The Cancer Terminator Part II: True-to-Life Stories of 100 Cancer Survivors by Wang Zhen Guo - HTML preview

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Choice To Accept Silently Or Change My Lifestyle
Lady Noda, 64, Housewife, Tokyo

About ten years ago, I was busy working in the Mother Ballet Classroom and


Nursery while my eldest daughter was under treatment in the hospital. May because of


overwork, I felt acute pain and nausea and had to be admitted to the hospital myself. The


doctor recommended that I stay in the hospital for further tests as I might have some kind


of stomach disease. This unexpected suggestion surprised me. In my entire life, I only


went to the hospital to give birth to my children and another time, for surgery on my


caecum. I find that this time, I had to stay in the hospital.


After I had various tests, an operation was performed to remove my whole


stomach. I was released two months later but was re-admitted for the doctor to inject


drip-feeding into my body. All this time, I did not know what was happening to me


although I felt that something was terribly wrong with the situation. At that time, I


started to feel terribly sick. I lost all my hair and experienced difficulty in eating.


Since I had no knowledge of medical procedures, it was my husband who


explained everything to me. It was only then that I understood that the doctor was giving


me anti-cancer drug to prevent metastasis or the spread of cancer. The side effects of the


anti-cancer drug made me suffer horribly so much so that I was even unable to think


clearly. Upon leaving the hospital, I was so weakened by the operation on my stomach and to avoid obstruction in the intestine and reverse flow of food, I was enjoined to eat


very, very slowly.


Thus, ten years passed. My husband and I still took trips to other place and I


recovered some energy to even take care of my grandson. Life was no different from


before. As I was beginning to feel confident and relaxed about my physical condition,


my regular physical examination again showed something wrong with my digestive


organ and large intestine endoscopy was required. I believe many people have undergone


such examination. The patient is normally instructed to fast prior to this examination so


that the large intestine will be empty and clean. Before the procedure, the patient is given


2 liters of intestine cleaning water to drink. With my condition, I had to drink even


nutrients in halves so that I could in no way take 2 liters of this intestine cleaning water.


Because of this inability, I had to give up the examination. One week later, I was again


in the hospital to receive intestinal lavage and blood test and for further observation by


the doctor.


My husband, who had previously had surgery for stomach cancer three year


before, advised me to take Tian Xian liquid with him. But I found it difficult to swallow.


I found out that natural nutritious liquid was added to the Tian Xian series of products so


that I was encouraged to drink this immediately. Contrary to my expectation, it was easy


to drink the liquid after all. I started then to take two bottles every day.


Although the natural nutritious liquid is different from Tian Xian liquid, which is


intended to kill cancer and has the same function as other nutritious liquids, it still


improved and boosted my immunity. It was beneficial to my health as it contains the


same medicinal herbs as Tian Xian liquid. After taking this for one week or ten days, I found that such symptoms like feeling dazed or breathlessness were minimized. I no


longer felt cold in my hands and feet but warm all over.


Although I have to continue and undergo regular blood test, I expect I will benefit


tremendously from “Natural Nutritious Liquid”. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… As the proverb says, “Find a floating wood when drowning in water”. In June