The Cancer Terminator Part II: True-to-Life Stories of 100 Cancer Survivors by Wang Zhen Guo - HTML preview

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Family Members’ Love Defeat the Cancer Monster
Mr. Kisohara, 69, Employee, Mie County

The Physical Body Of My Son Is In Tokyo But His Heart Is With Me

At first, the doctor declared that I only have half a year to live. The tumor was


found at the bottom of my right lung near the artery with a size of 7 cm x 6 cm in the


third stage. In an operation performed in March 1999, the tumor could not be cut away


completely. I had to undergo chemotherapy and radiation. In May, when I was in the


hospital again, I began to drink Tian Xian liquid. My youngest son who lives in Tokyo


accessed information on the Internet and studied the possibilities of traditional Chinese


medicine. His analysis led him to believe that the product can be most effective in


combating my illness.


After I took Tian Xian liquid, the side effects of the therapies abated. My sense of


taste was heightened so that I could enjoy delicious food and my strength consequently


revived. When I was released from the hospital in June, the tumor had already been


reduced to half its size. I continued to take Tian Xian liquid and the CT scan in


December last year and in March of this year revealed no trace of cancer cells. Now, I


am very energetic. I am active in gatherings and trips for senior citizens and I even participated in the regular meetings of the directors last year. Many directors said that I


looked refreshed.


Of course, I only have Tian Xian liquid to thank for my recovery. The people I


owe the most gratitude to are my son and wife; especially, my son who resides in Tokyo


but is very much concerned about me and often reminds me to take the Tian Xian liquid




To cure my disease, my son pours over volumes of books about cancer. Besides


Tian Xian liquid, he also told me of other treatments. I am so proud of my son who,


despite his busy schedule, always finds the time to check on me. I will fight cancer courageously to live up to my wife’s and my son’s love and care.