The Cancer Terminator Part II: True-to-Life Stories of 100 Cancer Survivors by Wang Zhen Guo - HTML preview

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Regain Vitality and Hope
Lady Nakada, 59, Housewife, Osaka

Cruel Tortures Came One After Another

Four years ago, Mother suffered from breast cancer. At that time, the tumor was


5 cm in size and had metastasized to the lymph gland. She was injected with anti-cancer


drugs immediately after surgery. About one year later, the tumor in the other breast


shrunk and it was time to cut away part of the breast and received radiation therapy. The


torture inflicted upon her, however, did not stop. Two years later, cancer cells were again


found in the lymph glands under her throat. The doctor finally admitted that Mother


would live only for one or two years more.


At that time, my elder brother saw some information on Tian Xian liquid on the


Internet. Frankly speaking, we did not trust the product even after reading detailed


accounts because we have tried numerous other anti-cancer secret prescriptions only to


find them useless. We had thought that Tian Xian liquid was just like them.


Since the hospital treatments were also proving to be useless and Mother was


gradually losing strength while at the same time constantly in pain for the side effects of


the anti-cancer drugs, we thought it best to give Tian Xian liquid a try. An order for the


product was immediately placed and Mother started to drink Tian Xian liquid 20 days


after receiving her sixth anti-cancer injection. The effect was instantly manifested. The tumor near the lymph gland shrunk! We, then, decided to have the anti-cancer drug


treatments stopped and simply kept a close eye on subsequent developments.


Four months later, the tumor did not shrink further but did not grow either.


Mother, however, became quite vigorous. Although she has not fully recovered, I am


convinced that Tian Xian liquid is the only medicine that can help her fight cancer. I


hope that all other cancer patients like Mother will have the chance to try Tian Xian liquid as soon as possible.