The Cancer Terminator Part II: True-to-Life Stories of 100 Cancer Survivors by Wang Zhen Guo - HTML preview

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A Beam Of Light In The Darkness
Lau Siu Ying, 65, Housewife, Hong Kong

Cancer attacked me again and I was thrown in great despair

I was first diagnosed as having uterus cancer in 1996. Part of my uterus and


ovary were cut away to prevent metastasis.


After the operation, I had radiation treatment to ensure that recurrence would be


prevented. In the spring of 1997, however, cancer cells were again found in the


remaining part of my uterus and had spread even to my chest and brain. I went through a


series of painful treatment but doctors were still unable to control the disease. This


inability of doctors drove me to the edge of despair. They could not assure me of


anything except that chemotherapy and radiation might help. I did not want to go


through meaningless treatments, however.


When I was feeling really desperate, Doctor Wang Zhenguo, whom my brother


knew, raised the suggestion of taking Tian Xian liquid continuously for half a year. I was somehow excited at this recommendation. Under his instructions, I began to take Tian


Xian liquid. My appetite was first revived and my physical condition, consequently,


improved. Six months after starting to take Tian Xian liquid, it became difficult to


discern that I even suffered from cancer. Even the doctors were amazed at my quick




When I went to the hospital for my monthly examination, the diagnosis was that the tumors had disappeared.