the treatment. I decided to


add Tian Xian pills and Tian Xian plaster to my regimen and even went to nearby clinics


of traditional Chinese medicine to receive massotherapy on Jingluo. I ultimately felt the


side effects subside and my appetite revived. Life began to be full of vitality again. I


vowed to be strong for my family. Inspired by a strong will power, I completed the full


course of radiation treatment and returned to normal life.


First of all, we should be cautious in choosing the kind of treatment we will


undergo. Choose the one that will do the least harm to our body. We should try to regard


surgery as part of the treatment and combine other therapies to reduce any harm done to


our body. Once the reproductive organ is cut away, hormones will be in imbalance. As a result, other parts of the body such as the bladder, large intestine, and ureter will have


problems one by one. That is why I insisted on keeping my uterus and ovary. Since I


knew that many women could not have their bodies restored to normal and even lose


confidence in themselves once they lose their reproductive organ.


I appeal to everyone to avoid treatments that will put a heavy burden on the body.


Second, remember that recurrence is very likely when your immune system is down. As


for me, cancer attacked me again because of fatigue and disorder in my life during a trip


so I try never to disrupt the peaceful rhythm of my days.


Third, pay attention to your diet. Avoid certain foods. Do not eat what you know


can be harmful. Control the intake of meat and fats. It is best to eat five cereal, beans,


vegetable, and keep a balanced diet.


Fourth, control and disciple your emotions. After I found out I had cancer, I


introspected on my life. Since I always tried to be the best in all I do, I was constantly


under tremendous pressure to excel. When the disease caught me, I realized that it is not


always possible to attain perfection. I learned more about my personality in that span of


time when I was sick and made a thorough change.


No one can be perfect. After making sincere efforts, I find that I have become


more agreeable and gentler than before.


The last and the most important is to defeat cancer with the love and support of


your family members. I remember that on the day before my second operation, I came


back from the hospital to find my husband weeping in the dark. I asked him, “What’s the


matter with you?” “Mother died of cancer. But she was old so I can reconciled myself


with that and learn to face life again. But you are so young! How can I be expected to live through life without you?” “I love you and I can’t live with you. You can’t be


defeated this way. You should live on for me.” Shedding tears, he expressed his


inconsolable sadness. My husband traveled to other places in line with his work and he


could not take care of me all the time. His tears strengthened my resolve to regain my


health if only for his sake and for the sake of our children.


Now, I am very healthy and I live a happy life. I look back to that period of my


life and I can’t help but sigh with deep emotions; but, I have also obtained my most


precious experiences in this way. No matter what the diagnosis is, even if doctors cannot


help, one should never despair. Never give up for hope will come. I fight as one with those who are determined never to give up!