The Cancer Terminator Part II: True-to-Life Stories of 100 Cancer Survivors by Wang Zhen Guo - HTML preview

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Snatch The Last Straw
Mr. Kitahara, 45, Company Personnel, Osaka

The Shadow After 7 Years

In the cold early spring of February 1999, my elder brother had a fall while


inspecting a construction site. He had broken his rib and serious consequences followed.


He had gone through an operation some 7 years before and 4/5 of his stomach had been


surgically removed. He was worried about possible metastasis but kept this hidden from


relatives and friends. In related examinations after the fall, a shadow was found in his X


ray. Since he did not feel anything unusual, the doctor simply advised him to watch


for developments. At the end of the season, just as shoots started to sprout on twigs,


Brother suddenly felt piercing pain on his back.


At first, he thought the pain was in the muscle. It became so intense that an


ambulance had to be called in to bring him to the hospital. The cause of the unbearable


pain could not be pinpointed so another examination was carried out. The pain might


have been the initial symptom or abnormality we should have watched out for. The


diagnosis was like a lightning bolt! It was lung cancer. Since it had already metastasized to the bones, surgery was ruled out.

Never To Be Defeated By Cancer

“Why was there no symptom when the disease had already seriously developed?”


“Why is an operation difficult?” What was more unacceptable was that the doctor


admitted that Brother only had 2 years to survive! I still clearly remember the sorrow,


despair and panic of all the members of our family that day. We dared not look at each


other for fear of breaking down. We decided not to reveal the truth to Brother.


After the examination, radiation treatment began. He went through radiation 30


times and was subjected to anti-cancer drug treatment for 3 times (3 stages). Since he


was admitted into the hospital, I called him every day just to cheer him up. “I may have


caught cancer.” My brother’s suspicion was clear in his calm voice. I tried my best to


reassure him that he will recover. Such encouragement was not only meant for him but


for me as well. My elder sister, too, tried her best to suppress her grief. She constantly affirmed to him that he will never be defeated by cancer. We constantly reminded him to


have confidence in his recovery and not disappoint us.


I believed there must be some cure for the cancer and vowed to find it. I searched


medical academies and cancer hospitals for more information. The more I knew, the


more helpful it would be for Brother’s treatment. Finally, I found Tian Xian liquid,


which recorded actual effects on cancer. I called the Japanese branch of the International


Cancer Recovery Association in excitement. When I got the documents they send, I


happily shared these with my brother for I was sure I had found the cure he needed.


I bought Tian Xian liquid and Tian Xian pills and brought them to him in the


hospital. As Brother was to drink it, the doctor in charge said that it was not allowed to


take any other anti-cancer medicines except for those provided by the hospital. We had


to give up the idea temporarily and waited. Brother, however, suffered a great deal from


the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation. His white blood cells were down, he was


feverish all the time, he lost is appetite and felt enervated. He was, at one point, so


frustrated that he even wished he would just die. Eventually, the treatment course was


finished and Brother was able to leave the hospital. His physical examination, though ,


showed that the treatments were all in vain. There was no improved whatsoever in his


situation and the cancer cells were still very active. This threw everyone into despair!


What was the use of all those treatments and sufferings? Traditional Chinese


medicine was not allowed and the doctor’s instruction was followed. Yet, they could not


guarantee a cure. I, then, expressed the fact that if we do not seek other measures,


Brother will surely die. As soon as he was out of the hospital, I urged him to take the


Tian Xian liquid. He started his Tian Xian program by taking the liquid 6 times a day and the Tian Xian pills 3 times a day (9 pills at first). On the second day, he began to


walk around but was unstable and quickly out of breath. For the following 4 days, he


diligently took the medicine and everyone could see positive signs of recovery. He


slowly regained his appetite so his weight started to increase. His complexion turned


healthy and he was no longer breathless when walking around. I went to the doctor to


consult if the anti-cancer drugs still worked on patients who have already stopped the


treatments. I was told that it was impossible and I concluded that it must be the Tian


Xian products that are helping my brother prolong his life.


In September, my brother had his first examination after leaving the hospital. The


tumor shrunk and it was only within one month that my brother started taking Tian Xian


liquid and pills. In another month, the doctor asked my brother to return to the hospital to


continue the anti-cancer drug treatment. We were in a quandary as to what to do since


we did not want to contradict the doctor. My brother decided to go back to the hospital


and again, he lost his appetite and could not absorb any food, even fruits and vitamins


would not stay down. He was weaker than before and in October, decided to stop all anti-cancer drugs except Tian Xian liquid and Tian Xian pills.

Enjoy The Happiness Of Life Again

In November, I sought the help of a professor in the university hospital. I showed


him all the medical records and examination of Brother from the two hospitals where he


went for treatments. After a detailed study, he confirmed that the isotope examination


did not show any abnormalities and the bone cancer has stabilized. X-ray and CT scan


showed the cancer cells to be completely eliminated. At that time, my brother had been taking the Tian Xian products for three months. In December, with Christmas fast


approaching, the city was enveloped in a festive atmosphere. Brother went to the


university hospital for his regular check-up. Every time the doctor looked at the CT


picture, he could not help but smile and kept on saying “Very Good!” He declared


Brother to be in perfect health and cautioned that he just had to watch out for any


recurrence. My brother was so overjoyed he even asked if he could drink wine. The


professor, too, was infected with Brother’s good humor.


The examination in January and February 2000, likewise, showed that cancer


cells have completely disappeared and that Brother’s physical strength has resumed.


My hardworking brother is now back at his post and he looks more energetic with


each passing day.


I would like to express my thanks to every member of the Japanese branch of the


International Cancer Recovery Association and Dr. Wang, who had been most


encouraging and to God, who has always blessed us even through our crisis! I also hope


that all cancer patients will take Tian Xian liquid as soon as possible, find reliable doctors and never give up!