The Foundations of Good Health by Lois Francis - HTML preview

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The Benefits of Change

While the survey showed an immensely strong association between diet and health, this is not the same as proving that poor diet causes poor health. So, the third part of the survey set out to change people’s nutrition and measure the results.


At the same time, twenty two senior managers received one-to-one consultations with a nutritional therapist. Three months later their health was reassessed and showed a massive improvement. Energy levels had gone up by 25%, the majority of women no longer reported PMS and most of those who were overweight lost weight without trying.

Along with Patrick Holford, I believe that many of the diseases of the affluent Western Society such as arthritis, high blood pressure, heart disease, stress and diabetes are preventable and can be reversed to an extent with diet  improvements. This challenges the medical view that such conditions are “illnesses” and as such should be treated with drugs.

Preliminary results from our own research show that food intolerance affects many people with digestive problems such as I.B.S. Eliminating wheat and dairy from the diet has brought improvement in symptoms for 91% of the people surveyed. This is a staggeringly high percentage of people who didn’t previously know that wheat and dairy consumption was actually creating their symptoms!

You can test yourself for food intolerance using a simple pin prick blood test kit. I recommend the Food Detective Kit which you can purchase online from It’s a lot cheaper than some blood tests on offer and will give you enough information to help you make sensible changes to your diet.
