The Cancer Terminator Part II: True-to-Life Stories of 100 Cancer Survivors by Wang Zhen Guo - HTML preview

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Greet The 21st Century With My Wife
Lady Yamane, 55, Housewife, Fukushima County

Modern Medicine Could Not Help

In November 1999, my wife went to the hospital for an examination due to great


pain on her shoulder. The doctor announced that there was a tumor of 1.5 cm at the


lower part of her right lung. Since it was discovered early, there was no danger of death


if only the tumor can be removed right away. In December, while my wife and I were


waiting for the scheduled operation, the doctor in charge requested me to go to the


hospital alone.


He explained to me that although the primary cancer is small, it is highly


malignant and had metastasized to other parts of her body. Finally, he said that my wife


would be lucky to live another year. I was overwhelmed at this news. I was dazed and


almost fainted. After my wife’s surgery, there followed a series of anti-cancer drug


treatments. It had to be stopped, however, because of the excruciating pain she suffered.


The doctor commiserated with us and said that even modern medicine could not help


some times. I could not give up. I began to search for various kinds of prescriptions, collect


health magazines and information from advertisements in the newspapers. I let my wife


try all kinds of medicines which we may have heard of as effective. I got to know about


Tian Xian liquid and bought the product for my wife.


From then on, my wife seemed exempted from the side effects of the anti-cancer


drugs and we even managed to take a trip.


In fact, I did not reveal her real condition to my wife but only assured her that it


was to prevent further cancer attack. My wife also waited to see the effects of Tian Xian


liquid and took it regularly. She caught a terrible cold in November last year and this led


to water accumulation in her right lung. In the hospital, she could not take in food and


could not sleep because of the pain on the part that was operated on. Her back also


bothered her incessantly and we had to rely only morphine to stop the pain. Further


examinations showed that the cancers cells have spread to her ribs and caused the


constant pain. Seeing my wife afflicted in such manner is a spiritual suffering beyond


human description.


Now, we can only expect Tian Xian liquid to take effect. It is only hope that I may smell the air of the 21st century with my wife.