The Disturbing Truth by Irfan Iftekhar - HTML preview

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img8.png When the science is explained step by step and the facts are connected one by one, the details become clear and understandable. Because nutrition is an active science, staying current is paramount. The number of foods has increased dramatically. The connections between good food and bad food have become more apparent-and our interest in making smart health choices has followed. The science of nutrition has grown rapidly, with new "facts" emerging daily and thus busting myths. History is replete with unfounded health beliefs, and to everyone’s detriment, the milk myth is among the most tenacious.

Most of us do not know that cow’s milk protein may play a role in triggering type 1 diabetes through a process called molecular mimicry, across countries, populations that consume more dairy have higher rates of multiple sclerosis. A large observational cohort study in Sweden found that women consuming more than 3 glasses of milk a day had almost twice the mortality over 20 years compared to those women consuming less than one glass a day.

Similarly very few of us know that Chocolate is not a food but a Toxin, with very high oxalate content, especially in cocoa which can cause kidney stones and can trigger headaches in migraine sufferers. The most lethal being the refined sugar, which is worse than nothing because it drains and leaches the body of precious vitamins and minerals through the demand its digestion. You will find this book a myth buster.

I hope that this book serves you well.



Scientifically, nutrients are a mixture of carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamins and minerals while nutrition is about how our body uses food. These nutrients are essential for our growth, development and good health. All living things need water and food to live, but a balance in our food is necessary because our bodies derive all the energy and structural materials from the foods we eat. Health conscious people always think twice about what they eat, how they eat and when they eat.

img11.png Macronutrient include carbohydrate, proteins and fat which provide the human body with energy and are required in large amounts for growth, metabolism.

img12.png Micronutrients are also called trace elements which include cobalt, chromium, copper, iodine, zinc, manganese, selenium and molybdenum. These all micronutrients are needed in small quantities by the human body are essential elements needed by life in small quantities. They include micro minerals and Vitamins.


Your body is a carefully planned arrangement of cells, molecules, atoms, organs, bones and tissues. And none of these every take a nap throughout your life even when you are asleep. All are in a continuous movement, some changing, some rejuvenating and some dying only to make place for newly born cells.

In seven years your skin is replaced by new cells, you may be 30 years of old, but your red blood cell is just 120 days old, whether you are a vegetarian or a non- vegetarian, your digestive tract's entire lining is renewed in three to five days





Archaeological evidence reveal that the milking of dairy cows became a part of Ancient Sumerian civilization approximately during 3000 B.C.E. The Sumerians drank milk and also made butters and cheeses. In 1750 BCE when Vedic civilization ruled India, domesticated cow was used for dairy products. The Bible contains some fifty references to milk and milk products. In 1525 First cattle arrive in Vera Cruz, Mexico and are later known as Texas Cattle, the settlers transport the cattle to South America and are then rapidly multiplied. We get milk from cows, after the cows are milked the milk is stored at 38°F, from where it goes to the processing plants where it is pasteurized or in plain words heated up to 162°F for 16 seconds so that germs and bacteria are killed and then kept again at 38°F. After pasteurization it is homogenized so that fat globules is broken and blended with milk.


img19.pngThe percent of milk fat distinguishes one type of milk over another. Having 3.5% milk fat gives this milk its creamy texture. Whole milk has abundance of fatty acids and hence good for nervous system. Whole milk never comes fortified with any vitamins.



img22.png It can be with reduced-fat, low-fat, or skim milk plus cocoa and sweeteners but offers more calories.

img23.png It is commercially made by adding lactic acid to low fat or skim milk and is also known as sour milk.

img24.png It has bacterial culture and is either low fat or skim milk, is more digestive

img25.png It is an alternative to cow's milk and is made from soybean proteins, good for people who cannot digest lactose




This is confusion, the Government officials warn against raw milk, particularly to infants and children; while some parents have described that when they switched to raw milk it helped alleviate serious health conditions in their children. Here are two anecdotes from the files of the Weston A. Price Foundation. ‘A two-year-old boy with very serious asthma: After the mother put the boy on raw cow’s milk, the child went through the entire winter without a visit to the doctor for any reason and no asthma attacks except for one, a serious attack that occurred after the boy consumed pasteurized milk while on a family trip.’

‘Another report describes an autistic eight-year-old boy who had not spoken a word since the sudden onset of autism at the age of two.

After two months on raw cow’s milk, all autistic behavior disappeared and the child began to babble as a prelude to speech. The only dietary or treatment change was a switch from pasteurized to raw milk’.

How this raw milk made the parents happy is anyone’s imagination. Yet the official instance remains the same that these children have no right to consume raw milk and the parents who give raw milk commit child abuse. These true anecdotes are termed as ‘case histories’ but for the happy parents who observed each hour of their child recovery, these are a true observational science.

According to John Sheehan of the FDA, “Claims that raw milk has miraculous disease-curing properties are not supported by the scientific literature”. Make a note that he says that these properties of raw milk are not ‘supported’ in the scientific literature, but does not deny its existence. The question is why this lack of credible literature in scientific literature about the true health benefits of raw milk. The answer is very simple, who is going to waste his or her time on such an unrewarding research.

How this raw milk made the parents happy is anyone’s imagination. Yet the official instance remains the same that these children have no right to consume raw milk and the parents who give raw milk commit child abuse. These true anecdotes are termed as ‘case histories’ but for the happy parents who observed each hour of their child recovery, these are a true observational science.

According to John Sheehan of the FDA, “Claims that raw milk has miraculous disease-curing properties are not supported by the scientific literature”. Make a note that he says that these properties of raw milk are not ‘supported’ in the scientific literature, but does not deny its existence.

The question is why this lack of credible literature in scientific literature about the true health benefits of raw milk. The answer is very simple, who is going to waste his or her time on such an unrewarding research.


We have no scientific evidence that consuming raw milk provides any advantages over pasteurized milk and milk products," said a statement from Dr. Yvonne Maldonado, lead author of the policy statement, a professor of pediatrics at the Stanford School of Medicine and an infectious disease expert.


In such confusing scenario, the consumer seems lost with such questions like whom to believe and how to believe? Are the old studies null and void now? Were our parents and grandparents wrong to recommend raw milk or there is something fishy about raw milk? The answer seems to be ‘no’ and ‘yes’. No because the studies conducted during 1930’s and 1940’s were conducted by nutrition experts of the time; our parents and grandparents were not wrong when they appreciated the quality and benefits of raw milk and recommended it too. ‘Yes’ because there is something fishy about raw milk. The answer seems to be no’ and ‘yes’. No because the studies conducted during 1930’s and 1940’s were conducted by nutrition experts of the time; our parents and grandparents were not wrong when they appreciated the quality and benefits of raw milk and recommended it too. ‘Yes’ because there is something fishy about raw milk.


The average dairy cow today must consume approximately eighty pounds of natural food a day to keep producing so much milk. But in fact it is not so.


In the corporate world’s dairy industry the cows live in crowded in dirt feedlots and are fed and bred with just one focus, maximum milk at minimum cost. What is going in within the confines of the cattle farms of the corporate dairy industry is kept as high secret. Professor Emeritus of Animal Nutrition at Oregon State University, Peter R. Cheeke who has served on the editorial boards of The Journal of Animal Science and Animal Feed Science and Technology said, "One of the best things modern animal agriculture has going for it," he says, "is that most people ... haven’t a clue how animals are raised and processed ... For modern animal agriculture, the less the consumer knows about what’s happening, the better."


The truth is that grass-fed cows are healthier and their meat safer. Cows are not suited to a diet of corn and other artificial fodder. High in starch, a poor source of calcium and magnesium, corn and other fodder upsets the cow's stomach, making it unnaturally acidic, it allows a whole range of parasites and diseases to gain a foothold, including the pathogenic E-coli 0157:H7 bacterium.


The meat from grass fed cow is lower both in fat and in artery-clogging saturated fat and provides omega-3 fats. Hannia Campos of the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston and her colleagues found, in a study of 4,000 people, that people with the highest concentrations of CLAs the top fifth among all participants had a 36 percent lower risk of heart attack compared to those with the lowest concentrations (7). "Because pasture grazing leads to higher CLA in milk, and it is the natural feed for cattle, it seems like more emphasis should be given to this type of feeding," s Monsanto developed the recombinant Bovine Growth


Hormone (rBGH) which is injected every two weeks in cows to force produce more milk (12). Its introduction sparked a huge controversy he had once told Reuters Health by email. Monsanto's own data shows that there is a 79% increase in mastitis (udder infections) and a resulting 19% increase in somatic cell counts (pus & bacteria in the milk).

Monsanto warning label says "use of POSILAC may result in an increase in digestive disorders such as indigestion, bloat, and diarrhea....'. The cows are thus affected with clinical mastitis which increased the amount of cow’s pus and which is treated with antibiotics, the residues of antibiotics are thus present in the milk. A study by the Wall Street Journal (Dec. 1989) about the antibiotic residues in milk found that 20% of the milk had illegal antibiotics present and this was later confirmed in a May 1992 Consumers Reports study. IGF-1 is a naturally-occurring hormone found in the milk of both cows and humans.

It affects cell growth and is responsible for the quick growth of infants in both species and is present in mother's milk, since it is meant to be consumed by infants. But when this milk is consumed by grownups, it acts as a cancer


accelerator as IGF-1 is not destroyed in the pasteurization process. It may be noted that Monsanto, Eli Lilly, Upjohn, and American Cyanamid are the four corporations that stood to profit from the $500 Million to be made from worldwide marketing of rBGH. Monsanto, corporation brought Agent Orange and PCBs, a chemical so toxic that congress banned it in 1976. In a case reported in Pediatric Annals (8), a seven-year-old boy with asthma and severe cow's milk allergy was admitted to hospital. He was served a chicken broth, on the assumption that it would be perfectly fine for him to consume. The server was focused on the broth containing no lactose; unfortunately, it had been fortified with casein, the predominant protein in cow's milk. After just two spoonful’s, the boy pulled off his oxygen tube and began clawing and scratching at his chest. He had obvious difficulty breathing, his facial skin turned blue, his heart rate became bradycardic (dropped to less than fifty beats per minute), and his upper arm stiffened. A cardiac team was rushed to his bed, administered CPR, and was able to improve his respiration and heart rate.

While the boy survived, he has suffered from some neurological difficulties since the episode


In Asia Oxytocin is called ‘love hormone' and is injected in cows to enhance milk. There have been consistent raids on cattle farms across India as this drug is now being used in alarming levels and it can cause irregular hormonal growth in children. Scientists’ have found out how to significantly increase the size of animals with chemicals. Grass-fed cows are healthier and their meat safer. Cows are not suited to a diet of corn and other artificial fodder. High in starch, a poor source of calcium and magnesium, corn and other fodder upsets the cow's stomach, making it unnaturally acidic, it allows a whole range of parasites and diseases to gain a foothold, including the pathogenic E-coli 0157:H7 bacterium.

There have been consistent raids on cattle farms across India as this drug is now being used in alarming levels and it can cause irregular hormonal growth in children. Scientists’ have found out how to significantly increase the size of animals with chemicals. Unfortunately, humans are the main consumers of such a daring experiment.

There is no way to remove the types of hormones in Cows before it is consumed. Heat, digestion and other processes do not totally eliminate the chemicals. It simply moves up the chain of foods. A series of studies have also showed that Zeranol, a synthetic estrogen and is specifically designed to be a growth promoter in cows and pigs. It increases the risk of cancer in cows and humans alike.





(Pictures courtesy: Salemnews)