The Disability Experience II by Debbie Johnson - HTML preview

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Pale Spring Dawn

Pale spring dawn broke the horizon, starting sunny March morning. A second new beginning likewise transpired, both awful and wonderful. This one started as a crack, a single solitary line in the glass of life. Developing tentacles, it spread, shattering all that had been, was expected. All encompassing, past sins erased. New dawn replaced darkness of night, fears held. At once both pain, enlightenment. Creation of new life, old blessedly forever gone.

Slowly, sun’s rays began to melt the ice of yesterdays. Tear drops flowed freely, warmth replacing frigidness of life past. Painstakingly slow, soul, inner core, once hard as stone, softened.

Once hard tentacles became

soft.  A web catching permanent night before becomes future. Old baggage sifted through, fresh life captured. Self-serving rock of materialism and power struck down, revealing dawn of gentle softness. A new day, a second chance. A life forever changed…

cracked rock softens

supports solitary seed

as wild rose unfolds