Serves 2 / Prep time: 5 minutes
Likers of the popular candy featuring chocolate and peanut butter would enjoy the same flavor combination for breakfast or dinner a filling snack. For a more smooth chocolaty taste, add a teaspoon of great-quality coco powder and a couple of drops of liquid stevia. These additions will not add any fat, protein, or carbs to the smoothie, only 3 calories per serving.
1 cup water
¾ cup coconut cream
1 scoop chocolate proteinpowder
2 tablespoons natural peanut butter
3 icecubes
PER SERVING Calories: 486; Fat: 40g; Protein: 30g; Carbs: 11g; Fiber: 5g; Net Carbs: 6g; Fat 70%/Protein 20%/Carbs 10%