The Foundations of Good Health by Lois Francis - HTML preview

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A retinol Necessary for growth and repair of body tissues, health of eyes, fights bacteria and infection, aids in bone, nerve and teeth formation. Beta carotene is best form especially during pregnancy.

Deficiency can cause skin infection, headaches, and impaired or dry eyes.

Found in: Spirulina, fish liver oils, liver, kidney, eggs, milk, butter, cream, cheese, carrots, vegetables.

B1 Thiamine Needed for the release of energy from food, essential for digestion, nervous system and coping better with stress.

Deficiency can result in tiredness, nausea, loss of appetite, depression.

Found in: Dried brewers yeast, wheatgerm, oats, pork, nuts, wholemeal bread and cereals, brown rice, milk.

B2 Riboflavin Aids in formation of antibodies and red blood cells, maintains cell respiration.

Deficiency can cause cracks and sores on mouth and dermatitis.

Found in: Liver, fish, milk, eggs, leafy green vegetables, lean meat, fortified bread and cereals.

B3 Niacin Releases energy from food, helps maintain healthy skin, hair and the lining of organs such as nose and throat.

Deficiency can cause digestive disturbances, sore mouth and gums.

Found in: Yeast extract, wheat bran, mackerel, liver, chicken, beef, wholemeal bread, soya beans, raisins.

B5 Pantothenic Acid Involved with the body’s immune system, participates in the release of energy from carbohydrates, fats and protein.

Deficiency can lead to vomiting, restlessness, blood and skin disorders.

Found in: Meat, whole grains, wheat germ, kidney, liver, green vegetable, nuts, chicken.

B6 Pyridoxine Helps make healthy red blood cells and regulates nervous system, works as a natural diuretic. Important for amino acid metabolism.

Deficiency can lead to dermatitis, dandruff, water retention.

Found in: Wheatgerm, oats, bakers yeast, yeast extract, mackerel, liver, nuts, soya beans, potatoes.

B9 Folic Acid Necessary for growth and division of body and red blood cells, aids metabolism of proteins, also helps make RNA and DNA, aids transmission of genetic code.

Deficiency can cause anaemia, poor growth, poor memory, problems in new-born, spina bifida.

Found in: Alfalfa sprouts, chick peas, bakers yeast & extracts, soya beans, lentils, wheatgerm, green leafy vegetables, eggs, liver, oats, nuts, cheese.

B12 Cobalamin Maintains healthy nervous system, essential for the production of red blood cells.

Deficiency can cause anaemia and pernicious anaemia, hair loss, nervousness, neuritis.

Found in: Spirulina, liver and kidney, mackerel, lamb, pork beef, fish, eggs, cheddar cheese, full fat milk.

C Ascorbic Acid Gives strength to blood vessels, will help provide resistance to infections, aids in absorption of iron, important to healthy skin, gums and blood vessels.

Deficiency can lead to nosebleeds, swollen or painful joints, easy bruising.

Found in: Citrus fruit, guavas, blackberries, parsley, green peppers, strawberries, watercress, brussel sprouts, kale, potatoes, green vegetables.

D Calciferol Helps body to absorb calcium and phosphorous, helps in treatment of conjunctivitis. It also influences the function of over 200 genes in the body and deficiency is linked with many chronic diseases.

Deficiency can cause softening of bones, poor teeth formation.

Found in: Fish liver oil, sardines, herring, salmon, tuna, full fat milk and dairy products. Made by the body in response to sunlight on the skin.

E Tocopherol Needed for muscle strength and hormone production, important as an antioxidant, may prevent and dissolve blood clots.

Deficiency can lead to muscular wasting, rupture of red blood cells.

Found in: wheatgerm oil, avocados seed oils, sunflower seeds, almonds, spinach, wheatgerm, cod liver oil, peanut oil, soya beans, green vegetables.

H Biotin Essential for breaking down and metabolising fats in the body, glucose activity, important for healthy skin tissues.

Deficiency can result in muscle pain, dermatitis, depression, extreme exhaustion.

Found in: Bakers yeast, liver, kidney, brown rice, mushroom, wheatgerm, oats, eggs, cauliflower, wholemeal bread, mackerel, milk, vegetables.

K Menadione Essential for blood clotting, helps to prevent internal bleeding and haemorrhage, aids in reducing excessive menstrual flow.

Deficiency can increase the tendency to haemorrhage.

Found in: Cauliflower, brussel sprouts, kelp, cabbage, spinach, peas, wholegrain cereals, egg yolk, fish liver oil, yoghurt, soya bean oil.